They saw many honest faces go by that were not intelligent enough;many that were intelligent,but not honest enough;
many that were both,but the posssors were not poor enough,or,if poor enough,were not strangers.There was always a
defect,until I came along:but they agreed that I filled the bill all around;so they elected me unanimously,and there I was足球电影
now waiting to know why I was called in.They began to ask me questions about mylf,and pretty soon they had my story.
Finally they told me I would answer their purpo.I said I was sincerely glad,and asked what it was.Then one of them
handed me an envelope,and said I would find the explanation inside.I was going to open it,but he said no;take it to my
lodgings,and look it over carefully,and not be hasty or rash.I was puzzled,and wanted to discuss the matter a little further,
but they didn't;so I took my leave,feeling hurt and insulted to be made the butt of what was apparently some kind of a
practical joke,and yet obliged to put up with it,not being in circumstances to rent affronts from rich and strong folk.
When I was twenty-ven years old,I was a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco,and an expert in all the details of
stock traffic.I was alone in the world,and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation;but the were
tting my feet in the road to eventual fortune,and I was content with the prospect.
My time was my own after the afternoon board,Saturdays,and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the
bay.One day I ventured too far,and was carried out to a.Just at nightfall,when hope was about gone,I was picked up by a钟楼怪人动画片
small brig which was bound for London.It was a long and stormy voyage,and they made me work my passage without pay,
as a common sailor.When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged and shabby,and I had only a dollar in my
pocket.Thismoney fed and sheltered me twenty-four hours.During the next twenty-four I went without food and shelter.
You know,I even kept my old suit of rags,and every now and then appeared in them,so as to have the old pleasure of
buying trifles,and being insulted,and then shooting the scoffer dead with the million-pound bill.But I couldn't keep that up.
The illustrated papers made the outfit so familiar that when I went out in it I was at once recognized and followed by a crowd,
and if I attempted a purcha the man would offer me his whole shop on credit before I could pull my note on him.
About the tenth day of my fame I went to fulfil my duty to my flag by paying my respects to the American minister.He
received me with the enthusiasm proper in my ca,upbraided me for being so tardy in my duty,and said that there was only
one way to get his forgiveness,and that was to take the at at his dinner-party that night made vacant by the illness of one of
bulkyhis guests.I said I would,and we got to talking.It turned out that he and my father had been schoolmates in boyhood,Yale
students together later,and always warm friends up to my father's death.So then he required me to put in at his hou all the
odd time I might have to spare,and I was very willing,of cour.
"Right,it was the What Cheer;went there at two in the morning,and had a chop and coffee after a hard six-hours grind每日
over tho Extension papers,and I tried to persuade you to come to London with me,and offered to get leave of abnce for
you and pay all your expens,and give you something over if I succeeded in making the sale;and you would not listen to答案2020
英语培训价格me,said I wouldn't succeed,and you couldn't afford to lo the run of business and be no end of time getting the hang of
make it happen
things again when you got back home.And yet here you are.How odd it all is!How did you happen to come,and whateverdid give you thisincredible start?"