万益涉外律师出品的“东盟律师说”系列文章正是基于上述RCEP规定,组织执业经验丰富的东盟国家律师围绕以下两个问题展开讨论:1. 在本国法律是否存在对于高级管理人员或董事会的国籍限定规定;2. 是否存在影响投资者控制力的评价标准。
在本期推送中,我们特邀马来西亚的杨玛律师事务所(YEOH MAZLINA & PARTNER)合伙人律师许诗菱(KHOR SEE LIN)对马来西亚现行国内法有关国籍限定和外国投资者控制能力限制相关内容进行介绍。
Pursuant to the current Malaysia company law, at least 1 of the directors of a private company must be one who ordinarily resides in Malaysia by having a principal place of residence in Malaysia. For public company, it shall have a minimum of 2 resident directors.shoe
Residency of the “resident director” may be decided by examining few factors, such as:(a)the length of time spent by the said director in Malaysia(b)connection of the said director has in Malaysia(c)frequency of residence(d)element of regular occupation (whether past, prent or intended for the future, even if intermittent)(e)some degree of permanency in the occupation of such residenceRequirement on nationality of shareholders and its percentage of local shareholdings depends on the type of business and industries that the company is undertaking. The relevant authority may also impo r
estrictions on foreign involvement at all levels (including management) and/or workforce.Generally, foreign and domestic private entities can establish and own business enterpris and engage in all forms of business activities, although exceptions may apply to specific ctors.The following are information in relation to some of the industries on equity requirements:(a)All distributive trade companies with foreign involvement must appoint 1 bumiputra/Malay director.(b)Hypermarket operators with foreign involvement must provide at least 30% bumiputra/Malay ownership in the company’s equity structure.(c)A company must have at least 30% bumiputra shareholding if acquisition of real property valued at more than RM20 million and involves dilution in the ownership and/or shares of real property held by bumiputra interest/government agency.Other ctors which have restrictions on foreign investments are oil and gas; financial rvices, capital market activities carried out by investment banks’ insurance and Islamic insurance; communications and multimedia; education, transportation rvices, water, energy supply, professional rvices, curity and employment agencies.It is therefore important for investors who want to invest in Malaysi
a to understand that there are ctor-specific regulations issued by the relevant ministry on the foreign ownership of equity in a company. Each state may also have different policy and criteria in addition to tho t by the federal government or ministries. As such, it is strongly advisable for potential investors to ek legal advice prior to entering into any transactions in Malaysia.
尽管特定行业可能有例外,但一般来说,外国和本国私人实体可以建立和拥有商事企业并从事各种形式的商业活动。tic tac toe
许诗菱律师(KHOR SEE LIN)汽车美容学习培训班
Although there is no guidelines or laws defining what would be considered as “materially impair the ability of the investor to exerci control over its investment” at this juncture, it is common that a majority shareholder would be entitled to nominate or dictate the majority of the board of directors, and be able to 'control’ the operation of the company. It
初中英语教学计划would be en that a minority (foreign) shareholder would have little control over its investments in such instance.
上海外语口译证书考试网But the element of 'control’ can always be discusd and agreed upon between parties in a formal agreement. A prudent investor is therefore always encouraged to enter into a shareholder agreement which shall define the duties and obligations of each party (director, shareholder and investor), so as to state clearly the extent of control a foreign shareholder can have in the operation and management of the company as far as permitted by law.
目前没有指导方针或法律来定义“严重损害了投资者对其投资行使控制权的能力”的情形,但大股东通常有权提名或支配多数董事会股东 ,并能够“控制”公司的运营, 在该种情况下,少数(外国)股东对其投资几乎没有控制权。但是,各方可以以正式协议形式就“控制”的要素进行讨论和达成共识。因此,鼓励谨慎投资者签订明确各方(董事,股东和投资者)职责和义务的股东协议,以便明确在法律允许的范围内,外国股东在公司经营和管理中能够享有和行使的控制权。