jac, ject | throw | reject, eject, project, trajectory, interject, dejected, inject, ejaculate, adjacent |
join, junct | join | adjoining, enjoin, juncture, conjunction, injunction, conjunction |
judice | judge | prejudice |
jug, junct, just | to join | junction, adjust, conjugal |
juven | young私人秘书 | juvenile, rejuvenate |
labor | work | laborious, belabor |
lau, lav, lot, lut | wash | launder, lavatory, lotion, ablution, dilute twenty twelve |
lect, leg, lig | choo, gather, lect, read | collect, legible, eligible |
leg | law | legal, legislate, legislature, legitimize |
月光传说-less | Adjective: without, missing | motiveless |
levi | light | alleviate, levitate, levity |
lex, leag, leg | law | legal, college, league |
liber, liver | free | liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance |
lide | strike | collide, nuclide |
liter | letters | literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate |
loc, loco | place, area | location, locally, locality, allocate, locomotion |
log, logo, ology | word, study, say, speech, reason, study | catalog, prologue, dialogue, zoology, logo |
loqu, locut | talk, speak | eloquent, loquacious, colloquial, circumlocution |
luc, lum, lun, lus, lust | light | translucent, luminary, luster, luna, illuminate, illustrate |
lude | play | prelude |
-ly | Adverb: in the manner of | fluently |
macr-, macer | lean | emaciated, meager |
magn | great | magnify, magnificent, magnanimous, magnate, magnitude, magnum |
main | strength, foremost | mainstream, mainsail, domain, remain |
mal | bad, badly | malformation, maladjusted, dismal, malady, malcontent,malfunction, malfeasance, maleficent |
man, manu | hand, make, do | manual, manage, manufacture, manacle, manicure, manifest, maneuver, emancipate, management |
mand | command | mandatory, remand, mandate |
mania | madness | mania, maniac, kleptomania, pyromania |
mar, mari, mer | a, pool | marine, marsh, maritime, mermaid |
matri | mother | matrimony, maternal, matriarchate, matron |
medi | half, middle, between, halfway | mediate, medieval, Mediterranean, mediocre, medium | thursday的音标
mega | great, million | megaphone, megaton, megaflop, megalomaniac, megabyte, megalopolis |
mem | recall, remember | memo, commemoration, memento, memoir, memorable |
ment | mind | mental, mention |
-ment | Noun: condition or result | document |
meso | middle | mesomorph, mesoamerica, mesosphere |
meta | beyond, change | metaphor, metamorphosis, metabolism, metahistorical, metainformation |
meter | measure 破句 | meter, voltammeter, barometer, thermometer |
metr | admeasure, apportion | metrics, asymmetric, parametric, telemetry |
micro | small, millionth | microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer, microvolt |
migra | wander | migrate, emigrant, immigrate |
mill, kilo | thousand | millennium, kilobyte, kiloton |
milli | thousandth | millicond, milligram, millivolt |
min | little, small | minute, minor, minuscule |
mis | wrong, bad, badly | misconduct, misinform, misinterpret, mispronounce, misnomer, mistake, misogynist |
mit, miss | nd | emit, remit, submit, admit, commit, permit, transmit, omit, intermittent, mission, missile |
mob, mov, mot | move | motion, remove, mobile, motor |
mon | warn, remind | monument, admonition, monitor, premonition |
mono | one | monopoly, monotype, monologue, mononucleosis, monorail, monotheist, |
mor, mort | mortal, death | mortal, immortal, mortality, mortician, mortuary |
morph | shape, form | amorphous, dimorphic, metamorphosis, morphology, polymorphic, morpheme, amorphous |
multi | many, much | multifold, multilingual, multiped, multiply, multitude, multipurpo, multinational |
nano | billionth | nanocond, nanobucks |
nasc, nat, gnant, nai | to be born | nascent, native, pregnant, naive |
nat, nasc | to be from, to spring forth | innate, natal, native, renaissance |
neo | new | Neolithic, nuveau riche, neologism, neophyte, neonate |
-ness | Noun: state, condition, quality | kindness |
neur | nerve | neuritis, neuropathic, neurologist, neural, neurotic |
nom | law, order | autonomy, astronomy, gastronomy, economy |
nom, nym | name | nominate, synonym |
nomen, nomin | name | nomenclature, nominate, ignominious |
non | nine | nonagon |
non | not | nonferrous, nonn, nonabrasive, nondescript |
nov | new | novel, renovate, novice, nova, innovate |
nox, noc | night | nocturnal, equinox, noctilucent |
numer | number | numeral, numeration, enumerate, innumerable |
numisma | coin | numismatics |
ob, oc, of, op | chinetoward, against, in the way | oppo, occur, offer, obtain |
oct | eight | octopus, octagon, octogenarian, octave |
oligo | few, little | Oligocene, oligosaccharide, oligotrophic, oligarchy |
omni | all, every | omnipotent, omniscient, omniprent, omnivorous |
onym | name | anonymous, pudonym, antonym, synonym |
oper | work | operate, cooperate, opus |
-or | Noun: condition or activity | valor, honor, humor, minor |
ortho | straight, correct | orthodox, orthodontist, orthopedic, unorthodox |
-ory | Noun: place for, rves for | territory, rectory |
-ous, -eous, -o, -ious | Adjective: having the quality of, relating to | adventurous, courageous, verbo, fractious |
over | excessive, above | overwork, overall, overwork |
pac | peace | pacifist, pacify, pacific ocean |
pair, pare | arrange, asmblage, two | repair, impair, compare, prepare |
paleo | old | Paleozoic, Paleolithic, paleomagnetism, paleopsychology |
pan | all | Pan-American, pan-African, panacea, pandemonium (place of all the demons), |
para | beside | paradox, paraprofessional, paramedic, paraphra, parachute |
pat, pass, path | feel, suffer | patient, passion, sympathy, pathology |
pater, patr | father | paternity, patriarch, patriot, patron, patronize |
path, pathy | feeling, suffering | pathos, sympathy, antipathy, apathy, telepathy |
ped, pod | foot | pedal, impede, pedestrian, centipede, tripod, podiatry, antipode, podium |
pedo | child | orthopedic, pedagogue, pediatrics |
pel, puls | drive, push, urge | compel, dispel, expel, repel, propel, pul, impul, pulsate, compulsory, expulsion, repulsive |
pend, pens, pond | hang, weigh | pendant, pendulum, suspend, appendage, pensive, append |
per | through, intensive | percute, permit, perspire, perforate, persuade |
peri | around | periscope, perimeter, perigee, periodontal |
phage | eat | macrophage, bacteriophage |
phan, phas, phen, fan, phant, fant | show, make visible | phantom, fantasy |
phe | speak | asktaoblaspheme, cipher, phenomenon, philosopher |
phil | love | philosopher, philanthropy, philharmonic, bibliophile |
phlegma | inflammation | phlegm, phlegmatic |
phobia, phobos | fear | phobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, aquaphobia, ergophobia, homophobia |
phon | sound | telephone, phonics, phonograph, phonetic, homophone, microphone, symphony, euphonious |
phot, photo | light | photograph, photoelectric, photogenic, photosynthesis, photon |
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