Generic Activity: Speed & Agility Football Theme: 1 v 1
SFA Youth Action Plan
Coaching Session Planner
Organisation : Mark out boundaries, a “safe” atkral
both ends of the playing area and an area to be
defended in between them. Place objects in
area to be defended. Select 3-4 (or more)
defenders. Remaining players are scattered in
the play area.
Activity : Players defend the wall by trying to
keep the others from grabbing an object and
getting it back to a “safe” area without being
tagged. If caught, they become a defender.
Game ends when all objects are in safe area
OR all players are caught.
仓木麻衣 孙燕姿
大连英语老师Yellows players take the ball and form a circle. Red
players without a ball position themlves inside the
phscircle. Yellow players with the ball feed pass from
hands/feet to red player who returns pass to feeder:
1) Ground Pass
2) Half Volley
3) Volley
4) Head
5) Various surface control and pass.
Start with partner, then move round group then
switch positions.
SFA Youth Action Plan
Coaching Session Planner
C. TECHNICAL DRILL – 1 v 1 Red player dribbles ball out from by-line towards goal and at half-way point tramps ball and moves away to defend goal. Yellow player moves forward to collect ball and attacks goal. Players alternate as defender and attacker.
Encourage players to utili moves shown in previous weeks. Up and down leagues format could be ud as a variation. E. COOL-DOWN
Half the group dribble freely in a defined area,whilst the other half follow static stretching activity. Switch group every 60 conds. Players in posssion can attempt to nutmeg or pass round and retrieve players performing stretches.
D. SMALL-SIDED GAMES – Choice of Top Left: End line game - dribble over end-line to score. Top Right: Keep Ball - e.g. 5 concutive pass = 1 goal Bottom Left: 4v4 with or without Gk's Bottom Right: 4 goal game - score in any of opponents two goals - emphasis on width.
Coaching Session Planner
Generic Activity: Coordination Football Theme: Creative Movement
Running Circuit
Players start behind gate A. Jog up to ladders (B)
and fast feet (single run). Jog on to cones (C) side
skip to each cone. jog over to hurdles (D) multiple
jumps. After the last hurdle sprint through gate E.
Jog back through gate F and down to gate G. Start
circuit again.
NOTE - Once stage C is reached the next player
can go.
Follow the Leader - In pairs, with a ball between 2,
players are encouraged to dribble freely throughout
the defined area. At first reds take posssion, with泛滥的意思
every posssion 'change' dictated by the coach.
Conditions of moving with the ball can include:
1) Preferred foot only; 2) Weak foot only; 3) Inside-
outside; 4)
Introduce dynamic stretching towards the end of the
warm-up pha.
C. TECHNICAL DRILL 1 - Creative Movement Players at first are encouraged to dribble freely with the ball showing various moves to beat opponents and changes of direction. Players eventually progress to dribbling through a gate on the coaches’signal. Players should be encouraged to u both feet,show changes of direction and speed, awareness of the gates and show various dribbling moves.
E. COOL-DOWN Half the group dribble freely in a defined area,whilst the other half follow static stretching activity.Switch group every 60 conds. Players in posssion can attempt to nutmeg or pass round and retrieve players performing stretches.
D. SMALL-SIDED GAMES – Choice of Top Left: End line game - dribble over end-line to score. Top Right: Keep Ball - e.g. 5 concutive pass =1 goal Bottom Left: 4v4 with or without Gk's Bottom Right: 4 goal game - score in any of opponents two goals - emphasis on width. McDonalds Coaching Programme
C. TECHNICAL DRILL 2 - Creative Movement a) 30 conds to dribble through as many gates as possible; b) 2 teams, 1 v 1 dribbling - 1 player from each team speed dribble through all gates and back to start.
Players should be encouraged to u both feet,show changes of direction and speed, awareness of the gates and show various dribbling moves. Coaching Session Planner
Dribbling Skills Test
Dribbling Skills Test - Player has 30 cs to complete as many shuttles within defined area while executing moves to beat an opponent at centre cone and changes of direction at end gates. Player must go through gate before executing move.
Players with a ball each are encouraged to dribble freely within the defined area. Conditions of moving with the ball can be added as follows: 1) Preferred foot only 2) Weak foot only 3) Inside-outside 4)Inside-inside
Introduce players to the inside cut move.
Introduce dynamic stretching towards the end of the warm-up pha.
Coaching Session Planner