钢琴家经典语录Mo onlightit. Youjust oul dn't e an endto it. I t asn'that I sa that st opped me, Max. I t as hat I didn't
T ake thepiano. K es begin. Kes en d. You k no there are 88of them. The'renot infi nite. Yo u're inf inite. A nd on th o kes,the mus ianimals怎么读
that o u an mak e is inf inite. I like th at. That I an li ve b. Bu t ou get me up o n that g anga, an d ou rol l them o ut in fr ont of m e. Keboa rds have million s and bi llions o f kes th at never end. Th at keboa rd is in finite.Then onthat keb oard the re's nomusi ouan pla.That's G od's pia no.
Didou e t he stree ts? Ther e're tho usands o f them.Ho do outonight tonight
hoo j ust one? One oma n, one h ou, on e a to d ie… Youdon't ev en kno h ere it e s to anend. Are n't ou e ver just sared o f breaki ng apart ith the thought of it?
I as bor n on thi s ship.And theorld pas d me b. But 2000 peopl e at a t ime andthere're old ish es here. But nev ermore t hat fitbeteen p ro and s tern. Yo u plaedout ourhappineb it on apiano th at as no t infini te. I le arned to live th at a.
revi的名词La nd? Land is a sh ip too b ig for m e, It'sa oman t oo beaut iful, abridge t oo long, perfume to stro ng, musi I don't kno hoto pla.I an nev er get o ff thisship. At best, I didn'tstep off m life. After a ll, I do n't exis t for an one.
bing crosby