很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTFANUC Robot O Overview iFANUC Robot - 1
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTHistory sto y o of FANUC UC Robot obotMECHANISM CONTROLLER SERVO1956CNC Development StartROBOT CNC1974ROBOT Development Start2022Nearly 50 years experience of NC Total delivered number of ROBOT CNCNo.1 in the world: :150 150,000 000 units 1,500,000 unitsFANUC Robot - 2
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTDevelopment e e op e t Policy o cyHi h Reliability High R li bilitFANUC Robot Low Cost High PerformanceFANUC Robot - 3
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTHigh Reliability and Long LifeHayato (Sensor) Factory Servo Laboratory RobotMotor Factory Factor Servo Laboratory Robot Controller Robot armRobot Factory Robot LaboratoryAmplifier Factory Servo Laboratory Software Electronics
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Factory CNC Laboratory Robot LaboratoryFAILURE RATE Actual Data:Approx. 0.010 (failure/unit/month)FANUC Robot - 4
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTFANUC UC Factories acto esHeavy machining factory Light machining factoryMotor factory yRobot factory Production capacity 2,500 units/MonthFANUC Robot - 5Electronics factory
奥斯卡经典励志电影很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTFANUC UC Automated uto ated Factory acto yROBOT CELL CNC Asmbly Servo Motor AsmblyDie Cast HandlingSheet Metal AsmblyMini Robot AsmblyMachine Tool 200 units and Robot 1000 units are installedFANUC Robot - 6
英语作文常用短语很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTQuality Qua ty Co Control t o Syste SystemElement parts Parts machined in FANUC Quality control for all parts Quality control at asmbly stage with asmbly check sheet Elimination of initial defect by continuous running test Continuous running test Ex-factory y Manufactured in FANUC PCB Controller Unit asmbly Burn-in test (16h) Function test 1st reliability
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test 2nd test final testIncoming check Manufactured in FANUC Pul coder Motor MotorCheck in FANUCRecord of quality control Test for all units Quality control system in conformity with ISO9001 All robots can be monitored by maintaining asmbly record for each robot Certification for TUV and CE markFANUC Robot - 7
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTi Se Series es Robot obot Lineup eupARC Mate 100iB M-6iB ARC Mate 120iB M-16iB M710iC/50 M710iC/70 R-2000iB/165F R-2000iB/210F M 900iA/350 M-900 M-900 M 900iA/600ARC Mate 100iB/6S M-6iB/6S M710iC/20L R-2000iB/165EW R-2000iB/200EWM-16iB/20T LR Mate 200iBM-710iC/70T M-410iB/450R-2000iA/200T LR Mate 100iB A-520iA M-420iA F 200iB F-200Payload35620405070100165202200(kg) 700FANUC Robot - 8
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTIntelligence, te ge ce, Networking, et o g, So Solutions ut o sR-2000iB i Pendant Cell Control PLC R-J3 R J3i C Serial I/O (Slave) Serial I/O (Master)++-+ROBOGUIDEEthernet Host PC Weld Timer I/O deviceIntelligence 2D vision
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nsor 3D l lar vision i i nsor Force nsor Servo Sensor High Sensitive Collision Detection SoftFloat ROBOGUIDE iPendantNetworking Robot Link iPendant P d t Web rver (HTTP) FTP (TCP/IP) Ethernet I/O Serial I/OSolutions Cable integrated arm Servo S gun Servo torch Integrated welder Intelligent robot systemFANUC Robot - 9
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTFANUC World World-wide wide NetworkLondon Paris Brusls Toledo Luxembourg Leeds Mi Minneapolis li Sandusky Birmingham Stockholm Toronto Coventry Dayton Detroit Chicago Montreal San Francisco Los Angeles Dallas Houston Monterrey y Queretaro Mexico City .. Dusldorf Chongping gp g Beijing j g .. Dalian Nuremberg Wuhan Berlin Shanghai Tianjin Changchun Stuttgart Sofia Boston Seoul Bern Istanbul New York Changwon Guangzhou Milan Charlottesville Shenzhen Bologna Cincinnati Headquarters New Delhi Lyon Venice Charlotte Taipei Calcutta Atlanta Madrid Annecy Taichung Tampa Madras Barcelona Pune Tainan Rajkot Manila Hong Kong Bilbao Mumbai Ho Chi Minh Bangalore Mysore Brisbane Coimbatore Sao Paulo Bangkok Jakarta Sydney Buenos Aires Durban Melbourne
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Singapore g p Adelaide Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur Perth Bandung AucklandFANUC Robot - 10
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTFANUC Robot U i Unique Functions F tiFANUC Robot - 11
很经典的材料,对机器人生产厂家很有价值的参考性。 FA ROBOTHigh g Sensitive Collision DetectionTrouble in a robot system G Gripped i d part t collides llid with ith fi fixture t by b d deviation i ti of f parts t accuracy Robot hand hits an another robot by interlock problem At robot jogging, operator hits a robot arm to external material by mistake Production is stopped long time Shorten lifetime of robotHigh g Sensitive Se s t e Co Collision s o Detection etect o ( (HSCD) SC ) HSCD always checks robot motion. If HSCD detects irregular situation, HSCD will stop a robot immediately HSCD can minimize damage of robot arm arm, hand hand, fixture and external materials materials. Detect robot illegal motion with high nsitivity without miss-detection Minimize system y damage g and reduce recovery timeFANUC Robot - 12
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