第二章 汉英翻译基础知识

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第二章  汉英翻译基础知识
1. 汉英翻译与文化
2. 文化、语言与汉英翻译的关系
individualism, materialism, ambition, landlord, politeness
2.2 中英思维方式对比:
中国人:伦理(ethics)、整体综合性(integrity, synthetic)、直觉(intuition)、形象思维(figurative thinking)
英美人:认知(cognition)、个体分析性(individuality, analytic)、实证(evidence)、逻辑思维(logical thinking)
noir1. 顺其自然、(let nature take its cour in accordance with its natural tendency)  听其自然、(leave the matter as it is; take the world as it is) 听天由命( be at the mercy of the nature; be left to God's mercy)、亲属称呼、单位从小到大、从大到小
2. 中西医看病方式、戏剧、
3. 量词,
明枪易躲,暗箭难防it is easy to dodge a spear thrust in the open but difficult to guard against an arrow shot from hiding、脚踏实地have one's feet planted on solid ground; have a down-to-earth manner; 脚踏两只船straddle two boats; have a foot in either camp; sit on the fence
2.3 汉英语言对比
2.3.1 汉英文字对比
英语没有字,只有词。Character, word
2.3.2 汉英语音对比
2.3.3 汉英词汇对比
力大如牛 as strong as a hor
老黄牛 work like a hor
chuge食量大如牛 eat like a hor
牛不喝水强按头 you can make a hor to the water but you can't make it drink
吹牛  talk hor
牛饮  drink like a fish
as brave as a lion, feel like a lion
虎胆英雄 hero as brave as a lion
拦路虎 obstacle; lion in the way
虎口拔牙 beard the lion in his den
"羊"goat, lamb, sheep
罪恶,魔鬼的帮凶 play the goat, parate from the sheep and the goats
淫乱、好色、替罪羊 old goat, make sb, the goat, scapegoat
lamb 基督教救世主的象征
lamb of the God 耶稣
you poor lamb! 可怜的宝贝!
1. go to the dogs
2.  Every dog has his day
3.  He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.
4. like a duck to water
5.  A cat nap
6.  Hold one's hor
7.  Straight from a hor's mouth
8.  Have a bee in one's head
9. See the elephant
10.  The lion's share
1. 堕落
2.  凡人皆有得意日
3.  欲加之罪,何患无辞
4.  如鱼得水
5.  打个盹
6.  有耐心
7.  原话或从可靠权威人士得来的消息
8.  神经不正常、胡思乱想 
9.  大开眼界
10. 最大部分、好处
1. 像热
2.  名人、红人
3.  一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅汤
4.  怪人
5.  非驴非马
6.  有其他要紧事要做
7.  倔得像头牛
8.  莫惹是生非
9.  绝不可能。
10.  真是个草包!
1. Like a cat on hot bricks
2. A lion of the day
3. A fly in the ointment
4. Odd/queer fish
5. Neither fish nor fowl
6. Have other fish to fry
7. As stubborn as a mule
8. Let sleeping dog lie
9. When pigs fly
10. What a turkey!
根据汉语提示在空格里填上一个合适的动词(要求不用make, take, have, give, do之类的所谓"万能词--all-purpo word"):
1) The birds also(糟蹋庄稼)______crops when the opportunity appears.
2) The next day I went to the railway station to(去取行李)_______the luggage.
3) The professor is going to(开设一门新科)________a new cour to postgraduates.
4) Teachers are expected to(为人师表)_______themlves in an exemplary way.
5) It is unlikely that the director will(发表讲话)______a speech on such an occasion.
6) It is advisable to(有耐心)_____ patience in dealing with such complicated situations.
2013年四川高考7) Even if we are now richer, we should still(厉行节约)______economy.
8) I heard someone knocking, but I was reluctant to(开门)______the door.
9) To our surpri, Tom didn't(报名参加)_______himlf for the competition.
