Unit Nine
I. Background
II. Analysis of the Text
Part I(Paragraph l):本段介绍了作者作为一个医生的特殊习惯。
PartⅡ(Paragraphs 2-13):讲述了作者与扔盘子的特殊病人的会面并暗示了他扔盘子的原因。
PartⅢ(Paragraphs 14-15):讲述了病人的死亡以及医生发现的秘密。III.Words & Phras Study
文中出现的重难点单词及短语:spy, repo, facsimile, awkward, inert, probe, cure, accomplice
爱着你永远不会改变1. spy
v. discover by clo obrvation观察
<;释例>He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object.他说可能有人时基地进行侦察,于是便命令该飞行员跟踪这个怪物。
<;点拨>spy意为“看到,发现”时,其宾语后可接动名词,如:We spied them coming through the gate.我们看到他们从大门走过来。
2. repo
n. temporary rest from activity,excitement,or exertion,especially sleep or the rest given by sleep休息,睡眠,静止
(释例)He is so busy and needs repo of mind.他太忙了,需要让心绪宁静下来。
(点拨)①词根pos意为put, place,如:compost n.混合肥料: predispo v.预先安排,使偏向于;posit v.安置,放置;exposition n.展览会,说明,暴露。②repo可用作动词,还表示“信任,依赖”,常与介词on连用,如:The scheme repos on a revival of trade.这个计划以活跃贸易为基础。
3. facsimile
n. an exact copy,especially of written or printed material摹写,传真(释例)I only have facsimile of th
e contract.我现在只有合同的传真件。(点拔)词根simil意为alike, similar,如:assimilate v.同化,吸收;simulcast n.&v. (无线电、电视) 同时联播; dissimulate v.掩饰,假装
pearl buck
4. awkward
adj. graceful; ungainly街不优雅的;难看的
(释例)Swans are surprisingly awkward on land.天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
或事,如:He was awkward in everything he did.他做什么事都笨手笨脚。/The foreigner was awkward at handling chopsticks.这个外国人用筷子笨手笨脚。
②后接介词with,意为“笨拙”,介词宾语多为表工具的名词,如:She was awkward with a needle.她做针线活很笨拙。
5. inert
adj. lacking the ability or strength to move无活动的,惰性的
<;释例> She lay there inert; I thought she must be dead.她躺在那儿一动不动,我想她一定是死了。
<;点拨>idle, inert和passive都可表示“无活力的,懒散的”。 idle指人们不做任何事情或不忙的,如因失业或出于自己的选择,例如:employees idle becau of the strike罢工使得雇员们无本可做。inert描写事物无力移动自身或无法实现某种期望的结果的,例如:an inert mass of soil一片无活性的土壤;用于人,意味着无生气或懒惰的,尤指在心态或精神上。passive指由外力或外部刺激引发行动而不积极反应的,例如:In spite of my efforts the boy remained passive.尽管我努力,那男孩还是不起劲。
6. probe
v. physically explore or examine(something) with hands or with an instrument探察,查明
(释例)He probed the mud with a stick, looking for the ring he had dropped.他用树枝在污泥里探寻,想找回丢失的戒指。
whitenoi(点拨)作名词和动词,意为“调查”,后into,如:His probe into the bribery charges proved futile.他对行贿罪的调查证明是无用的。/He is probing into the cau of crime.他正在调查犯罪原因。
7. cure
v. effect a recovery from使痊愈
<;释例>That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness forever.那一沉重教训根除了他凡事爱打听的毛病。
<;点拨>①作动词,其宾语后接of,意为“消除……的病或恶习等”,如:They tried to cure the society of the social evils.他们力图根除社会中的邪恶。②作名词后接介词for,意为“治疗或纠正……的方法”,如:No effective cure for this dia has been found.尚未发现医治这种病的有效药物(疗法)。后接介词of,意为“治疗或纠正……”,如:We aimed at the cure of bureaucratism.我们旨在根除官僚主义。
8. accomplice
n. a person who helps others commit a crime同犯,从犯
<;释例>Accomplices under duress shall go unpunished.胁从不问。
<;点拨>词根plic意为fold, bend,如:accomplice n.共犯,同谋;implicit a.暗示的,盲从的;implication n.牵连,含意,暗示;multiplication n.(数)乘法,繁殖
IV. Class Check
1. I had eaten Chine food often, but I could not have imagined how _____ and extravagant a real Chine banquet could be.
A) prominent B) fabulous C) handsome D) gracious小学数学概念教学
2. He blew out the candle and _____ his way to the door.
鹿角菜A) converged B) groped C) strove D) wrenched
3. He raid his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and _____ it in
a single nod, a gesture boys ud then for O. K. when they were plead.
A) shrugged B) tugged C) jerked D) twisted
4. He developed a _____ attitude after years of frustration in his career.
A) drastic B) disgusted C) cynical D) sneaking
5. The increa in student number _____ many problems for the universities.
A) forces B) press C) provides D) pos托福培训班
V. Text Explanation
教育部留学服务中心地址1.Oh,it is not all that furtive an act:本句话可理解为:It is not a furtive
act at all.本句是个完全否定句,特别强调了单词furtive.
礼物的英文1)完全否定是百分之百地否认一个事物的存在、成立或真实性。表示完全否定的否定词有no,not, nothing, nobody, none, nowhere, never, neither, nor, nowi等,例如;Nothing ever pleas her.什么事情也让她高兴不起来.My pen is nowhere to be en.我的钢笔到处都找不到。用not+ any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere/either或not+ half也可表示完全否定(=not at all),通常在口语中使用。例如:I don't like either of the films.两部电影我都不喜欢。You don't mean half what you are saying.你说的和你要表达的意思完全不搭边。带否定词缀的词,也可表示完全否定,例如:Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye.细菌是肉眼看不见的。All the problems remained unttled.问题都还没解决。
2)部分否定通常由not+ all/both/each/everybody/everything等来表达。例如:Not all he said was to th
e point.他并没有完全说到点子上。Not