外贸英文函电租船订仓实验二租船订仓【实验项目编号】4161304620172 【实验项目名称】租船订舱【实验目的】
1.掌握租船订舱的专用词汇2.掌握装船指示和装船通知的函电写作【实验设备】1.微型计算机; 2.W indo ws2017操作系统;3.信用证样本;【实验步骤及内
容】S hipp ingInst ruct ion(装船指示) Be fore shi pmen t, t he i mpor tershal l
se nd t he e xpor tera sh ippi ng i nstr ucti on t o sp ecif y sh ippi ng m ark, pac king, mo de o f
tr ansp orta tion, et c. S hipp ingAdvi ce(装船通知) Aft er t he g oods are loa dedon b oard, th e ex port er s hall n d th e im port er a shi ppin g ad vice toinfo rm t he c ontr actNo,name ofship, na me o f go ods, qua ntit y, v alue, an d th e ti me o f de part ure, and sofort h. S hipm entandInsu ranc e(装运和保险)
1. M odes oftran spor t an d re ceip t do cume nts
(1)By a: Ma rine/Oce an B/L;Thro ughB/L; CTD (Co mbin ed T rans port Doc umen t or B/L); M TD (Mult i-mo delTran spor t Do cume nt);
(2)By a ir:AirWayb ill
(3)by roa d or rai l: C argo Rec eipt承运货物收据,铁路运单2. S hipp ingPart ies(当事人): ----C onsi gnor/Shi pper发货人, wh o se nd t he g oods; ----Co nsig nee(收货
人), w ho r ecei vesgood s at des tina tion; ----Ca rrie r (承运人),whocarr iesthegood s; ----F orwa rder(货运代理人), who rep rese ntsthecarr iers; 3. Let ters reg ardi ng s hipm entareusua llywrit tenforthefoll owin g pu rpos es:
(1) t o co nfir m th e ch arte r pa rtyandbook ingnote;
(2) tourge anearl y sh ipme nt;
(3) t o am endship ping ter ms;
(4) t o gi ve s hipp ingadvi ce;
(5) t o di spat ch s hipp ingdocu ment s; 4. Ch arte ring ofship s an d bo okin g sh ippi ng s pace (1)L iner s, s hips tha t sa il a t re gula r ti meson s et r oute s;
(2)Cha rter: sh ipsthat hav e no t lin es o r ro utes, bu t go whe reve r th ey c an f indsuit able car goes. ----vo yage cha rter ----tim e ch arte r Co ntra ct e nter ed i ntobetw eentheship-
own er a nd t he s hipp er m ay t aketheform ofeith er a) achar terpart y, w here a p lete shi p is hir ed o r b) a b illof l adin g, w here the shi p ca rrie s ca rgoe s be long ingto d iffe rent
shi pper s. 5. Sh ippi ng A dvic e/In stru ctio n: A fter mak ingship ment, th e se ller sho uld
prom ptly adv ithebuye r of its eff ectu atio n, e spec iall y th e tr ansa ctio n is con clud ed o n FO B an d CF R ba sis. Ithasbeen aninte rnat iona l pr acti ce s tipu late d in
INC OTER MS 2017. Use fulExpr essi ons:
(1)W e ha ve (take) pl easu re i n in form ingyouthat。。
(2)Weareplea d(gla d) t o in form you tha t。。
(3)Fu rthe r to our let terof y este rday, we now hav e (t he)plea sure ininfo rmin g yo u
th at。。
(4)W e co nfir m te legr ams/faxmess ages rec entl y ex chan gedbetw een
us a nd a re p leas ed t o sa y th at。。
(5)W e co nfir m ca bles exc hang ed a s pe r co pies (ca bleconf irma tion) he rewi th a ttac hed. (6)In c onne ctio n wi th t he q uest ionof s uppl ying you wit h 。, weareplea dto s ay t hat。(7)Prop er p acki ng i s st rong eno ughto s tand lon g se a vo yage, ro ughhand ling, jo ltin g an d
sh ocki ng,andto d isco urag e th eftandpilf erag e, o ther wise, th e go odsareterr ibly
rus ty a nd d amag ed.
(8)We are gla d to inf ormyouthat the goo ds y ou o rder ed a re r eady pac kedfordeli very. Sh ipme nt c an b e ma de i mmed iate ly a fter rec eipt ofyour L/C.
(9)Thegood s wi ll b e re adyforship ment bytheendof t hismont h, p leas e in form usthename ofthechar tere d sh ip a nd i ts d ateof a rriv al a t ou r po rt e arli er.
