鼠疫(节选) La Peste

更新时间:2023-05-15 12:33:41 阅读:25 评论:0

La Peste
鼠 疫
Portrait from New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, 1957
阿尔贝 · 加缪 (Albert Camus) 获得1957年诺贝尔文学奖,成为法国当时第九位也是最年轻的获奖者。小说《鼠疫》是加缪的代表作之一。
《鼠疫》创作思想开始酝酿的时期,是在1940 年巴黎被德国法西斯占领以后。加缪当时已打算用寓言的形式,刻画出法西斯像鼠疫病菌那样吞噬着千万人生命的“恐怖时代”,像十九世纪美国作家麦尔维尔的小说《白鲸》那样,通过一条大鲸鱼的凶恶,写出时代的灾难。1942 年加缪因肺病复发,从炎热的奥兰转移到法国南部山区帕纳里埃(后来作者在《鼠疫》中以帕纳卢作为一位天主教神甫的姓名)疗养,不久英美盟军在阿尔及利亚登陆,德军进占法国南方,加缪一时与家人音讯断绝,焦虑不安,孤单寂寞,这种切身的体会使他在《鼠疫》中描写新闻记者朗贝尔的处境时,特别逼真动人。在加缪看来,当时处于法西斯专制强权统治下的法国人民——除了一部分从事抵抗运动者外——就像欧洲中世纪鼠疫流行期间一样,长期过着与外界隔绝的囚禁生活;他们在“鼠疫”城中,不但随时面临死神的威胁,而且日夜忍受着生离死别痛苦不堪的折磨。加缪在1942 年11 月11 日的日记中,曾把当时横行无忌的德军比为“像老鼠一样”;在另一篇日记中,他这样记下当时的情况:“全国人民在忍受着一种处于绝望之中的沉默的生活,可是仍然在期待……”(林友梅)
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[1] Light was increasing in the ward. The occupants of the other nine beds were tossing about and groaning, but in tones that emed deliberately subdued. Only one, at the far end of the ward, was screaming, or rather uttering little exclamations at regular intervals, which emed to convey surpri more than pain. Indeed, one had the impression that even for the sufferers the frantic terror of the early pha had pasd, and there was a sort of mournful resignation in their prent attitude toward the dia. Only the child went on fighting with all his little might. Now and then Rieux took his pul—less becau this rved any purpo than as an escape from his utter helplessness—and when he clod his eyes, he emed to feel its tumult mingling with the fever of his own blood. And then, at one with the tortured child, he struggled to sustain him with all the remaining strength of his own body. But, linked for a few moments, the rhythms of their heartbeats soon fell apart, the child
escaped him, and again he knew his impotence. Then he relead the small, thin wrist and moved back to his place.
[2] The light on the whitewashed walls was changing from pink to yellow. The first waves of another day of heat were beating on the windows. They hardly heard Grand saying he would come back as he turned to go. All were waiting. The child, his eyes still clod, emed to grow a little calmer. His clawlike fingers were feebly plucking at the sides of the bed. Then they ro, scratched at the blanket over his knees, and suddenly he doubled up his limbs, bringing his thighs above his stomach, and remained quite still. For the
[1] 病房里充满了日光。在其他五张床上,病人在动,在呻吟,但是都有点拘谨,好像是大家商定了似的。只有一个病人在房间的另一端叫唤着,他每隔一定时间就发出一声又一声轻微的叹息,而这种叹息听上去倒像是惊叫而不太像痛苦的哀鸣。看来连病人也不像开始时那样感到害怕了。现在,他们对染上这种疾病抱着一种心甘情愿的态度。只有这孩子在拼命地顽抗挣扎。里厄不时地按小孩的脉搏,他这样做并不是出于需要,而是为了摆脱他目前无能为力、静止不动的这种状态,他一闭上眼睛就感到孩子焦躁不安的表现和自己热血沸腾的感觉已浑然一体。那时他觉得自己和这个受尽折磨的孩子已
[2] 沿着用石灰粉刷过的墙,阳光由粉红色逐渐变成黄色。在玻璃窗外,一个炎热的早晨开始了。格朗在离去时说他要回来的,但大家几乎没有听见。大家都等待着。孩子一直闭着眼睛,现在好像平静了一点。他的两只手变得像爪子似的,慢慢地刨着床的两侧,然后,又举起来,去抓靠近膝盖的床单。突然,孩子蜷起两腿,直到大腿碰到腹部才停止不动。这时,他第一次张开眼睛看看站在他面前的里厄。在他那张土灰色的凹陷下去的脸上,嘴巴张开来了,几乎立即就发出一声拖长的、音调
first time he opened his eyes and gazed at Rieux, who was standing immediately in front of him. In the small face, rigid as a mask of grayish clay, slowly the lips parted and from them ro a long, incessant scream, hardly varying with his respiration, and filling the ward with a fierce, indignant protest, so little childish that it emed like a collective voice issuing from all the sufferers there.
[3] Rieux clenched his jaws, Tarrou looked away. Rambert went and stood beside Castel, who clod the book lying on his knees. Paneloux gazed down at the small mouth, fouled with the sordes of the plague and pouring out the angry death-cry that has sounded through the ages of mankind. He sank
on his knees, and all prent found it natural to hear him say in a voice hoar but clearly audible across that nameless, never ending wail:
"My God, spare this child!"
[4] But the wail continued without cea and the other sufferers began to grow restless. The patient at the far end of the ward, who little broken cries had gone on without a break, now quickened their tempo so that they flowed together in one unbroken cry, while the others' groans grew louder. A gust of sobs swept through the room, drowning Paneloux's prayer, and Rieux, who was still tightly gripping the rail of the bed, shut his eyes, dazed with exhaustion and disgust.yml
