(Phonetic Training in American English Pronunciation)
Instructor: Jinpeng, Han (Hans) Introduction-----Class Description
Week One : Every dog has his lot.---Pronunciation: [a]
Week Two: It also rains Cats ---Pronunciation [æ]
Week Three: All roads lead to Rome---- [o]
Week Four : Language makes faces----[e]
Week Five: The Law is Naughty ---[ɔ]
Week Six: In the hou of sound ---[au]
Quiz (30%)
Week Seven: The function of fun---[ʌ]
Week eight: The pet has a friend that never forgets ---[ɛ]
Week Nine: It would if it could ---[u]
Week Ten: The early worm and the late bird--- [ə]
Week Eleven: Where the dear sleeps---[i]
Week Twelve: A sigh and a joy ---[ɑɪ]&[ɔɪ]
Week Thirteen: Footsteps in the corridor(I) ---辅音(consonants)
[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [f] [v] [s] [ʃ] [θ] [z] [ʒ] [ð] [h] [ʧ] [ʤ][m][n] [ŋ][1] [r][w] [j] Week Fourteen: On the Smooth Way---Conjunction and Rhythm
Final Exam (40%)
An Introduction: -----
Emotional, Physical and Rhythmical approaches in Phonetic
I.Conjunction is Everywhere:
He and I went there. I think he is. They thought he did it. She met her at the station. All his friends are here. The book is a must. You must ask him.
Part of the work is done. I think I shall. I shall be glad to go. Some are better than others. Let’s have some ice cream. They asked us to join them.
I can do it. He could do it if he could. How do I know? I suppo he does.
学汽修What is it for? It was all I had. Jane had done it. John has found it.
2. Rhythm Checking Practice:
1.Iambic: [O I ] The trip was good. The food was great. The class was fun.
2.Trochaic: [I O ] Susan got the ticket. Lucy lost the chance.
3.Anapestic:[ O O I ] It was Hans; he was mad. They were twins.
4.Dactylic: [ I O O ] Smiling through tears he was running to John.
5.Spondaic: [ I I ] One two, buckle my shoe; three four, shut the door.
II.Let’s feel the rhythm of everyday language:
We tend to stress the accentuated syllable of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs in daily communication. It is potentially changeable at each emotional input.
1.If only this rain would stop! O I O O I O I
apec什么意思2.I’d like to change my rervation. O I O I O O O I O
3.He will turn his back on me if I ask for money. O O I O I O O // O O I O I O
4.Lucy was offered a scholarship from Harvard. I O O I O O I O O //O I O
5.The trip was a wonderful experience. O I O O I O O O I O
III.Form a Habit.
Who woods the are I think I know. His hou is in the village, though; He will not
O I O I O I O I O I O O O I O O O I O O I e me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow. My little hor must I O I O I O I O I I O O I O I O I O
think it queer to stop without a farmhou near between the woods and frozen lake---
the darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake to ask if there is
O I O I O O O I O I O I O O O I O I O O O some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep of easy wind and downy flake. O O I O I O O I O I O I O I O I O I
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promis to keep, and miles to go
O I O I O I O I O O I I O O O I O I O I before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.
O O O I O I O I O O O I )
IV.Reading Practice:
Who woods the are I think I know.
His hou is in the village, though;
He will not e me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little hor must think it queer
To stop without a farmhou near
Between the woods and frozen lake
要学习化妆The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promis to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
V. A passage: meaning groups, conjunction and rhythm.
It is natural// for young people //to be critical of their parents at times //and to blame them //for most of the misunderstandings// between them. //They have always complained, //more or less justly, //that their parents are out of touch// with modern ways, //that// they are posssive and dominant, //and that //they do not trust their children //to deal with cris. //They talk too much// about problems// and they have no n of humor, //at least// in parent-child relationships.
I think// it is true// that parents often// underestimate //their teenage
children// and also// forget// how they themlves felt //when young.
sarah connorYoung people often irritate their parents// with their choices// in clothes and hairstyles, //in entertainers and music. //This is not their motive. //They feel cut off //from the adult world //into which //they have not yet been accepted.// So //they create a culture and society of their own. //Then, if// it turns out //that their music and entertainers// or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles// irritate their parents, //this gives them additional enjoyment. //They feel //they are superior, //at least// in a small way, //and that //they are leaders// in style and taste.
Sometimes //you are resistant and proud, //becau you do not want your parents// to approve//of what you do.// If they did approve, // it looks // as if you are betraying// your own age group.// But in that ca, //you are assuming //that you are the underdog:// you can't win //but at least// you can keep your honor. //This is a passive way //of looking at things.// It is natural enough// after long years of childhood, //when you are completely// under parents' control.// But it ignores the fact // that you are now beginning// to be responsible for yourlf.
Week One
Pronunciation: [a]口型张到自然状态下最大,圆唇。
Word Reading
Not lot rot dot fog dog mob stop mock cost lost pot top fox log jot odd loss Soft box frog got golf knock lock mock rock shock shop spot wash watch solve
Promi problem honest modest column modern bother coffee collar comic comma common copper copy object hobby hostile honor locker lodge logic model logic offer often option pocket profit proper prospect scholar wallet resolve topic sobbing solid shopping rocket novel knowledge proverb proper obvious
tolerate momentary popular dominate holiday hospital opposite policy apology psychology symbolic economy stock mythology nominee prosperous operate obligate positive optimism property monumenta new day
Phra practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [a] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
1.Not a lot not ___________( O I)
2.A man of property a man ____________(O I O O)
3.Forgot to knock forgot __________( O I)
4.A pot of fog a pot ____________(O I)
5.Jog and nod jog __________( O I)
6.Follow the frog follow ____________( O I )
7.Mock and rob mock ________ (O I)
8.adopt a dog adopt ___________( O I )
9. a symbolic world a(n) ________ world (O I)
10. wash the pot wash _________ (O I)
1.An Honest fox a(n)_______________ fox ( I O )
2.A hostile frog a(n) _________ frog (I O)
qs2021年世界大学排名3.knowledge rots ______________rots(I O)
4.solid rocks ______________rock (I O)
5.a Modest shop a ____________ shop (I O)
6.proper copy proper __________ (I O)
7.positive option positive______________( I O)
8.Flocks of moths ___________ moths (I O)
9.a pocket of dollars a pocket of _________( I O)
10.An oddest job a(n) ___________ job ( I O)
1.Popular music ____________ music (I O O)
2.A prosperous economy a _______________ economy (I O O)
3.a positive option a(n)_____________option (I O O)
4.frosty October frosty ___________( I O O)
6.a prophet’s property a prophet’s ___________ (I O O)
7.Ironic offer ______________ offer (O I O)
8.polish a logic polish ___________ (O I O)
9.A bottle of cocktail a bottle ___________( O I O)
10.A mocking dolphin _________________dolphin (O I O)
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underlined expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation: [a] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one from the sound bank; keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.道之道
1.It’s so hot in here.
2.I’ve got to get a doctor’s degree.
3.Doctor, check the document plea.
4.My pocket is full of promis.
5.His office is across from the volleyball court.
6.God is an idea, not real.
7.IPod is the product of modern science.