Every child has pocket money, when they get the money from parents, most of them will buy what they want and spend the money quickly. Parents will give their children pocket money in the certain time, the children can u the money in a wi way. They can take out some money to buy what they need, like the food and clothes, there are still some money left, what should they do to deal with the rest of the money? I advi the children to save the money, they can keep it, and in ca of their special need. I will save the money to take a trip in the summer vacation, my parents will agree with my plan, becau I take out the money, they have no reason to go against me. Sometimes I will u the saved money to support my emergent situation, so there is no need for them to worry about me.
As the development of computer, people count on computer so much, now most business are done online, trading online saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient. As more and more people choo to shop online, there comes the relative rvices, the most important one is express deliver. Many years ago, express deliver is not that popular, now it becomes the main tool for people to receive online products. Express deliver is very fast, the companies make the promi that the customers can get their products in three days. Many years ago, people can get their things in a week, now express deliver shorten the time. What’s more, the express deliver can deliver the products to the customers’ homes, people don’t have to go out, how convenient it is. I like to u express deliver, it facilitates my life and saves me a lot of time.
In an era of information explosion, people can easily be distracted by irrelevant information. It is particularly well-known that a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.
英语数字 可以肯定的是,一定量的信息可以开阔我们的眼界,给予方便。只是简单地敲击按键,我们就能从网络上获得大量的信息。我们是络信息。尽管如此,当我们打开网页浏览这大量的信息时候,我们好像处在信息大海之中,而这些内容很多都是无用的。我们如何才能不迷失在这海量的信息之中?
First of all, ensuring what information you want and make a list of them. Then you can save uful webpages which get you out of the time-consuming information. Last but not least, we should be lf-control and never be attracted by the distracting information. As long as you follow tho tips, you will get what you want efficiently.
decade什么意思 高二上学期期末英语常考作文4
When we watch the TV ries, there is always the similar plot, in order to fulfill the drea
ms, the protagonist give up the best time for the treatment, though they are riously ill. This sounds so inspiring, the spirit of pursuing the dreams moves so many audiences, but for me, besides moved, I feel more sorry about the protagonists, for their unwi choices. Life is important, only the living person can have the rights to talk about the dreams, if they lo their lives, everything is impossible. So health is more important than dreams, people need to keep themlves healthy first, and then they can better fulfill their dreams. The wi person will choo to get the treatment and give up the dreams for a while, when they recover, they continue their dreams. So health first, then other things rank cond.
chine man 当我们看电视剧的时候,总可以发现相同的剧情,为了实现理想,主人公放弃了最佳的治疗时间,虽然他们本身已经病得很严重。这听起来很励志,为了追求理想的精神感动了很多观众,但是对于我来说,除了感动,对主人公我感到遗憾,因为他们做了不明智的决定。生命是很重要的,只有活着的人才有权利去谈论理想,如果他们失去了生命,一切就不可能了。因此健康比理想重要,人们需要首先保持他们健康,然后才能更好地实现理想。明智的人会选择治疗,暂时放弃理想,当恢复健康的时候,他们可以继续他们的理想。
Aerobic exerci is a ries of activities which can improve our heart-lung function by maintaining longer, including running, bicycling, swimming and so on. It brings a lot of benefits to our body and psychology.
Physically, taking aerobic exerci advances our physical health and reduces our agony. It promotes our heart and lung function by increasing their expansion and contraction, which is beneficial for resisting pressure from longtime labor or extra-strength work. And it improves fat consumption and metabolism, which lay a solid foundation for dia prevention. Meanwhile, it helps keep our body in a good shape by consuming the overfull calories.