会计入门基础知识Establishment of reference intervals for osteoarthritis-related soluble biomarkers: the FNIH/OARSI OA Biomarkers Consortium 期刊名称: Annals of the Rheumatic Dias
作者: Kraus, Virginia B,Hargrove, David E,Hunter, David J,Renner, Jordan
B,Jordan, Joanne M长沙it培训
年份: 2017年
期号: 第1期
microstep关键词: Knee Osteoarthritis;Osteoarthritis;Dia Activity英文论文
cellox摘要:Objective To establish reference intervals for osteoarthritis (OA)-related biomarkers ud in the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) OA Biomarkers Consortium Project. Methods A total of 129 'multijoint controls' were lected from 2722 African-American and Caucasian men and women in the Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project. The majority (79%) of tho eligible (with biospecimens and baline data) also had one or more follow-up evaluations 5–15 years later. Multijoin
t controls were lected to be free of radiographic hand, hip, knee and lumbar spine osteoarthritis (OA), to have no knee or hip symptoms, and minimal hand and spine symptoms at all available time points. Eighteen biomarkers were evaluated in rum (s) and/or urine (u) by ELISA. Reference intervals and partitioning by gender and race