10)The workers demanded a rai and threatened to go on strike if the management refud to(答应他们的要求)______their request.
a.  1) attack        2) claim      3)offer      4) behave    5)deliver
  6) exerci      7) practice    8)answer    9) enter      10) grant
b. 选择一个合适的动词填空,并注意其形式的适当变化:
  dert  develop    exhaust    feel  transfer    produce    pay    lie  reflect    work      bottle    betray    sleep    fall    convey
11) Asking questions would _______my ignorance, so I said nothing except to remark on the beauty of the place.
12) His prence of mind never _______him.
13) The film has been expod to light. How can you expect the photograph to _________?
14) Although the book does not _________the subject, it is very helpful.
15) The loaded basket I carried _________heavier and heavier.
16) Words failed to ___________his indignation.
17) The bus conductor asked the pasngers to _______their tickets.
18) It _______in the long run to introduce new techniques.
19) The difference between the possible and the impossible _______in a person's determination.
20) They were afraid that it would be easy for them to _______victim to the inquisitively sharp-eyed private detectives.
21) What great achievements they have made! They are really ________ wonders.
22) As public transportation is overloaded, it often takes a lot of waiting to get on a bus and to ________from one bus line to another.
23) People who have a
good row and then forget about it are doing their health more good than tho who ________up their feelings.
24) Instead of going to the doctor, he lay in bed and ________away his headache.
25) English is actually not too difficult to learn once you know some basic facts about the language and the culture that it _______.
 b.  11) betray      12) derted    13) develop    14) exhaust    15) felt
    16) convey    17) produce    18) pays      19) lies      20) fall
    21) working    22) transfer    23) bottle      24) slept      25) reflects
2.3 汉英语言对比
汉藏语系Sino-Tibetan Family  (P33)
印欧语系Indo-European Family
1.文字对比 script/system of writing (P33-34)
汉语ideographic script
英语alphabetic script
2. 语音对比 (P34-35)
声调语言tonal language
语调语言intonation language
3. 词汇对比 (P35-36)
a.构词对比 (P36-37)
果品:水果和干果的总称 fresh and dried fruits
do the floor/ dishes/lawn/houwork/ hou chores/ general cleaning
sweep the floor, shine/polish leather shoes, clean /wipe blackboard, powder one's face, apply lotion, put on vanishing cream,
一、词义相符(mantic correspondence)
1. He is a sly old fox.
2. That book, who author doesn't em to have his own viewpoints, is full of parrot-knowledge.
3. 假对应词
wear a red tie; wear a red hair ribbon; wear an expensive perfume; wear light make-up; wear a smile
proficiency; standard; skill
fist product 拳头产品 knockout 
Out of 6300 families, there are over 200 pianos.
Out of 6300 musical instruments, 200 are pianos.
Of 6300 houholds on the islet, more than 200 have a piano at home.
Constant dropping wears the stone
Pour oil on fire
Fish in troubled waters
Have one's tail up
pull one's leg 拉后腿?
For a time I actually believed that his wife had royal blood. Then I realized he was pulling my leg.
to tell someone something that is not tr
ue, as a joke:
I haven't won, have I? You're pulling my leg.
Eat one's words食言?
to admit that what you said was wrong:
I'm going to make you eat your words.
Walking skeleton 行尸走肉?
骨鲠在喉have a bone in one's throat?
lie down on the job躺倒不干?
throw up one's job  躺倒不干
二、词义相异(mantic non-correspondence)
指称意义和蕴涵意义相异 (P46-47)
1. 指称意义相同,蕴涵意义相异"松、梅、竹"英语中没有不畏严寒,傲然风雪的品德
2. 指称意义和蕴涵意义都相异
1. a large imaginary animal that has wings and a long tail and can breathe out fire
2 a woman who behaves in an angry, unfriendly way
1. a magic bird that is born from a fire, according to ancient stories
2. ri like a phoenix from the ashes to
become successful again after eming to have failed completely凤凰涅槃
龙凤呈祥(dragon and phoenix bringing prosperity)
龙飞凤舞(dragons flying and phoenixes dancing)
culture shock
a lucky dog, a gay dog喜欢玩乐的人, a dumb dog沉默不语的人, a dirty dog坏蛋,
a dead dog,a dog in the manger, lead a dog's life, die like a dog, go to the dogs, let sleeping dog lie
三、词义空缺(mantic zero) (P47-48)
A well-off society ?