When he opened them again, Tarrou was at his side.nothingrious
"I must go," Rieux said. "I can't bear to hear them any longer."几乎不因呼吸而发生变化的叫喊,整个病房里突然充满了一种单调的、刺耳的抗议声,它简直不像是一个人的声音,而像是所有的病人同时发出来的怪叫声。
[3] 里厄紧咬牙根,塔鲁转过身去。朗贝尔走到床前,站在卡斯特尔旁边,这时,卡斯特尔合上了那本摊开在膝盖上的书本。帕纳卢看着那小孩因病而污垢满布的小嘴,它在发出那种让人辨别不出年龄的
[4] 但是孩子还是在叫喊,他周围的其他病人也骚动起来了。那个在病房另一头不停地叹息的病人加速了呻吟的节奏,最后他也真正地叫喊起来,与此同时,其他人也呻吟得越来越厉害。一片痛苦的哀鸣声像潮水一样在病房里泛滥,淹没了帕纳卢的祷告声。里厄紧紧抓住床架的横档,闭上眼睛,感到极度疲劳和厌烦。
[5] But then, suddenly, the other sufferers fell silent. And now the doctor grew aware that the child's wail, after weakening more and more, had fluttered out into silence. Around him the groans began again, but more faintly, like a far echo of the fight that now was over. For it was over. Castel had moved round to the other side of the bed and said the end had come. His mouth still gaping, but silent now, the child was lying among the tumbled blankets, a small, shrunken form, with the tears still wet on his cheeks.
[6] Paneloux went up to the bed and made the sign of benediction. Then gathering up his cassock, he walked out by the passage between the beds.
haute couture"Will you have to start it all over again?" Tarrou asked Castel.
The old doctor nodded slowly, with a twisted smile.
"P e r h a p s.A f t e r a l l,h e p u t u p    a surprisingly long resistance."
Rieux was already on his way out, walking so quickly and with such a strange look on his face that Paneloux put out an arm to check him when he was about to pass him in the doorway.
"Come, doctor," he began.
Rieux swung round on him fiercely.
"Ah! That child, anyhow, was innocent, and you know it as well as I do!"
[7] He strode on, brushing past Paneloux, and walked across the school playground. Sitting on a wooden bench under the dingy, stunted trees, he wiped off the sweat that was
[5] 但是突然之间,别的病人都一声不响了。这时医生发现孩子的叫声早已变得很弱,它越来越低,终于停止。在孩子周围的病人又开始呻吟起来,但声音很低,犹如从遥远的地方传来了这场刚刚结束的斗争的回声,因为这场斗争已经结束。卡斯特尔已走到床的另一边,他说,完了。孩子的嘴张开着,但是默默无声,他躺在乱成一团的床单之中,他的身体一下子缩得很小了,脸上还残留着泪痕。
[6] 帕纳卢走近病床,做了一个祝福的手势。然后他拿起他的长袍,沿着中间过道走了出去。
[7] 接着他转过身去,走在帕纳卢前面,穿过病房的门,走到院子的尽头。
beginning to run into his eyes. He felt like shouting imprecations—anything to loon the stranglehold lashing his heart with steel. Heat was flooding down between the branches of the fig trees. A white haze, spreading rapidly over the blue of the morning sky, made the air yet more stifling. Rieux lay back wearily on the bench. Gazing up at the ragged branches, the shimmering sky, he slowly got back his breath and fought down his fatigue.
[8] He heard a voice behind him. "Why was there that anger in your voice just now? What we'd been eing was as unbearable to me as it was to you."
Rieux turned toward Paneloux.fullscale
"I know. I'm sorry. But weariness is a kind of madness. And there are times when the only feeling I have is one of mad revolt."
"I understand," Paneloux said in a low voice. "That sort of thing is revolting becau it pass our human understanding. But perhaps we should love what we cannot understand."
new hampshireRieux straightened up slowly. He gazed at Paneloux, summoning to his gaze all the strength and fer
vor he could muster against his weariness. Then he shook his head.
"No, Father. I've a very different idea of love. And until my dying day I shall refu to love a scheme of things in which children are put to torture."
A shade of disquietude crosd the priest's face. "Ah, doctor," he said sadly, "I've just realized what is meant by 'grace.'"
Rieux had sunk back again on the bench. His lassitude had returned and from its 高声呼喊一下,好解开使他心碎肠裂的心头死结。热浪慢慢地在无花果树的枝权中间降临。早晨的蓝天很快地就被一层微白色的云彩遮住,使空气变得更闷热了。里厄灰心丧气地坐在长凳上,看着树枝和天空,呼吸慢慢地平定下来,疲劳也逐渐恢复。
[8] 他听到背后有人说:“为什么跟我说话发那么大火?这样的情景,我也是一样受不了的啊!”

本文发布于:2023-05-15 12:33:41,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:孩子   病人   鼠疫   病房   大家   医生   法西斯   开始
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