chemi groundwood [化学机械木浆]
chemi-groundowood process [化学机械方法(制浆),化学磨木(制浆)]
chemi-mechanical pulp [化学机械浆]
chip charging with packer [机械装锅]
chip mechanical pulp [木片磨森乐,木片机械浆]
conventional machinery [常用机械,普通机械]
CTMP [chemithermomechanical pulp化学热磨机械浆的缩写]
英语翻译词典 dynamic mechanical properties [动态机械性能]
free sheet [不含机械木浆的纸]
Herreshoff furnace [硫铁矿机械焙烧炉]
machanized line [机械化作业线]
machinability [机械加工性能]
machine barking [机械去皮,机械剥皮]
machine design [机械设计]
machine sorting [机械选料;机械选纸]
machine time [机械加工时间]
machinery [机器,机械(设备)]
machining [机械加工]
mechanical adhesion [机械胶粘]
送友人 李白 mechanical and electrical fibre [机械和电气用钢纸]
mechanical barking [机械去皮]
烙花 mechanical breakdown [机械事故]
mechanical classifier [机械筛分器]
健康管理师报考条件 mechanical deckle edge paper [机械加工切边的纸张]
mechanical degradation [机械降解]
mechanical drive [机械传动]
英语学习视频网站 mechanical feed dresr [机械进刀刻石器]
mechanical foam breaker [机械消沫器]
mechanical measurement [机械法测量]
mechanical process [机械法(制浆)]
mechanical properties [机械特性]
mechanical pyrites bruner [硫铁矿焙烧机械炉]
mechanical reenings [机械木浆筛渣,磨木浆筛渣]
mechanical shear aerator [机械切变充气器]
my heart will go on mp3 mechanical strain gage [机械应变仪]
mechanical straw pulp [机械覃浆]
mechanical strength [机械强度]
mechanical wear [机械磨损]
mechanical(wood) pulp [机械木浆,磨木浆]
mechanicaldegradation [机械降解]法国菜
mechanization [机械化]
mechano-chemical process [机械化学法(制浆)]
mechano-chemical pulp [机械化学浆]
sungold static mechanical properties [静态机械性能]
thermomechanical pulp [预热法机械(木)浆]
TMP [thermo mechanical pulp 热磨机械浆的缩略语]
verdol paper [(纺织机械用)提花金属箔纸]
verdol paper [纺织机械用提花金属箔纸]take up什么意思