rip off 偷窃,欺诈
bridge and tunnel smell 地下臭水沟的味道
Butt out 不必多嘴,别管闲事
Stab 刺
pathetic 可怜的
stink bomb 臭气弹
Coupons 优惠券
Grouchy 不高兴的
Mens menstruate 月经
Feminine hygiene 女性卫生
Amateur 业余的
Flake 小薄片 火花
Rob 抢劫
Sexual harassment 性尴尬
Cream 奶油
Go to the wor-ca scenario 悲观,把事情想得太坏
Piss me off
Screw you
I’ll gut you like a hog!
Sourpuss 讨人嫌的家伙,闹骚满腹的人
Dark and heavy, light and fluffy
Put you on a leash
Literally 简直,正确地
A porch swing
Harsh my marshmallow
Hooker prostitute
Lip gloss 润唇膏 lipstick 唇膏 chapstick 无色唇膏
My treat.
Be Harsh on
Have a plate with sausage on it
You are going to act like a dog, I’ll treat you like a dog.
Scrub toilet
Audition 听力,听觉
Appetizer 开胃菜
way to go China
make big announcements about nothing
glamorous 迷人的
thrilled 极为激动的
Nailed it! 搞定了
counllor from UNICEF
sleep in the nude 裸睡
It’s a poverty smackdown.
manhood is knocking on my lady door
creepy 令人毛骨悚然的
apron 围裙,停机坪
Town car
sth is one’s go-to/ pet phra/ tag 口头禅
perfect white teeth
spread the word
hook up 介绍,接洽
cut the crap 废话少说
suffocate 压制,受阻,窒息
chunky 矮胖的
cherub 小天使
scandal 丑闻
whatever you put out there comes back to you.
smite 打,重击
sales gimmick 销售花招
It’s like looking in a mirror.
man up, stare germs
treadmill 跑步机,单调的工作
puke, vomit 呕吐 spit 吐痰,吐口水
a douche 灌洗器,冲洗
hit the pike 有多远滚多远
kismet 命运
nsual oil
pepper peppermint
lesbian 女同
P.C. political correct
stereotype 陈腔滥调
happy leap year 闰年快乐
yeast 酵母
squeeze 压榨,紧握
anal gland 肛门腺
foodie 美食家
shimmy 摇动 shimmy right/left 左右晃肩
sleeve 袖子,套筒
bouncer 保镖,巨大的东西
bastard 私生子
diner 快餐店,路边小饭店;用餐者 dinner 晚餐 breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐籍贯英文
adorable 可爱的,值得崇拜的
registered emotional companion 注册情感伴侣
have intercour with
burny heinie 如火的屁股
courtroom savvy 法庭精通者
mutilate 切断,毁坏
lf-mutilator 自残者
barbaric 野蛮的,粗野的
urinate; pee; pass water; empty one’s bladder; discharge one’s urine; pumpship; piss 小便
relentless urination 不间断排尿
anal leakage 肛漏
offshore bank 离岸银行,近海开发银行
open your shirt, hike up your skirtrockefeller
siphon 虹吸管,抽取
reflux 逆流,退潮
recess 休息;凹处,把。。放在隐蔽处
moan 呻吟 whimper 呜咽,啜泣
intrusive 侵入的,打扰的
spring is in the air.
furious 激烈的,喧闹的;狂怒的,兴奋的
moody 喜怒无常的,郁郁寡欢的
自作多情 英语
dumb 哑的
I bring class and sophistication to that place.
叉子 英文
shtup buddy 性伙伴
button penis
As much as I enjoy it
crumbling economic 破碎的,奔溃的的经济
It’s just a matter of time.
wiggle 扭动,摆动
weed 杂草,除草
decoy 诱饵;诱骗
怎样提高写作能力booty call 约炮
I am insulted and honored at the same time.
rash 皮疹
slap a filter
I’m done.
uncomfortable nsation in nether region. 下面感觉不舒服
lfie 自拍照
nice try 想得美
laundry detergent 洗洁精
dodge a bullet 躲避一颗子弹
stutter buzz 流言
I’m kind of into it. 我有点喜欢它
funnel 漏斗,烟囱
booth 货摊,公用电话亭
think outside the bull
thumbs up 赞成
swimmingly 顺利地,轻易地
orgasm 高潮
aggressive 好斗的,有进取心的
peliuptight 紧张的,拮据的,易怒的
a little bummed
dreaded 令人畏惧的
I’m busted.
milkshake 奶昔
in my defen
a cake tea 敢说不敢做
siren voice 迷人的声音
skim 揩油
edible underwear 可食用内衣
lube/lubrication 润滑油
you and I are exclusive 独有的,专一的
I split my spanx. 塑身衣
sober 冷静的,清醒的
pearl 珍珠
This thing has been plugged more than the Kardashian sisters.
entrepreneurial drive
I’m the last person you will e before you learn how to walk again.
intestine 肠
trauma 创伤
hilarious 非常滑稽的
remake of a prequel to a quel 续集的前传
sneaking into a theater 溜进电影院
felony 重罪
You couldn’t look more scrumptious.
bladder 膀胱,气袋
humiliated 屈辱的
chronic erection 长期/习惯性勃起
headband 头巾
gossip 绯闻
even all busted like this they still have the classical red bottoms.
a club foot 畸形足
opening dialogue
You know what they say, Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
You are looking particularly gorgeous this evening.
Don’t flatter me. 不要谄媚我
I’ve been out the dating pool for a while, so everything sound like a xual inceninnuendoarenas (insinuation/hint) to me. 性暗示
fun size
I don’t know how far you’ve thrown your ed.
comedian 喜剧演员
This material feels a little funky. 猥琐的
puppet 木偶,傀儡
You gotta laugh.
A cobbler 补鞋匠
I took a time machine. 我做了时光机
Before I bend you across my knee and spank you in front of the whole class.
sit on vibrators
Are nuns even allowed to be sarcastic?
Oh, no offen 无意冒犯,请勿见怪
braggy 吹牛的,自嘘的 boast, crow about
vomite 呕吐物
You’ll be safe and sound.安然无恙
gross 总共的;粗野的,恶劣的
rich and refined
intimidate 威胁,恐吓
It’s a real boner blocker.
silver lining 一线希望,不幸中的大幸