供应商基本信息登记 Basic Information of Supplier | |||||
供应商/服务商名称Supplier name: | 去英国留学费用 地址 Address: | 什么意思用英语怎么说||||
联系人Contact Person: | 邮编Postcode: | ||||
电话Telephone: | 传真Fax: | ||||
供应商审核Supplier Review | |||||
sqrt供应商/服务商类型Supplier type: 消耗品供应商Consumable supplier; 仪器设备供应商Equipment supplier; 设施环境安装维护服务商Equipment and environment build/maintenance supplier; 仪器设备检定校准服务商Equipment check/calibration supplier; 仪器设备维修维护服务商Equipment maintenance supplier; 其他others: | |||||
产品/服务品种Product/rvice category: | |||||
选定依据Choo gist: 检测标准中推荐或指定Test standard commend or appoint 获得质量体系认证、实验室认可或其他认可(认证) Obtain the certificate of CNAS, CMA or other aptitude 本实验室过去长期使用Long time be ud in laboratory 其他Other, . | |||||
所附资料Attachment: | |||||
审核结果Evaluation result: | 批准成为合格供应商 Approve to be the qualified supplier 不符合分包要求 Do not meet the requirement | ||||
审核人Evaluated by: 批准人Approved by: | 日期Date朗文在线词典:swana 日期Date: | ||||
监督记录Surveillance record | |||||
是否按时提供所需的物品if provide demand goods on time 运输情况(包装是否完好、存贮条件是否妥当、运输是否及时、有无其他不良情况)transport status (Package, storage conditions, transport timely, if have other bad status) 产品质量是否完好if product quality is good nomenclature 所提供产品在使用中是否有不良记录if supplier’s provided products have bad record in the u process 该供应商对于产品质量和服务的投诉是否及时处理if the supplier deal with complaints about product quality and rvices timely | |||||
日期Date | 审核情况描述 Surveillance record | 评价结论 evaluation result | 环球网校怎么样评价人Evaluated by | ||
Maintain Cancel | |||||
Maintain Cancel | |||||
blade | Maintain Cancel | ||||
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