Electrical Safety
The purpo of this standard is to define minimum safety requirements for working with or near electrical equipment.
翻跟斗亲亲2.0 SCOPE
This standard covers safety precautions for working on Electrical Equipment within the SABIC and it’s Affiliates facilities.
3.1 ..... Ampere:The unit of current.russian rape
3.2Circuit:The complete path of an electric current.
3.3Current:The rate of flow of electric charge.
3.4Electrical Hazard: A recognizable, dangerous condition involving electrical
equipment or systems, which could be the cau of an injury or fatality if
proper precautions or actions are not taken.
3.5Electricity:Electric current for lighting, heating, etc.
3.6Fu: A protective device inrted in ries with a circuit. It contains a metal
that will melt or break when current is incread beyond a specific value for a
definite period of time.
3.7Ground: A metallic connection with the earth to establish ground potential.
The ground directs electric current away from unwanted areas in order to
prevent injury, death and/or property damage.
3.8Resistance:Any condition which retards electrical flow. It is measured in
3.1Shall: Signifies mandatory requirements.
3.2Should:Signifies recommended/optional requirements.
3.9Qualified Employee:An employee familiar with the construction and operation
of specific equipment, or with a specific work method, and trained to
recognize and avoid electrical hazards that may be prent in his work
environment. A employee may be considered qualified with respect to certain
equipment and methods but still be unqualified for others.
3.10Voltage: A unit of electrical potential difference (Can be correlated to the
pressure in a water pipeline). It is measured in volts.
SABIC and its Affiliates shall develop procedures and programs that meets the following requirements on Electrical equipment Safety:
SABIC Industrial Security shall be consulted for any clarification to this standard.
The clarification given by SABIC Industrial Security shall be complied with and considered final.
4.1Only authorized personnel shall perform work on or near expod electrical
conductors or equipment.
4.2Work should not be carried out within at least 3 meters from overhead power
lines, without appropriate protection and authorization.
4.3Warning signs regarding high voltages shall be posted.
4.4Entry into high voltage area and sub-stations shall be restricted.
4.5Electrical Lock-out and tag out system shall be ud when working on
electrical equipment.
4.6Appropriate lighting shall be provided for work on or near electrical
4.7Only approved electrical equipment properly insulated and grounded shall be
ud in confined spaces (Refer to SABIC Safety standard SF-132 for further
4.8Unsafe electrical equipment or conditions shall be tagged and immediately
reported to the concerned employees.
非行4.9Appropriate communication and protection shall be provided to the employees
working on equipment containing capacitors becau capacitors store
electrical charge and can be a source of shock.
4.10Work on energized circuits shall be performed only when no other choice
exists. The following requirements shall be considered prior to working on
energized equipment:
4.10.1 A written job plan shall be prepared and approved by relevant
authority (as given is ction 4.16.3).
4.10.2The job plan shall identify, as a minimum, required personal
protective equipment, necessary test equipment, approved safety
equipment to be ud, and specific steps to be taken to perform the
4.10.3Two employees must be prent at all times whenever work is being
4.10.4Ladders and scaffolds ud while working on electrical circuits shall
be made of non-conductive material.
4.10.5Disconnecting means and over current devices shall be readily西安会计
洋泾中学4.11Electrical equipment shall only be ud for its intended purpo as indicated
by listing, labeling, or certification.
4.12The following shall be considered for guarding Live Parts:
4.12.1Attachment plugs and connectors shall be so constructed that there