(1)社会人物为施事者,充当为…意为act as or like
例:nur……to nur to act as a nur for sick people(护理)
tutor…to tutor to act as a tutor to(当…的教师、辅导)
father…to father to be the father of(当…父亲,像父亲般的对待)
police…to police to keep order in(a place)as a policeman(维持(某地)的治安)
(2)名词用动物名称来表达,执行动作的主要是人,也有物。人和物的行为与原词所表示的动物的行为相似,也可解释为act as or like,模仿…
例:ape…to ape to imitate like an ape(模仿)
dog…to dog to follow or hunt like a dog(尾随,追踪)
monkey…to monkey(with) to mimic,play mischievous tricks like a monkey(胡闹,瞎弄)
bull…to bull to force so to do sth. By using one’s strength or by intimidating him(用武力威胁(某人)做某事)
这类词由动词名称为充当,利用人或物的行为与动物行为特点的相似性,简洁、明确地把作者的意图展现在读者面前。以snake为例,蛇爬行时是蜿蜒曲折前进的。“The road snak
es through the mountains”一句中山间公路环绕的样子用snake一词就让读者如临其境。
例:fool…to fool to make a fool of(愚弄)
knight…to knight to make sb.a knight(授予…爵士称号)
group…to group to form…into a group or groups (把…留学利弊编成组)
widow…to widow to cau to be a widow (使…成寡妇)
cash…to cash to change into cash (兑成现金)
martyr…to martyr to put to death, cau to suffer (为…损躯)
orphan…to orphan to cau to be an orphan (使…成为孤儿)
这类词都具有某种结果、后果之意。如orphan的本义是无父亲,martyr为已牺牲的人,knight则已成为爵士。Orphancd by war告诉我们的信息是His parents are killed by war。
而the death of one’s patents正是orphan的含义。
例:hammer…to hammer to strike with a hammer (用锤子敲)
boat…to boat凑趣
ship…to ship to nd by ship (用船运输)
needle…to needle the throng to push one’s way through the crowd
like a needle (摩肩接踵)
helicopter…to helicopter (坐直升飞机旅行)
mail…to mail to nd by mail (寄邮)
telegram…to telegram to give sb a telegrom (打电报)
在讲究效率、快节奏的今天,英语词汇在这方面的应用正好体现了这一点。To bicycle 不用再说to go by bicycle,to chopper不用再罗嗦to go there by helicopter,to bulldozer可以不用说to push sth,down by a bulldozer。这类词的共同点是可用动词词组+by/with+原词来表示。
例:bottle…to bottle to put into a bottle (用瓶装)
pocket…to pocket to put into the pocket (用袋装)
garage…to garage to put in a garage (放入车库)
list…to list to enter into a list (编入进目录)
corner…to corner to put into a difficult position (使某人走投无路)
这类词通常是动作发生的地点或范围。To bottle指盛在瓶中,更形象一点的To corner表入化隅,to pocket the coin中,pocket既表示了硬币最后放入的地方,也表示了put这个动作。
例:hand…to hand to give with hand (上交)
finger…to finger to feel or handle with fingers (触摸某物)
shoulder…to shoulder to take on the shouiders (扛、担、掮(某物))
elbow…to elbow to push one’s way through elbow(用肘强行开路)
no…to no to go forward carefully (某人某物缓慢前进)
arm…to arm, to prepare supply, fit weapow for war(供给自己(某人)武器)
skin…to skin to remove the skin from (剥掉…的皮)
bone…to bone to take bones out of (剔去…骨头)
这类词以人或其它动物的身体部位为工具,抓住了人或动物行动时的特点。原词用做动词后,大多采用引申义或比喻义。To shoulder肩负,并不是真正把任务扛在肩上,采用了引申义。To no小心地向前推进也一样,并不是说人们走路时要先用鼻子嗅一嗅,这儿也用了引申义。
From every window heads were craning for a view of it.每个窗口都有人探出头来看。
He doesn’t have all idea of his own.He just parrots what other people say.
前两句以动物作喻,所表达的意思分别是:“stretched their heads like a crane”和“repeats
冬暖夏凉someone el words or idea like a parrot”初中半命题作文,非常形象地活化了主体的动作或状态,收到了形、神皆似的修辞效果。
表示人体器官名称的名词,如eye、elbow、foot、no、stomach、finger、hand、圣诞快乐 英文firm、thumb等,从某种意义上讲,这些也是人类自身所拥有的从事社会实践活动的工具。因此,它们转化成动词后,也具有某种功能意义。
中译英翻译在线The boat nod its way through the fog.船在雾中小心地前进。
He legged it out to the wharf.contest是什么意思(一般用于legit补语中)他朝码头飞跑而去。
Jack peeled the snake.杰克把那条蛇剥了皮。
They stormed the speaker with questions.他们猛烈质问演讲者。
此句以自然现象作喻,意为spoke violently like a storm.
Misfortunes have rained heavily upon the old Man.不幸总是无情地落在这位老人身上。
His refusal iced our enthusiasm.他的拒绝给我们的热情泼了冷水。
He 747ed to Paris last weekend.他上周末坐747飞机到了巴黎。