第一篇:表人还是表动作-passage 5
art deco5.表人还是表动作(1)He is a big eater and a good sleeper.他吃得多睡得好(能吃能睡)。
(2)David is a young and rapid writer.大卫是个笔头来得快的年轻人。(3)You must be a very bad learner, or el you must be going to a very baddistinct
esperanza spalding
(4)Are you a good sailor?
(5)A successful scientist is a good obrver, accurate, patient and objective.成功的科学家善于作准确、耐心和客观的观察。
(6)They dismisd Carter as a poor lor.他们认为卡特输不起而不屑一顾。
Teacher’s notes: 本次练习的主题:表人还是表动作?各句中都含有从动词变来(词尾加er)的具体名词,这些名词仍保留动作的含义,在这些句中须译成动词。这和汉语的构词情况不一样,汉语也有从动词构成的名词,如“教---教员”“演---演员”。但汉语这类词固定指某种职业的人,并无动作含义,不存在英语那种两可的情况。所以英语的teacher不一定等于汉语的“教员”。
经常用的修饰语有great(big),small(表量或程度)bad(poor),good(表能力),1 3 4 5句中都含有此类形容词,此外如a small eater(吃得少),a great believer(笃信)。如把第3句译成“坏教员”则可能误解为其人品质不好,其实此处与人品毫无关系,专指教学情况;又如第5句中a good obrver译成好的“观察者”,其后三个修饰语都不好处理,因为这些修饰语全指“观察”这个动作而不指人。第6句poor lor是比较固定的说法,指输了便发脾气或态度不好,反之good lor指输了能心平气和和泰然处之。
从第5句可见修饰语如专指动作,该具体名词必然抽象化。第二句也是如此,因为句中用了rapid,此词专指动作,故writer只能译成“写作”而不能译成“作家”。其它例子如a slow walker(走路走得慢),a heavy smoker(抽烟抽得厉害)a hard worker(勤奋工作)等。
Passage 5The Solipist
Walter B.Jehovah[dʒi'h乱码英文elbowəuvə], for who name I make no apology since it really was his name, had been a solipsist all his life.A solipsist, in ca you don’t happen to know the word, is one who believes that he himlf is the only thing that really exists, that other people and the univer in general exist only in his imagination, and that if he quit imagining them they would cea to exist.One day Walter B.Jehovah became a practising solipsist.Within a week his wife had run away with another man, he’d lost his job as a shipping clerk and he had broken his leg chasing a black cat to keep it from crossing his path.He decided, in his bed at the hospital, to end it all.Looking out the window, staring up at the stars, he wished them out of existence, and they weren’t there any more.Then he willed all the other people out of existence and the hospital became str
angely quiet even for a hospital.Next, the world, and he found himlf suspended in a void.He got rid of his body quite as easily and then took the final step of willing himlf out of existence.Nothing happened.Strange, he thought, can there be a limit to solipsit?
terrorblade“Yes,” a voice said.“Who are you?” Walter B.Jehovah asked.“I’m the one who created the univer which you have just willed out of existence.And now that you have taken my place---” There was a deep sigh.“---I can finally cea my own existence, find oblivion遗忘,忘却/解脱了, and let you take over.”
“But---how can I cea to exist? That’s what I’m trying to do, you know.”
“Yes, I know,” said the voice.“You must do it the same way I did.Create a univer.Wait until somebody in it really believes what you believed and wills it out of existence.Then you can retire and let him take over.Godd-bye now.”
should的用法>alphabeticAnd the voice was gone.Walter B.Jehova was alone in the void and there was only one thing he could do.He created the heaven and the earth.It took him ven days.主观唯心论者