服装饰物 accouterments
帽子 hat
衣服 clothing
鞋袜 footgearacquire的用法
饰物 accouterment
珠宝 jewellery
化妆品 cosmetic
礼帽 homburg
晚礼服总称 evening dress
皮鞋 leather shoes
耳环 earring
上等珍珠 orient
粉底霜 foundation; foundation cream
大礼帽 top hat
圆礼帽 bowler; round hat
巴拿马帽 panama hat
贝雷帽 beret
鸭舌帽 cap
太阳帽 visor
三用帽 three-purpo hat
耳朵帽 earmuffs
大盖儿帽伦敦吉祥物 officer's cap
军帽 military cap
牛仔帽 cowboy hat
棒球帽 baball hat
学士方帽 square college cap
童帽 children's hats and caps
船形帽 garrison cap
瓜皮帽 skullcap
草帽 straw hat
斗笠 bamboo hat
棉帽 cotton-padded cap
皮帽slamming fur hat
毡帽 felt hat
绒线帽 woolen hat
钢盔 steel helmet
头盔 helmet
乌纱帽 black gauze cap
six皇冠 crown
帽檐儿 brim; peak
帽带 hatband
帽顶 the crown of a hat
帽身 the body of a hat
衬里 lining
护耳 earflaps
男大礼服 formal day dress
男大礼服外套 cutaway; cutaway coat; morning coat
小晚礼服 tuxedo; dinner jacket; black tie
燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat; tailcoat
鸡尾酒服 cocktail dress
结婚礼服 wedding gown; wedding dress
新娘礼服 bridal gown
新娘披纱 bridal veil
成套西装 business suit
西服 western-style clothes
双排扣西服 double-breasted suit
中山装 Sun Yat Sen suit; Chine tunic suit
洋装 one-piece dress
套装 suit
猎装 safari suit
露背装 backless costume
上空装 topless
马球衫 polo shirt
运动衫 sports shirt
春秋两用衫 reversible jacket
毛衣 sweater
套颈毛衣 pullover
对襟儿毛衣 cardigan
茄克 jacket
羽绒衣 down-filled coat; down jacket
风雨衣 trench coat
大衣 overcoat
风衣 light overcoat
短大衣 car coat稍等一下
厚大衣 overcoat
薄料大衣 top coat
貂皮大衣 mink coat
圆领衫,T恤 T-shirt
衬衫 shirt
长袖衬衫 long-sleeved blou
短袖衬衫 short-sleeved blou
女式衬衫 blou
西服裙 skirt suit
连衣裙 dress
背心裙 pinafore dress
拼接裙 gored skirt
喇叭裙 flared skirt
褶裙 pleated skirts
百褶裙 skirt with accordion pleats
旗袍裙 Chine style clo-fitting skirt; chi-pao
日本和服 kimono
迷你裙 miniskirt
孕妇裙 maternity dress
衬裙 petticoat
肩带衬裙 slip
女低胸衣 low dress
牛仔裤 jeans
马裤 riding breeches; jodhpurs
长裤 trours; slacks; pants
短裤 shorts
灯笼裤 pantaloons
喇叭裤 bell-bottomed pants; bell-bottom
裙裤 culottes
内衣 lingerie
肚兜 stomacher
胸罩罩杯 brassiere cup
连身胸衣 corlet
女用三角裤 briefs
短内裤 panties
衬裤 drawers
束腰带 girdle
束腹裤 pantie-girdle
泳装 swim-suit
比基尼 bikini
比基尼裤 bikini
睡袍 nightgown; nightdress
晨衣 dressing gown
睡衣 pajamas
薄料有花饰晨袍 negligee
紧身裤女英文名字大全 panty girdle; ski pants
健美衣 panty corlette
雨衣 raincoat运动鞋 sports shoes
雨鞋 rain boots
钉鞋 spiked shoes