a moderately prosperous society
小康水平A relatively comfortable life
    a relatively comfortable standard of living
党内民主 inner-Party democracy ?
on the inside or clo to the centre of something
an inner room
inner London/ring
the inner ear
intra-Party democracy
依法治国 rule the country by law ?
The rule of law/ law-bad governance
宪法和法律 the Constitution and other laws
The Constitution and laws
宪法是国家的根本大法,去掉这个更改的依据是美国历届总统在提到"宪法和法律"时,只说,The Constitution and laws
而不说the Constitution and other laws
反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government
      Fight corruption and uphold integrity
文明(现代汉语词典):1。文化,2。社会发展到较高阶段和具有较高文化的,3。指有西方现代色彩的(风俗、习惯、事物。Civilization英语"教养、开化 "
Political civiliz
Cultural and ethical civilization/ spiritual civilization
Conrvation culture
汉英句法对比 P48
1. 句子的概念
 ○1I have come across a great many young friends, ○2bright and diligent, ○3do exceedingly well in studies, ○4 but they are rather weak in Chine, ○5even can't write a smooth Chine letter. ○6 When asked why, they'll say they are not interested in Chine.
I have come cross a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but they are so weak in Chine that they cannot even write a letter in correct Chine. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chine language.
衔接手段 (56-67)
1. 指称衔接 (56-60)
We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing.
还是从火车上说起吧! 大约在我四岁多的时候,我坐过火车。
Let's begin with the train.
Let's begin from the train.
I'll begin from the time when I was born on the train.
Let me begin with my trip on the train.
2. 结构衔接  (60-64)
Swallows fly away, yet return; willows wither, yet burgeon again; peach-blossom fades; yet blooms afresh. But tell me, you who are wi, why do our days depart never to return?
我为人人,人人为我。 (回环)p63
One for all, all for one.
We will never attack unless we are attacked.
Only by being well acquainted with each other can we be free from suspicious, and only without suspicious can we always keep bosom friends with each other.
Year in year out you have been looking forward with eager expectation to my home-coming; year in year out I have been looking forward with great anxiety to returning home
1. 如果你留下来,我也要留下来。
2. 小马也就是十二、三岁。
3. 她怎么好好地就自杀了?这也怪了!
4. 说来话长。
5. 他的名字我一时说不上来。
6. 你连续三次没交作业,这可说不过去。
7. 他两岁就学会看时间了。
8. 我能看出你在想什么。
9. 你要是觉得这东西还看得过去,就买下来吧。
10. 我万万没有想到(这个主意)。
1. If you stay, I wi
ll, too.
2. Xiao ma is no more than 12 or 13 years old.
3. Why did she commit suicide for no reason? It was rather odd.
4. It is a long story.
5. His name is on the tip of my tongue.
6. You have failed to hand in your exercis three times in a row/succession/running. I am tired of listening to your excus.
 This is really inexcusable.
7. He could tell time even when he was two years old.
8. I can read your mind.
9. If you think it's all right, then buy it.
10. This idea never occurred to me.
金玉满堂:Treasures fill the home
生意兴隆:Business flourishes
岁岁平安:Peace all year round
恭喜发财:Wishing you prosperity
和气生财:Harmony brings wealth
心想事成:May all your wishes come true
吉祥如意:Everything goes well
国泰民安:The country flourishes and people live in peace
grocery招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful
一帆风顺:Wishing you every success
步步高升:Promoting to a higher position
出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go

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