Brief Introduction
钱塘湖春行 翻译China has a marked continental monsoon climate characterized by great variety. Most parts of China are in the northern temperate zone while parts of the southern area are in the tropical or subtropical zone and parts of the northern area in the Frigid Zone.
Most of China lies in the north temperature zone, characterized by a warm climate and clear division between asons, a climate well suited for habitation. In winter, northerly winds from high latitude areas keep the northern parts cold and dry; while in summer, monsoons from eastern and southern coastal areas bring warmness and moisture.
The climate also varies with the extensive territory and various topography from region to region.
In northern China, summer is warm and short, while winter is cold and long. In southern China, summer is long, humid and hot, and the winter short and warm, with temperature rarely below freezing. In central China (the valley area along the Yangtze River), division between asons is clear -- summer is long, hot and humid while winter, short and cold.
In northwestern China, such as Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, summer is dry and sweltering and winter is formidably cold. On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (about 4,000 meters above a level) in southwestern China, winter is extremely cold and summer is short and moderately warm, with little precipitation and great difference in temperature between day and night.
Climate网学 Zone
China es various other types of climate due to its vast territory. Temperature belts from south to north appear in this order: tropical zone, subtropical zone, temperate zone, medium temperate zone and frigid temperate zone. There is also a vertical climatic zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in southwestern China.
Situated in the eastern part of the Asian continent and facing the Pacific, China also has a prominent monsoon climate. In addition, other types of climate, such as alpine climate, plateau climate, dert climate, forest climate and basin climate, coexist in China, due to complicated topography and a great disparity in elevation.
Monsoon Climate
Most of China has a continental monsoon climate. From September to April of the following year, the dry and cold winter monsoon blow from Siberia and the Mongolian Plateau, resulting in cold and dry winters and great differences in the temperatures of northern and southern China. From April to September, warm and humid summer monsoons blow from the as in the east and south, resulting in overall high temperatures and plentiful rainfall, and little difference in the temperatures of northern and southern China.
In addition, cold wave, cyclone, intermittent drizzles and typhoon are also the results of monsoon climate. Caud by monsoon, the rainy ason runs from May through to August and typhoons frequently occur in the southeast coast between July and September.
关于教师节的黑板报China has an average annual precipitation of 629 millimeters, which is unevenly distributed both regionally and asonally. Precipitation gradually declines from the southeastern area to the northwestern inland area. Influenced by the oceanic warm and hcancellations
umid air current, most southeastern coastal areas in China have rich rainfall, which reaches over 1,500 millimeters, while in northwestern areas annual precipitation drops to below 200 millimeters.
China's average temperature gradually declines from the eastern area to the northern area. The Mohe area of Heilongjiang Provincebone是什么意思 at the northernmost tip of China, located north of Northern Latitude 53°, has a frigid temperate averaging -5°C. Zengmu Ansha in Hainan Province at the southern end, only 400 kilometers from the equator, is dominated by the equatorial climate with an average temperature of 25°C. Most parts of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have a temperature below 0°C. Thus, there is great temperature difference between the south and the north.
In summer, the temperature is high nationwide, and temperature difference is small between the north and the south. In winter, most areas in China are cold and the temperature varies greatly between northern and southern parts, with the biggest difference up to 50°C. In Mohe, the lowest temperature in a year can reach 52.3°C, while
that in Sanya, Hainan, is above 20°c.
山地气候 mountain climate 冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate
季风气候 monsoon climate 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate
高原气候 plateau climate 海滨气候 littoral climate
极地气候 polar climate 热带气候 tropical climate
温带沙漠气候 temperate dert climate 温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate
热带季风气候 tropical monsson climate
my147 2.风的名称
风级 wind scale 龙卷风 tornado 恒风 constant wind
微风 breeze、gentle breeze 逆风 headwind 无风 calm 轻风 light breeze
信风 trade wind 和风 moderate breeze 清风 fresh breeze 大风 gale
强风 strong breeze
微波 rippled 微浪 smooth wavelets 细浪 light as 热浪日语能力测试报名 heat wave
小浪 moderate as 中浪 rough as 大浪 very rough as 强浪 high as
狂浪 monster waves 巨浪 very high as