For each of the following items, place an “X” in the appropriate box that best describes your level of experience.
1 = No Experience (never performed the task or skill)
2 = Limited Experience (performed the task or skill infrequently; needs practice)
3 = May Need Resource (performed the task or skill veral times)
4 = Competent (performed the task or skill frequently; able to function well independently)
This form is to be completed at the time of hire and annually thereafter.
Medication Administration1234continued:1234 Administer IM, SC medications Inrtion of Straight/Foley Catheter
Antibiotics Set up delivery table
Antihypertensives Set up Cesarian Section table
Cervical Ripening Agents Circulate for Cesarian Secion
a)Prostaglandins Scrub for Cesarian Section
b)Cervidil L & D Care/Procedures
c)Cytotec Maternal Asssment
Heparin a)Vital Signs
Insulin b)Admission Risk Asssment
Magnesium SO4c)Deep Tendon Reflexes
Narcotics d)Clonus
Oxytocin e)Leopold Maneuver
Terbutaline f)Fluid Status
有声读物网站Ritodrine g)Edema
Antepartum Care/Procedures h)Vaginal Examination
Triage of Obstetrical Patients Effacement
Providing physical/emotional comfort measures Dilatation
Breathing/Relaxation Techniques Station
Conducting Non Stress Tests Prentation
Conducting Oxytocin Challenge Tests i)Progression of Labor
Assist with:Contraction Characteristics
a)Ultrasound Status of Membranes
b)Amniocentesis j)Ruptured Membrane Testing
c)Artificial Rupture of Membranes Fern Test
d)Fetal Scalp Blood Sampling Nitrazine Test
e)Placement of Fetal Scalp Electrode
f)Placement of Intrauterine Pressure Catheter
continued:1234continued:1234 Fetal Asssment l)Malprentation
a)Determine Fetal Position m)Multiple Gestation
b)Auscutate Fetal Heart Rate n)Placenta Previa
Doppler o)Preeclampsia
Fetoscope p)Premature Labor
c)U of Fetal Monitor q)Prolapd Cord
考研数学二大纲External Monitor (Tocotransducer, Ultrasound)r)Pyelonephritis
Internal Monitor (ECG Transducer)s)Rh Incompatibility
d)FHR Pattern Recognition/Intervention t)Seizure
Amnioinfusion (assist or perform) u)Sickle Cell Dia
Specimen Collection v)Stillborn infant
a)Vaginal Fluid Postpartum Care/Procedures
b)Vaginal Swab Postpartum Asssment
爱德华肯尼迪Perform Perineal Prep a)Maternal Vital Signs
Administer Analgesics b)Fundus Consistency
Assist with Interventions During Delivery c)Fundal Height
a)Spontaneous Vaginal Deliver d)Lochia
b)Forceps/Vacuum Extraction e)Bladder Distention
c)Birthing Room Delivery f)Episiotomy
Monitor Patients with Anesthesia g)Cesarean Section Incision
a)General Anesthesia Fundal Massage
b)Regional Anesthesia Perineal Care
Local Infiltration Incisional Care
Spinal Sterile Dressing Changes
Epidural Assist with Breastfeeding
Intrapartum Care of Women with Pain Management
a)Abruptio Placenta a)Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
b)Asthma b)Narcotic Agents
c)Cardiac Dia c)Non-narcotic Agents
d)Collagen Vascular Dia d)Non-pharmacological measures
e)Diabetes Bereavement Support
f)Eclampsia Care of the Newborn
g)HELLP Syndrome Asssment
h)Hemorrhage a)APGAR Scoring
moovi)Hepatitis b)Initial Vital Signs
j)HIV positive c)Dubowitz Scoring
k)Hyperemesis Gravidarum d)Ballard Scoring
e)Finnegan Scoring Specimen Collection
f)Congenital Anomalies a)Heel Stick
Neonatal Resuscitation b)Umbilical Blood Sample
U of Apnea Monitor Assist with Circumcision
Weigh/measure Infant Cord and Circumcision Care
Infant Identification Procedures Phototherapy
Suctioning Peritoneal dialysis
a)Bulb Suction Transfer to Nurry
b)De Lee Suction Perform Emergency Baptism
c)Wall Suction
Medication Administration
a)Eye Prophylaxis
b)Vitamin K
The information I have provided above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. In addition, I authorize
virtue24/7 Staffing Solutions to relea this checklist to client facilities where I may be employed.
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