The Importance of Higher Education
excitedAmerica, the richest and most powerful country in the world, ranks only venth in higher education with roughly 28% of its people finishing college, lagging behind countries like Canada, Korea, and Japan, so Obama is urging the government to bring the higher education rate to the world’s highest by 2020 (Greene 1). Priority should be given to higher education since it not only affects citizens’ financial situations but also their upbringing of children and their impact on our society.
First and foremost, higher education improves a citizen’s financial situation greatly. To have a quality life, we need financial curity first before talking about other nobler and more meaningful facets of our lives. As David Brooks reported, “College graduates earn nearly twice as much as high school graduates, and people with professional degrees earn nearly
twice as much as tho with college degrees”(11). College graduates with better training in various subjects from science to liberal arts to technical skills are much more marketable for employment and more likely to be promoted at workplaces, and tho with professional degrees like Masters and doctorate who have deeper and more specific knowledge in certain areas are even better paid for their experti. My own personal experience in higher education is a testimony of what Brooks said. While still in college, I looked for jobs, but nobody wanted me except a Mcdonald’s restaurant where I worked as a hamburger cook, even though I have a bachelor degree from China and can speak English fluently. Paid with minimum wage and physically exhausted, I only survived a few weeks and discovered the only way to get a better paid and less physically strenuous job is to have an American college degree at least. Years later, with an American diploma, I landed on a decent job, and with accumulated work experiences I moved from one company to another veral times, each time with higher pay and more interesting work until I ttled down in a company with which I was completely satisfied. “College is the gateway to opportunities” (11) as Brooks accurately obrved. Without a college degree, i
clean怎么读t was impossible for me to get a satisfactory job and therefore be financially independent and emotionally cured.
Higher education not only provides financial curity for ourlves but also affects the way we rai our children regarding their preschool home education and college education. Parents with higher education tend to prepare their children better during their preschool years. Wolf found out during her rearch work, “…by five years of age, some children from impoverished-language environments have heard 32 million fewer words spoken to them than the average middle-class child” (102). Middle-class parents, more likely with higher education, tend to have bigger and richer vocabulary with which they communicate with their children, so their children are expod to more words, concepts, and the knowledge of the outer world. She further discovered, “In the most underprivileged community, no children’s books were found in the homes; in low-income to middle-income community there were, on average, three books; and in the affluent co
mmunity there were around 200 books” (103). The contrast of the availability of books at home for children is shocking with the increasingly advanced economic status of their parents. This is not just becau books are more affordable for richer parents but also becau affluent parents are often better educated and pay more attention to their children’s pre-school education. Having a professional degree, my husband ud to gather children’s books from his relatives and friends who children had already grown up and borrow children’s books from local library constantly in addition to buying children’s books himlf. Every night, he would read his son to sleep, and when my son was old enough to read by himlf, my husband would read together with him with different books in their hands before going to sleep. Sometimes, when I tiptoed into my son’s room late at night, I found them both asleep with their respective books dropped on the floor. My husband’s efforts were well paid off when my son won an award for a chapter book he had written during his fifth grade. With great curiosity, I read the first page of his book and stopped right there becau the very first page was full of too many new words for me to move on further. A good reader with independent thinking, my son d
oes well at school in all aspects. So Wolf’s rearches and my husband’s example do prove that parents with higher education are more devoted to their children’s preparation before primary school, and, as a result, they enter the highly competitive real world with a better edge already from the very start.
疯狂英语阅读版mp3In addition to the better preschool home education, parents with higher education are also more unwavering in urging their children to finish college. Having benefited from higher education themlves, parents with higher education often don’t give their children choices other than going to college after high school. “ Educated parents…pass down expectations,” (11) as Brooks pointed out. Parents with higher education expect their children to finish college at least—an understanding between the parents and their children. For an instance, passionate and creative in cooking, my son wanted to get a certificate and be a chef after high school, but my husband and I insisted that he finish college first before doing anything el. Finally, he took our advice and was accepted by
a good college. Converly, parents without higher education don’t often encourage their children to go to college, even if they are qualified for college education. Two years ago, during a camping vacation, I met a girl my son’s age with very sad and preoccupied eyes. Hoping to distract and comfort her, I tried to make a conversation with her, especially about her school life with which she was actually doing quite well, but when I brought up the issue of college education, she looked baffled. After I lectured her on the importance of college education and the vast opportunities ahead of her, her dazed eyes slowly began to glisten with hope. Later, from her mother, I found out that the girl was depresd becau her boyfriend had moved away to another city, and when I asked the mother why she let her daughter date so early, she laughed with pride, “Oh, sixteen? That’s the right age to start dating.” Then when hearing my mentioning of nding her daughter to college, the mother looked like having heard something from another world, “College? I am going to have her as a help in my beauty saloon after high school.” I was so shocked to find that parents like this one don’t care about their children dating so early and not going to college. The different expectations between educated and uneducated parents t
oward their children’s higher education are too obvious, testifying that only when we parents receive higher education then our children—the future of our country-- are more likely to finish college education as well.
Apart from financial curity and the influence on our children, higher education also helps us be more conscientious and responsible citizens of our society. Malcolm X, a noted black civil rights leader, reformer, author and speaker, educated himlf to read and write in prison by copying words in a dictionary. In The Autobiography of Malcolm X, he said, “My homemade education gave me, with every additional book that I read, a little bit more nsitivity to the deafness, dumbness, and blindness that was afflicting black race in America” (46). With the command of the language and knowledge acquired by reading widely in prison, he realized how his people were discriminated by the society, and how he could utilize his skills to fight for the rights of the black people. As he stated later on, “You will never catch me with a free fifteen minutes in which I’m not studying sojuli
mething I feel might be able to help the black man” (47). He was constantly arching for the ways to help his people who were in the lowest strata in the society. It’s truly inspiring that with education, Malcolm X began to ponder how to u his education more meaningfully to help his inhumanly treated people by being a successful spokesman for them and eventually sacrificing his life for the noble cau.
哀悼怎么读Like Malcolm X, educated people are more concerned with the issues in our society by watching news and actively participating in any changes they can make in our society. “College grads are nearly twice as likely to vote, “(11) as Brooks surveyed. Since educated people can read and analyze information and feel responsible for better changes in our society, they tend to spend more time poring over relevant materials and take advantage of our democratic system to vote on various issues on the state and federal levels. Keeping himlf well-informed, my husband always votes for any issues that he feels beneficial to the people and society. Brooks further commented, “They are
连同more than twice as likely to do voluntary work. They are much more likely to give blood”(11). Both my husband and I have done voluntary work for years, and my husband is still doing it such as helping children in school and giving blood on regularly basis in spite of his very demanding job and very little spared time. Famous people like Malcolm X and ordinary people like my husband are better motivated intellectually and spiritually to benefit others and the society with the higher education they have received.