Evaluation of the clinical and allergen specific rum immunoglobulinE respons to oral challenge with cornstarch, corn, soy and a soy hydrolysate diet in dogs with spontaneous food allergy 期刊名称: Veterinary Dermatology希拉里达夫
作者: H. A. Jackson,M. W. Jackson,L. Coblentz,B. Hammerberg
作者机构: Department of Clinical Sciences,,Evesham Veterinary Clinic, 800 Routefolicacid
73 South, Marlton, New Jery, USA
年份: 2003年
期号: 第4期
hardest关键词: dog;food allergy;hydrolyd protein;IgE;intradermal test
摘要:Fourteen dogs with known clinical hypernsitivity to soy and corn were
begrudgemaintained on a limited antigen duck and rice diet until cutaneous manifestations of
pruritus were minimal (78 days). Sequential oral challenges with cornstarch, corn
and soy were then performed. Subquently, the dogs were fed a diet containinghybridoma
hydrolyd soy protein and cornstarch. Throughout the study period the dogs
usingwere examined for cutaneous manifestations of pruritus and, additionally, rum
was collected for measurement of allergen-specific and total immunoglobulin (Ig)E
concentrations. Intradermal testing with food antigens was performed prior to
entry into the study and after 83 days. A statistically significant clinical improvement
2008北京奥运会主题曲was measured between days 0 and 83. Significant pruritus was induced after oral
challenge with cornstarch, corn and soy (P = 0...h是什么意思>blinding