第一章 绪论
1.1 翻译的性质和分类
1. 翻译的定义:Definition of translation翻译是将一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言、跨文化的交际活动。翻译的本质是释义,是意义的转换。
2. 翻译的分类:Classification of translation
全译: 全文照译,全译是翻译的最基本方式,它是翻译的基础。
摘译: 根据特定目的的摘取、翻译原文中的部分内用,以利译文读者更方便,更快捷的获取原文文献主要信息的方式。
3.翻译活动涉及的因素:Factors involved in translation activities
译者:translator, 作者:author, 原文: source text, 原文读者: source-text readers
译文:target text/translated text/target version, 译文读者: target-text readers
lack1.2 汉英翻译的单位----句子C-E Translation Unit
句子: 句子是用词或词组构成的一个能够表达一个完整意思的语言单位。每个句子都有一定的语调,表示陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹等语气。在连续说话时,句子和句子中间有一个较大的停顿。在书面上,句子的停顿处,要根据不同的语调分别用句号、问号火感叹号。(定义来自《汉语大辞典》)
cut out 从功能上讲,句子表示陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹等语气
1.3 汉英翻译的标准Standards for C-E Translation
Chine translation standards
信:faithfulness 指准确的传达原文的内容,即信于读者和作者,不允许对原作有任何歪曲或篡改,译作不容许有任何遗漏和省略。
达:expressiveness 指译文使用标准汉语,即译文语言应通俗明白,不应模棱两可,晦涩难懂,不滥用陈词滥调,繁文缛句,也不应有粗枝大叶的错误
雅:elegance 指译文的美学价值,它体现在修辞、文体、韵律、诗意和心理等五个方面insists
2. 刘重德的标准
信:faithfulness 信于原文内容 to be faithful to the content of the original
达:expressiveness 具备原为一样的表现力 to be as expressive as the original
切: cloness 尽可能的切近原文的风格 to be as clo to the original style as possible
3.傅雷的标准 神似(similarity in spirit)
4.钱钟书的标准 化境——出神入化(sublimation)
Western translation standards
(Alexander F Tytler)泰勒的西方翻译标准
译文应该完全传达原文的思想 a translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work
译文的风格和笔调应与原文一致 the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original
译文应像原文一样流畅 a translation should have all the ea of the original compositon
may it be5.张陪基的标准——对初学者For beginners
忠实: faithfulness, 忠实于原作的内容和风格
通顺: smoothness, 译文语言必须通俗易懂,符合规范
功能相似,语义相符, similarity in funciton and correspondence in meaning
6. 语言的功能
A, 信息功能:informative function =所指功能:referential function, 它是语言传达信息,影响他人认知的功能女士们先生们英文
B. 表情功能: expressive function, 它是语言表达言者或作何,即言语始发者的思想感情的功能。
C.人际功能:interpersonal function, 是语言帮助人确定和保持自己社会地位的功能,也是维系和协调人际关系的功能
D. 呼唤功能: vocative function,使读者或听着作出文本所期望的反应,即行动、思考或感受
E. 美感功能: aesthetic function: 是语言用语言形式及其传达的内容使感官愉悦的功能
F.认知功能:cognitive function ,人必须用语言进行思考,用语言进行分析,综合,抽象,概况等思维活动,形成思想,表达思想
G. 元语言功能:metalingual funtion, 指语言解释、命名和批评自身特点的功能。
对意义的理解和表达,才是翻译的核心understanding and expression of meaning is the core for translation.
7. 指称意义与蕴含意义
蕴含意义,也称为情感意义,指词内含的情感和联想意义/词的隐含意义(implied or suggested meaning )
connotation, also known as affective meaning, refers to the emotive and associational as
pects of a term.
指称意义,也称认知意义,指词与所指客体、思想或行为之间的直接联系/词的确切和字面的意义(strict and literal meaning)
Denotation, also known as cognitive meaing, refers to the direct relationship between a term and the object.
指称意义并不等同于词典意义dictionary meaning
1.4 汉英翻译对译者素养的要求 requirements for translators
Rome was not built in a day. Good translation skills cairneeds our diligent study, long-term accumulation and a lot of practice.
1. 深厚的语言功底 good basic language knowledge
英语的语感包括:语法意识 n of grammer,( Follow the rules of grammar) 惯用法意识n of idiomaticness(Collocation between Verbs and other words)和连贯意识 n of coherencehandle是什么意思
2. 广博的文化知识Extensive cultural knowledge(National cultural background knowledge国家文化背景知识、Cultural Differences reflected by Chine and English汉英两种语言所反映的中西文化差异、Related disciplines knowledge相关学科知识 )
3. 高度的责任感: 严谨、端正的工作态度, 敬业、乐业的主人公意识
High n of responsibility, Rigorous and correct attitude, and Sen of ownership
Chapter 2 Basic Knowledge for C-E Translation
(9 periods)
Teaching Objectives:
1. Have a good understanding of the relationship between language, culture and C-E translation ( 80 minutes).
2. Have a comparative study of the thinking modes through some cas (55 minutes).
3. Have a comparative study of Chine and English (55 minutes)
第二章 汉英翻译基础知识
2.1 汉英翻译与文化
2.1.1 文化的定义与分类(Definition and classification of culture)
The term culture is all-inclusive(包罗一切的). It has been given many definitions.(p15-16)we could find out the difference between Chineexactly definition and English definition.(p16)
1. 定义:文化是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。
物质文化:material culture 指人类创造的物质文明,指一切可见可感的物质和精神的产品。