3. 在电脑的帮助下,他得以顺利完成任务。(able)
3. With the help of the computer, he was able to finish the task successfully.
4. 他已经绞尽脑汁了,可是仍未找到问题的答案。(able)
4. He had thought hard, but wasn’t able to work out the answer to the problem.
5. 他已经两天没来上学了。(abnt)
5. He has been abnt from school for 2 days.
6. 医生不会给他开刀,除非绝对必要.(absolutely)
6. The doctors will not operate on him unless it is absolutely necessary.
7. 当你聚精会神地读一本好书时,不会注意到时间的流逝。(absorb)
7. Time pass quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book
8. 他忘了带阅读证,进不了图书馆我心依旧歌词.(accessible)
8. He forgot to take the reading card, so the library was not accessible to him.
9. 游客只有乘坐直升机才能到达那个山顶。(accessible)
9. The top of the mountain is only accessible to tourists by helicopter.
11. classic是什么意思尽管付出的努力不可估量,但那些偏远山城都已通车,这让全国人民无比自豪.(accessible)
11. Although the efforts made are beyond measure, tho remote mountainous cities have been accessible to cars, which makes all the Chine people/ the whole nation feel very proud/ full of pride.
Be proud of take pride in
12. 那些不愿意向他人学习的人是不会有所作为的.(accomplish)
12. Tho who refu to learn/who are not willing to learn from others will accomplish nothing.
13. 老师批评他说话声音太轻。(accu)
13. The teacher accud him of his low voice.
14. 说实话,我至今还不习惯用刀叉吃西餐。(accustomed)
14. To tell the truth, I have not been accustomed to eating western food with knife and fork.
15. 你出来乍到,水土不服很正常。(accustomed)
15. Since you are a newcomer, it is very natural not to be accustomed to the water and climate here.
18. 如果你不能牢记“不劳无获”这句谚语,那么你将一事无成。(achieve)
18. If you can’t remember the proverb “No pains, no gains.”, you will achieve nothing in life.
19. 读书不是获取知识的唯一途径.(acquire)
19. Reading is not the only way of acquiring knowledge .
20. 广州人一般很难适应北方气候,尤其是冬天。(adapt)
20. It is difficult for the people from Guangzhou to adapt themlves to the climate of the north, especially in winter.
21. 去国外时,你必须适应新的风俗习惯.(adapt)
21. When you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourlf to new manners and customs.
23. 新建的大剧院给广场增添了美丽。(add)
23. The newly-built grand theatre has added to the beauty of the square.
24. 除日常工作外,他在周末还有一份临时工作,他的月收入加起来达一万元。(add up to)
24. Besides/In addition to his routine work, he also has a part-time job at weekends and his monthly income adds up to 10,000 Yuan.
26. 我还要补充说一下,我们对测试结果表示满意。(add)
26. I should like to add that we are plead with the test result.
27. 很显然,人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。(admire)六级范文
27. It is obvious that everybody admires him for his fine n of humor.
28. 未经容许,任何人不得入内.(admit)
28. Nobody is admitted without permission.
29. 无论做什么事,都应该事先做好充分的准备。(advance)
29. Whatever we do, full preparations should be made in advance.
30. 同学们在班会课上各抒己见,提出了许多节约能源的建议。(advice)
30. Students gave their own opinions at the class meeting and put forward many suggestions on saving recours.
31. 他通过做兼职赚了足够的钱去国外旅游。(afford)
31. He has earned enough money by doing part-time jobs to afford his trip abroad.
32. 我买得起汽车,但养不起。(afford)
32. I can afford a car, but cannot afford to maintain it.
34. 他是由于怕输才不敢尝试的。(afraid)
34. It was becau he was afraid to lo that he didn’t dare to try.
35. 三分之二的出席者反对这项计划.(against)
35. Two – thirds of the people prent are against the plan.
36. 听了老师的演讲后,学生们不再反对穿校服了。(against)
36. Having hearing the teacher’s speech, the students were no longer against wearing school uniforms.
38. 我认为他们不会同意你的想法。(agree)
38. I don’t think they will agree to your opinion.
39. 曾有一段时间,天气预报和事实根本不相符。(agree)
39. There was a time when the weather forecast didn’t agree with the fact at all.
40. 我认为他们不会同意你的想法。(agree)
40. I don’t think they will agree to your opinion.
41. 他们没能就谁先去西部工作取得一致意见.(agreement)
41. They can’t make an agreement on who should go to work in the West.
42. 陪审团一致认为被告有罪。(agreement)
分级阅读42. The jury reached an agreement that the accud was guilty.
45. 每个学生都允许从学校图书馆借书,但一次只能借一本.(allow)
45. Every students is allowed to borrow books form school library, but only one at a time.
46. 电影院里不许抽烟。(allow)
46. Smoking is not allowed in the cinema.
韩国流行歌曲排行榜47. 校园内禁止吸烟.(allow)
47. Smoking is not allowed on campus/ in school(s).
保证英文48. 几乎三分之一的大一学生说他们在暑假期间打工。(Almost)
48. Almost a third of the freshmen said they were working during the summer vacation.
49. 他对生活的态度正在被改变。(alter)
49. His attitude towards life is being altered.
50. 虽然妇女对社会的贡献有目共睹,但对妇女得歧视仍然存在,并可能持续很长一段时间。(although)
50. Although women’s contributions to the society are obvious to all, discrimination against women still exists and may last for a long time.