(10)O wing tothedela yedarri valof t he s ched uled ste amer, we hav e fa iled to
effe ct s hipm entwith in t he L/C v alid ity. Wou ld y ou p leas e ex tend the shi pmen t of the L/C for one mon th,enab ling usto p roce ed w ithship ment assoon asposs ible? 例1:
装船指示 Ti anji n In tern atio nalImp. Exp. Co., L td 25 Zh ujia ng S tree t Ti anji n, C hina Apr il 13, 2017Mr.Fran cisStev e Vi ce P resi dent Tho mpso n Co nsum ptio n Gr oup51 R ealAven ue S ydne y, A ustr alia Dea r Mr. St eve, Wehave rec eive d yo ur l ette r of Apr il 10th,
fro m wh ichwe u nder stan d th at y ou h avebook ed o ur o rder for 500 car tons Nir en Z hang cra ftwo rks. Our con firm atio n of ord er w illbe f orwa rded toin t hree day s. A s ou r
pu rcha i s ma de o n CF R ba sis, wehave arr ange d sh ipme nt w ithourforw ardi ng a gent, SP EEDComp any, Tia njin, wh o is goi ng t o ta ke c areof s hipp ingthos e go ods. Onc e th e sh ippi ng s pace isbook ed,we w illinfo rm y ou o f th e na me o f th e sh ip.
We a re l ooki ng f orwa rd t o th e sa tisf acto ry a rriv al o f th e go ods. You rs f aith full y, 例2:装船通知T ianj in I nter nati onal Imp. Ex p. C o.,Ltd25 Z huji angStre et T ianj in,Chin a
Ap ril18,2017 Mr. Fra ncis Ste ve V icePres iden t Th omps on C onsu mpti on G roup 51Real Ave nueSydn ey,Aust rali a De ar M r. S teve, We are ple ad toadvi y ou t hatwe h aveplet ed t he s hipm entof y ourorde r 0405.Theship issche dule d to sai l fr om T ianj in o n
Ap ril20th and the est imat ed t imeto a rriv e at Syd neyis A pril 30t h. W e ha ve m aile d to
you byairthis mor ning the doc umen ts.Thedeta ilsareas f ollo ws:OurCont ract No.:
S123 Y ourOrde r No.: O123Comm odit y: N iren Zha ng c raft work s Qu anti ty:500cart onsInvo iceAmou nt:USD35,684.20 Ve sl: HE RO B/L N o.:V0408 L/C
No.: 123456A I nvoi ce N o.:F22345 I nsur ance Pol icyNo.: BY2564Pack ingList No.:
CT8524 Wetrus t th is c onsi gnme nt w illreac h yo u in sou nd c ondi tion and loo k fo rwar d to coo pera ting wit h yo u be fore lon g. Y ours fai thfu lly,例3:
建议分批装运D earSirs, Th ankyouforyour let terof 5 Apr il r egar ding you r or derNo.984 f or 10 se ts o f MC646mill ingmach ines. In you r le tter, yo u as k fo r ea rlie r
mringsh ipme nt o f th e wh oleorde r. I reg retto s ay t hatwe a re u nabl e to ply wit h yo ur r eque st.When the sal e wa s ag reed, we exp ress ly s tate d th at s hipm entwoul d be mad e in Jul y. I f yo u wi sh t o ha ve e arli er d eliv ery, the bes t we can dois t o ma ke a par tial shi pmen t of fiv e ma chin es i n Ju ne a nd s hiptherema inin g fi ve i n Ju ly.We h opethis arr ange ment wil l
me et w ithyour app rova l. S houl d yo u ag reeto t he n ew a rran geme nts, ple afax
an a mend ment totherele vant let terof c redi t al lowi ng u s to eff ectpart ialship ment. We exp ectyour pro mptrepl y so tha t we can ask the man ufac ture r to exp edit e de live ry.Your s fa ithf ully, Ex erci s:甲方:
Sell er 大白菜,200吨,希望运送到釜山港,希望能有集装箱400个,要求防止压烂,10月29日前运到,今天可将物品送达大连港口。
承运公司J inginte rnat iona l lo gist ic C o. 甲方给乙方写信预约,乙方回信,并且说明收费标准。
租船订舱英文单词1 船公司SO文件的英文简单解释 Boo king num ber:
订舱号码 Ves l:
船名V oyag e:
航次 CYClos ingDATE:
截柜日期,截关日 cl osin g Da te/T ime:
截柜日期 SICUTOFFdate/tim e:
截提单补料日期/时间 Exp irydate:
有效期限,到期日期S aili ng d ate:
航行日期 /船离开港口的日期E TA (ESTI MATE D TI ME O F AR RIVA L):
截关日 Por t of loa ding(POL):
装货港 Lo adin g po rt:
装货港F romCity:起运地 EXP(exp ort):
出口Fina l de stin atio n:
目的港,最终目的地Plac e of Del iver y(PO D)或T o Ci ty:
目的地,交货地P ortof d isch arge:
卸货港 Dis char ge p ort:
卸货港Load Por t: 卸货港D ry:
干的/不含液体或湿气 Qu anti ty:
数量 ca rgotype:
货物种类 co ntai nernumb er:
集装箱号码 con tain er:
集装箱s peci ficcarg o co ntai ner:特种货物集装箱Numb er o f co ntai ner:
货柜数量 con tain er S ize:
货柜尺寸 CU.FT :
立方英尺 Con t St atus:货柜状况 se al n umbe r:快乐的英文
封条号码s ealNo:
封条号码al typ e:
封条类型w eigh t:
重量 Gro ss w eigh t:
总重(一般是含柜重和货重)NetWeig ht:
净重 Ac tual wei ght:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量Lade n:重柜 rem arks:
备注rema rksforTerm inal:
堆场/码头备注 pia ce o f re ceip t:
收货地 Co mmod ity:
货物品名 int ende d:
预期ETD:预计开船日期B ooki ng N O: S O号码/订仓号码 Shi pper:发货人
Con tain er N o(Nu mber):集装箱号码Equi pmen t Nu mber:
货柜号码 Re efer Tet ails:冷柜参数 co ntac t:
联络人,联系方式c onta ct p erso n:
first class girls联络人 in tend ed f cl c onta iner del iver y CU T-OF F:
指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止 int ende d sh ippi ng i nstr ucti on C UT-
文件结关时间(可能没有额外指定,按船公司一般的规律) 像上面都是有特指的)
Ca rgonatu re:
货物种类book ingPart y:
F ullretu rn l ocat ion:
around怎么读 Ful l re turn CY:
Awk ward: Br eakbulk: se rvic e co ntra ct N O:
服务合同编号, Wq uipm entsize/typ e:
S I CU T: 截提单补料或截关BKGStaf f:BK G是Bo okin g的简写,那就是订舱人员Reg iona l BK G#:预订区域, Sal es R ep:销售代表 BIL L of Lad ing#:提单号,提单方案Ex pect ed S ailDate: Em ptyPick upCY:提空柜地点 Emp ty P ickup D ate:提空柜时间,提柜有效期PreCarr ier:预载Est.Arri valDate:EIS到达时间 CYCUT:结关时间(具体还不清楚是码头截重柜还是截海关放行条时间) CY ope n: 整柜开仓时间 Po rt o f de live ry:
交货港口Rece iveTerm: 接收期限D eliv eryTerm: 交货期限O cean Rou te T ype:海运路线类型,多指印度洋航线类型 EQ Typ e/Q'ty:集装箱数量,类型EQ
是E quip ment的简写Addr ess:地址S peci al c argo inf orma tion: 特别货物信息 Ple aeatta ched,ifexis ts:如果有,请见附档/如果存在,请参阅附件Ship per'owncont aine r:托运人自己的集装箱Dang erou s:危险或危险品 / 危险标志Inte rnal:
中心的,内部的 Rel ease d: 释放,放行MT就是指吨,英文叫ME TRETONE
Cus tome r:客户 FCL ful l co ntai nerload:
整柜 FCL:
整箱,整箱货LCLless tha n co ntai nerload:
拼箱,拼箱货 Car rier:
承运人 Tru cker:拖车公司/运输公司T ract or N O:
车牌号码D epot:提柜地点 Pi ckup Loc atio n:
提柜地点S tuff ing:装货地点 Ter mina l:还柜地点R etur n Lo cati on:
交柜地点Full Con tain er A ddre ss:还重柜地点 rev id:修改后,已经校正,已经修订S ize/Type:柜型尺寸尺寸/种类D isch arge Por t:卸货港 De stin atio n:目的地 Sp ecia l
Ty pe:特殊柜型S/ONo:订舱号S hipp ingOrde r No. :托运单号码 Tem p:温度 Ven t:通风Hum idit y:湿度 PTI:检测Gens et:发电机I nstr ucti on:装货说明Spec ialRequ irem ent:特殊要求 GWT:
货主的集装箱F eede r Ve sl/Lig hter:
驳船航次W T(we ight) :
重量 G.W.(g ross wei ght):
毛重 N.W.(ne t we ight) :
净重 MA X (m axim um):
最大的、最大限度的M IN (mini mum):
最小的,最低限度M或ME D (m ediu m) :
中等,中级的P/L (pack inglist) :
1.GROS S WT 71,650LB.32,500 K G总重/表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重是71650磅或32500千克2.PAY LOAD 60,850LB.27600 KG有效载荷/表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,27600千克但是并不表示运输中的货物就能够装那么重3.TAR E WT. 10,800 LB4,900 KG车身重量的扣除 /表示该柜的自身重量4900千克4.CUB E 3,040CU.F T. 86.0CU.M立方/表示该柜可以的内容积,也就是可以装货的最大体积是 3040立方英尺或6立方米5.MAX.G.W. 30.480 KGS
67.200LBS总重/表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重 30480千克
6.TARE 4.850 K GS 10.690 LB S 车身重量的扣除 /表示该柜的自身重量 4850千克7.MA X.C.W 25.630 KGS 56.510LBS有效载荷 /表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,25630千克但是并不表示运输中的货物就能够装那么重8.CU.CAP. 86.0
CU.M3,040CU.F T. 立方/表示该柜可以的内容积,也就是可以装货的最大体积 86立方米9. M GW.32,500 K GS7
精神分裂的表现学编程的好处1.650LBS总重/表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重 32500千克
10.NET. 28,600 KGS63.050 L BS 净重 /有效载荷 /表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,28600千克但是并不表示运输中的货物就能够装那么重篇三: