单词表(Word list)
38. plea (the imperative ntence is ud as a polite request) plea interj爱霸英语
39. school school n.
A t of 40. a t; a pair
41. of (belongs)... The全音符
42. excu forgive; Forgive v.
43. excu me, plea forgive me
Third units of words and phras
1. sister sister; sister n.pay per view
2. mother mother; mother n.
3. father dad; father n.
4. parent father or mother n.
5. brother brothers; brother n.
6. grandmother grandmother; grandmother n.
7. grandfather grandfather; grandfather n.
8. friend friend n.
9. grandparent grandfather / mother; grandfather / mother n.
10. the the pron.& adj.cutacross>锤子英文
11. are is v.
12. tho tho pron.& adj.
13. she she pron.
14. he he pron.
15. he's =he is
16. son son n.
17. cousin Hall (table) brother; Hall (table) sister n.
18. daughter daughter n.
19. uncle uncle; uncle uncle uncle Bo;; n.;
20. aunt aunt aunt aunt aunt n.;;;
21. dear (courtesy in letters) dear adj.
22. thanks And thank you
23. photo photo; photo n.
24. here here; here, adv.
25. picture photos; pictures n.
26. for (for reason or purpo) for prep. Fourth units of words and phras
1. where where adv
2. table table n.
3. bed bed n.
4. dresr dresr n.
5. bookca n. bookca bookca;
6. sofa sofa n.
7. chair chair n.
8. drawer drawer n.
9. plant plant n.
10. Prep. below
11. they, they pron.
12. Top prep.
13. know know; understand v.
14. bag schoolbag; handbag; bag n.
15. math mathematical n.
16. alarm clock alarm clock
17. CD (=compact disc) CD abbr.
会计凭证格式18. video video; video n.
19. tape tape n.
20. video tape video tape
演讲紧张怎么办21. hat hat n.
Take 22. take; bring it to v.
romance是什么意思23. thing things; things n.
24. to Chao; Xiang; Da; Da prep.
25. mom (informal) Mom n.
26.can can; can; will modal v.
27. bring fetch; fetch; bring v.
28. some some; some pron.& adj.
29. need needs v.
30. floor floor; ground n.
31. room room n.
32.TV (=television) TV; TV abbr.
33. desk desk; desk n.
Fifth units of words and phras
1. have have; eat; drink v.
2. soccer soccer n.
3. ball ball n.
4. soccer ball soccer
5. tennis tennis n.
6. racket (tennis, badminton) racket n.
7. tennis racket tennis racket
8. ping-pong table tennis n.
9. volleyball volleyball n.