意:lf-created suspicion;
earnimaginary fears; 递归英文
be extremely nervous and suspicious
●杯水车薪 直:try to put out a carload of burnig firewood with a cup of water
意:a uless attempt;
a drop in the bucket;
utterly inadequate measure
●背水一战 直:fight with one’s back to the river or wall
意:fight to win or die;
fight a last-ditch battle;
占领华尔街 英文 put up a desperate fight
●冰冻三尺, 直:It takes more than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice.
非一日之寒 意:The trouble is deep-rooted;
Rome was not built in a day.
●兵来将挡, 直:stop an advancing army with troops and onrushing water with earth
水来土掩 意:counter move for move;
counter measure for measure
●不以规矩, 直:You cannot draw squares and circles without the campass and square.
不成方圆 意:Nothing can be accomplished without norms and standards.
●草木皆兵 直:take every grass and tree as an enemy soldier
意:a state of extreme nervousness, as if surrounded by enemies
●沧海桑田 直:Seas change into mulberry fields.
意:Time brings great change to the world.
(饱经沧桑: have experienced many vicissitudes of life)
●赤膊上阵 直:go into battle stripped to the waist
意:take personal charge and go it alone despite opposition;
谚语英语 Throw away all disgui and tactics;
come out into the open as a result of desperation or foolhardiness
●此地无银 直:The 300 taels of silver are not buried here (a sign put up by the man in the
三百两 folk tale over the place where he had hidden the money)
意:A clumsy lf-exposing performance or denial;
A guilty person gives himlf away by conspicuously protesting his innocence;
Protest one’s innocence too much.
●吹胡子瞪眼 直:froth at the mouth and glare with rage
意:snort and stare in anger;
fume with rage
●唇亡齿寒 直:If the lips are gone, the teeth will be expod.
幻觉 英文 意:If one of two interdependent things falls, the other is in danger.
deemed●吹毛求疵 直:blow upon the hair trying to discover a flaw
意:find fault with;
pick holes in
●寸有所长, 直:An inch has its length and a foot sometmes falls short.
尺有所短 意:Everybody has his strennths and weakness.
●打肿脸 直:Try to look fat by slapping one’s face till it’s swollen.
充胖子 Boast about one’s pink cheek after having been slapped.
意:Do something beyond one’s means in order to look impressive;
try to satisfy one’s vanity when one cannot really afford to do so
●当一天和尚 直:go on tolling the bell as long as one remains a monk.
撞一天钟 意:do the minimum required or do as little as possible to get by;
do the least that is expected of one;
take a passive attitude towards one’s work
●调虎离山 直:lure the tiger out of his mountain or lair
意:tempt or entice somebody into leaving his vantage ground
●叠床架屋 直:pile one bed upon another or build one hou on top of another
意:needless duplication;
repetition and superfluity
●东方不亮 直:When there is dark in the east, it is light in the west;