第58课Our Many Respons to Pain 痛感反应(2016新增)

更新时间:2023-05-15 19:49:05 阅读: 评论:0

58. Our Many Respons to Pain 痛感反应 (2016 新增)
圣诞快乐的英语怎么读1.Of all the body ns, pain is perhaps the most vital becau it warns of bodily injury and triggers protective reflexes. But not always.
1.疼痛也许是身体的感觉之中最重要的,因为它可以警示身体受到的伤 害并且引发身体的保护性反射。但 情况并非总是如此。
2.Drs. F. R. Ford and Lawson Wilkins of Johns Hopkins Hospital have reported cas of persons being bom without pain nsibility. A person who does not feel pain will not jerk his hand away from a flame. He won’t know he’s been cut unless he es his blood. If he gets a cinder in his eye, he won’t know it is there.
2.约翰霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins Hospital) F • R •福特博士(Drs. F. R. Ford)和劳森•威尔金斯博 士(Lawson Wilkins)曾经报告过天生就没有痛 感的病例。当触碰到火焰时,没有痛感的人不会把手缩回来, 他要看到流血 才知道自己受了伤,他甚至感觉不到眼睛里进了灰尘。
3.Normally, such a necessary nsation as pain might be expected to be proportional to the extent of injury. But pain — a very personal experience — is modified by a person’s experience, heredity, mood, and emotional state. nelson
词源网站3.正常情况下,类似疼痛这样必需的感觉会根据受伤的程度分成不同级 别。但是疼痛是非常个人的感受— —它会根据经验、遗传、心情甚至兴奋状 态而改变。
4.Drs. W. P. Chapman and C. M. Jones of Massachutts General Hospital, Boston, have found not only that the intensity level, or threshold, at which pain is felt varies from person to person but also that there are also variations in the threshold of the same person at different times. They discovered that persons deprived of sleep to the point of extreme fatigue have lower than normal pain thresholds. 文案翻译
4.位于波士顿的麻省综合医院的W • P •查普曼医生和C • M •琼斯医生 发现,不同人的感觉疼痛的强度 值/临界值互不相同,甚至同一个人的临界 值也由于时间不同而变化。他们发现,被剥夺睡眠处于极度疲劳的 人的临界 值要比正常的疼痛临界值低。 chevy volt
5.E. Libman, another investigator, discovered that American Indians did not perceive pain at thresholds as low as did Caucasian Americans. Even ignoring cultural conditioning, this fact may help to substantiate the many stories of the American Indians’ remarkable ability to endure great pain. 5.另一位研究者,E •利布曼发现,美国印第安人感觉疼痛的临界值不像 高加索美国人那么低。抛开文化 因素,这一事实足以证明许多传说中美国印 第安人那非凡的忍受疼痛的能力。
6. Respon to pain appears to be part of the learning process. Dr. Ronald Melzack and William R. Thompson of McGill University, Montreal, Canada, having raid animals in isolation, thus depriving them of the normal bumps and pains of growing up, noted that the animals did not respond normally to pain when fully grown. Although nothing was wrong with their central nervous systems, they would not withdraw their nos from flaming matches held in front of them. Nor did they em to realize that pain warned of damage to their bodies.
6.对疼痛的反应似乎是学习过程的一部分。位于加拿大蒙特利尔的麦吉 尔大学的罗纳德•梅
尔扎克博士和 威廉姆• R •汤普森博士将动物隔离圈养, 不让它们互相磕碰,避免它们在成长过程中感觉到疼痛。他们注意 到,这些 动物长大后对疼痛不能做出正常的反应。尽管它们的中枢神经系统没有问题, 但当燃烧的火柴放到 它们面前时,它们不会把头缩回去,也意识不到疼痛所 带来的身体受到伤害的警告。
7.And of cour, there is the well-known experiment carried out by Pavlov. He found that when he fed dogs immediately after giving them painful stimuli they soon responded to the pain with signs of pleasure. It ems we have to learn to respond to pain's warning with proper protective reflexes. 7.当然,还有巴普洛夫那个著名的试验。他发现给狗一个疼痛的刺激之 后马上给它喂食,狗随后会对疼痛 产生快乐的反应。看起来,我们需要学习 用正确的保护性反射对疼痛的警告做出反应。
final destination
8.Visceral pain offers another example of the part experience plays in the recognition of and respon to pain. Of the three major types of pain — superficial pain from the skin, deep pain from the muscles and joints, and visceral pain — only visceral pain is not rather carefully localized.
for your entertainment8.内脏疼痛为个别经验在疼痛的识别和反应上又给出一个例子。疼痛有 三种类型——来自皮肤的表面疼痛,来自肌肉和关节的深度疼痛,还有内脏 疼痛。只有内脏疼痛不能被精 确定位。
9.Often, visceral pain may feel as if it has come from another part of the body. It may em to come from the skin or deep muscles of the place to which it is referred. For example,pain in the heart may be felt on the inner surface of the left arm.
9.内脏疼痛往往会让人产生错觉,让人觉得痛感是来自身体的其它部分, 似乎来自于它对应的皮肤或深层的肌肉。例如,心脏疼痛会反映在左臂内表 皮上。
10.This occurs becau localization of pain is also partly learned. We feel pain where experience has taught we usually can expect to feel pain. The nerve fibers make chains of connections all the way up the spinal cord to the brain. 10.这是因为疼痛的定位在一定程度上也是需要习得的。我们感觉到的疼 痛往往是经验告诉我们在这种情况下应该感觉到疼痛,因为神经纤维形成了 许多的连接链,通过脊髓连接到大脑。
11.The nerve fiber of the viscera makes a connection with a nerve cell in the chain which is also ended on by a nerve fiber from a superficial bodily structure. The nerve cell on which both the fibers end transmits pain impuls from both the superficial and deep structures. But since we normally expect to feel pain from the outside, the brain interprets all impuls traveling over the condary nerve fiber as if they came from the outside. noker
11.内脏的神经纤维与一个神经链上的神经细胞相连接,这条神经链的末 端又与身体表面结构的神经纤维 相连。连接两个纤维的神经细胞可以从表层 和深层结构两方面传输疼痛脉冲。但通常我们会认为疼感来自于外 部,因此 大脑会把所有通过次级神经纤维传递的脉冲都解释为来自于外部。
12.If a person’s concentration is focud on something strongly enough, he may not even feel pain. This is the basis for hypnosis. The patient is taught to concentrate so deeply that his mind screens out all nsation — he can even undergo minor surgery without pain. The athlete who plays out a game unaware that he is injured is a more familiar example of the way inten concentration can minimize pain perception.

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