便鞋 dress shoes; walking shoes
凉鞋 sandals
皮凉鞋 leather sandals
布凉鞋 cloth sandals
way of life
塑料凉鞋 plastic sandals
拖鞋 slippers
布拖鞋 cloth slippers
双带式拖鞋 cross-band slippers
人字式拖鞋 flip-flop
休闲鞋 loafer shoes
慢跑鞋 jogging shoes
绅士鞋 man's shoes
前露鞋 open shoes
平跟鞋 low-heeled shoes
坡跟鞋 wedgie
高跟鞋 high-heel shoes
系鞋带平底鞋 oxford shoes
系鞋带女鞋 strap shoes
马靴 riding boots
长统靴 boots
高筒靴 knee-length boots
木屐 clogs
登山鞋 caravan shoes
草鞋 straw sandals
布鞋 cloth shoes
棉鞋 cotton-padded shoes
旅游鞋 sneaker; hiking shoe
三节头式皮鞋 oxford shoes
浅口式鞋 court shoes; pump
带式鞋 T-strap shoes
高腰鞋 ankle boots
绣花鞋 embroidered shoes
懒汉鞋 casual cloth shoes with elasticated bands
童鞋 children's shoes
婴儿鞋 babies' shoes
老虎鞋 babies' shoes with tiger decoration
鞋垫 insole
袜子 socks; stockings; ho
短袜 ankle socks
长袜 knee socks
棉袜 cotton socks
毛线袜 woolen socks
尼龙丝袜 nylon ho
短筒尼龙丝袜 pop socks
长筒尼龙丝袜 nylon stockings
连裤袜 tights; panty ho穿孔耳环 ear stud
耳坠 drop earring; eardrop
项链 necklace
项坠 pendant
项圈 chaplet
戒指 ring
手镯 bracelet
足饰 anklet
发卡 hairpins
发箍 hair band
发带 hair-ribbon
眼镜 glass; spectacles
太阳镜 sunglass; shades
风镜 goggles
披风 dress smock
披肩 shawl
领巾 neckerchief; scarf
围巾 scarf; muffler; necktie
头巾 headscarf
纱巾 gauze headscarf
手帕 handkerchief
拉链 zipper
袖扣 cuff buttons
钮扣 button
别针 tie tack
胸针 brooch
胸花 bouquet
手套 glove
手杖 stick
领带 tie
领结 bow tie
领带夹 tie bar
手表 watch
皮带 belt
钥匙链 key chain珍珠 genuine pearl
夜明珠 garnet
人造珍珠 olivet
钻石 diamond
宝石 gem
红宝石 ruby
蓝宝石 sapphire
绿宝石 emerald
猫眼石 opal
虎眼石 tiger's eye
石榴石 garnet
人造宝石 synthetic cut stone
贝壳 shell
玉 jade
紫翠玉 alexandrite
碧玉 jasper
水晶 crystal
紫水晶 amethyst
珊瑚 coral
玛瑙 agate
ek琥珀 amber
水晶玻璃 crystal glass
石英 quartz
琉璃 lapis lazuli
珐琅 enamel
景泰蓝 cloisonne
金条 gold bar
黄金 gold
赤金 genuine gold
K金 karat
饰金 ornamental gold
镀金 plating
包金 gold filled
白金 platinum
银饰 silver ornament
纯银 sterling silver粉饼 powder cake
胭脂 rouge; blusher
口红 lipstick
面膜尺子的英语单词 face-pack; mask
香水 perfume
冷霜 cold cream
奶液 night cream
指甲油 nail polish
睫毛油 mascara
防晒油 suntan oil
雪花膏 vanishing cream
花露水 cologne
凡士林 Valine
假睫毛 fal eyelashes
粉扑 powder puff
粉盒 powder box; compact
眉镊 eyebrow tweezers
眉笔 eyebrow pencil
眼线笔 eyeliner
眼影粉 eye shadow
睫毛夹 eyelash curlers
睫毛刷 mascara brush
胭脂刷 rouge brush; blusher brush