前缀 | 意义 | 例 | ||||||||
mal- | 坏、恶 | malnutrition, maltreat | ||||||||
micro- | 微、细 | microscope, microtome | ||||||||
tele- | 远 | telegram, telepathy | ||||||||
demi-,mi-,hemi- | 半、二分之一 | mi-circle, hemisphere | ||||||||
arch- | 首领 | archbishop, archduke | ||||||||
bene- | 善、好 | benefactor, benevolence | ||||||||
homo- | 同 | homoxual, homograph | ||||||||
neo- | 新 | neo-colonialism, neolithic | ||||||||
ortho- | 正确,直 | orthogonal, orthodox | ||||||||
philo- | 挚爱 cska | philosopher, philomath | ||||||||
proto- | 原始 | prototype, protoplasm | ||||||||
pudo- | 假的,冒充的 | pudonym, pudo-communism | ||||||||
a-,ab-,abs- | 从,自 | avoid, abnt, abstain | ||||||||
保罗韦斯利apo-,aph- | 来自 | apology, apostle | ||||||||
- | 分离 | cure, dition | ||||||||
omni- | 所有的,公共的 | omnibus, omipotence | ||||||||
pan- | 全、泛 | Pan-american, panorama | ||||||||
医学培训班dia- | 通过,借以 | Diagonal, diagnosis | ||||||||
per- | 通过,彻底 | Perambulate, perfection | ||||||||
trans- | 通过,横过 | Transcript, transparent | ||||||||
com-,con-,cor-,col- | 共同,和,完全 | Compile, correlation, collaborate | ||||||||
syn- | 共同 | Synchronization, synthetic | ||||||||
meta- | 在上,在外,有改变的 | Metaphor, metaphysics | ||||||||
cis- | 在这一边 | cisatlantic, cislunar | ||||||||
en-,em- | 在undefined undefined里 | Endear, embrace | ||||||||
intra- | 内在 | Intracardiac, intramolecular | ||||||||
intro- | 进入undefined 之中 | Introduce, introspect | ||||||||
dys- | 坏 | Dyspepsia, dyntery | ||||||||
eu- | 优,美好 | Eulogy, euphony | ||||||||
ambi-,amphi- | 两者 | Amphibian, ambidextrous | ||||||||
uni-,mono- | 单一,单独 | monotone, monologue | ||||||||
bi-,di-,twi- | 二 | Biyearly,dichloride,twiformed | ||||||||
tri- | 三 | Triangle, tripod | ||||||||
multi- | 多 | Multi-colored, multi-national | ||||||||
poly- | 多 | Polygon, polyatomic | ||||||||
tetra- | 四 | Tetracycline, tetragon | ||||||||
penta- | 五 | Pentagon, pentagram, pentameter | ||||||||
x-,hexa- | 六 | Sexennial, hexagon | ||||||||
pt- | 有七个的 | September, ptennial | ||||||||
hepta- | 七 | Heptad, heptagon | ||||||||
octa-,octo-,oct- | 八 | Octagon, octuple | ||||||||
nona-,ennea- | 九 | 怎么开化妆品店 Nonagon, ennead, enneagon | ||||||||
deci-,deca-- | 十 | Decimal, decagram | ||||||||
centi- | 百 | Centimeter, centipede | ||||||||
milli- | 千 | Millennium, millimeter | ||||||||
kilo- | 千 | Kilowatt, kilometer | ||||||||
后缀 | 意义 | 例 | |||||||
-age | The action, result or state of | Reportage, parentage | |||||||
-al | The action of, the person of | Rival, criminal | |||||||
-ee | One who receives | Testee, payee | |||||||
-er,--ar,-ur,-eer,-ier | Doer, device for | Fighter, pioneer | |||||||
-hood | Female | deadHeroine, mayoress | |||||||
-ility | Condition, state | Bachelorhood, brotherhood | |||||||
-ility | Quality of | Feasibility, rvility | |||||||
-ion, -ation | Action of, process of | Indication, commercialization | |||||||
-ism | Doctrine, belief | Adventurism, opportunism | |||||||
-ist | Believer in ;expert of | Romanticist, nationalist | |||||||
-let | Little | Townlet, houlet | |||||||
-logy,-ology | Study of | Methodology, anthropology | |||||||
-age | The action, result or state of | Reportage, parentage | |||||||
-al | The action of, the person of | Rival, criminal | |||||||
-ee | One who receives | Testee, payee | |||||||
akimbo-er,--ar,-ur,-eer,-ier | Doer, device for | Fighter, pioneer | |||||||
-hood | Female | Heroine, mayoress | |||||||
-ility | Condition, state | Bachelorhood, brotherhood | |||||||
-ment | Result of; agency of; state of | Disappointment, improvement | |||||||
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