transxual一、 自卫权的性质扩大解释:既然第51条承认自卫权是国家的“自然权利”,那么也就意味着宪章完整地保留了传统国际法中的习惯自卫权,其结论是:自卫权不仅是国家的“自然权利”,也是国家的“绝对权利”。
传统国际法中的自卫权按照习惯国际法,自卫权是国家的“自然权利”或固有权利。这种权利不需要其他国际法实体授权,即可行使。在传统国际法中,这种自然权利是绝对的,因为在传统国际法中,国家主权是绝对的,国家具有诉诸战争的绝对权利,自卫作为国家发动战争的理由,当然可以不受法律的约束和限制,其范围也不限于国家受到武力攻击这一情形,还包括“武力自助”的一切方面。death note
二、 自卫权行使的前提扩大解释:既然宪章承认和支持国家的“习惯自卫权”,那么根据传统国际法,第51条不仅允许国家可在发生武力攻击时行使自卫权,而且也可以对迫近的武力攻击行使自卫权。
五、自卫权行使与安理会履行职责的关系 1、安理会采取必要办法之后,自卫行动是否必须终止?“扩大解释”认为,安理会职责的履行不能剥夺国家的自卫权,1990年科威特及其盟国对伊拉克侵略科威特做出反应的行动表明,即使安理会采取某些措施之后,也并不阻止继续诉诸自卫。
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cctv9英语新闻>floyedtable of contentsacknowledgmenttable of abbreviations and abbreviated citationslected ca law, legislation and related documentspage xxixviiiintroduction11the methodological debate and the quest for custom61.1treaty vs. custom1.1.1the charter and pre-existing custom1.1.2the role of custom in treaty interpretationand modification77191.2state practice vs. opinio iuris1.2.1introduction: the methodological debate1.2.2the evidentiary weight of wordsand deeds311.2.3obrvations concerning the density of customarypractice441.2.4conclusion5129292 armed attack and other conditions of lf-defence532.1the armed attack requirement as an integralpart of article 51 un charter2.1.1lf-prervation and lf-defenceprior to 1945532.1.2article 51 un charter primary meansof interpretation2.1.3the preparatory works of the un charter5355602.2other conditions of lf-defence2.2.1 procedural obligations2.2.2necessity and proportionality686891vii3the armed attack requirement ratione materiae1263.1armed attack and aggression3.1.1two sides of the same coin3.1.2the negotiations within the fourth special committee on theques
tion of defining aggression (1968 74)3.1.3value of the definition of aggression1271271291363.2general factors determining the existence of an armedattack 1393.2.1the most grave forms of the u of force andthe de minimis controversy3.2.2the animus aggressionis and accumulationof events1583.2.3connecting the dots: the panoply of scenariosand the role of context1391753.3small-scale incursions by land, a or air1843.4attacks against external manifestations of thestate3.4.1military units and military installations abroad3.4.2embassies and diplomatic envoys3.4.3civilian aircraft and merchant vesls3.4.4protection of nationals1991992012042134the armed attack requirement ratione temporis2504.1anticipatory lf-defence: the never-ending saga(1945 2001)2554.1.1the doctrinal debate a brief appraisal4.1.2customary precedents: evidence in concreto4.1.3customary evidence in abstracto2552672944.2the shockwaves of 9/114.2.1the 2002 us national curity strategy and the interventionin iraq in 20033054.2.2shifting positions of states and scholars: a defeat of preventivelf-defence at the expen of an embrace of pre-emptivelf-d
efence?3183054.3exceptions and borderline cas4.3.1the prospective dimension of the necessity standard4.3.2possible exceptions?4.3.3interceptive lf-defence at the tactical level: on-the-spotreaction346342342343viiitable of contents5the armed attack requirement ratione personae3685.1indirect military aggression in thedecolonization era5.1.1formulation of the problem5.1.2the debate on indirect aggression within the fourth specialcommittee on the question of defining aggression5.1.3state practice3945.1.4indirect aggression in the wake of the icj s nicaraguaca4063693693825.2lf-defence against non-state actors in the ageof international terrorism and state failure5.2.1prelude to 9/11: shifting context, shifting practice?5.2.29/11: awakening to a new curity environment5.2.3customary practice after 9/115.2.4the respon of the international court of justice5.2.5conclusion:cannon-stateactorscommit armedattacks ?what future for the armed attack criterion?41941943344747248565116.1the customary boundaries of lf-defence6.1.1a word of caution6.1.2the correlation between article 51 un charter and otherprimary or
condary rules, and the pre-existing custom paradigm5146.1.3preconditions of individual lf-defence other than the armedattack requirement5176.1.4ratione materiae: the basic ingredients of an armed attack 5206.1.5the armed attack ratione temporis6.1.6ratione personae: attacks by non-state actors andthe right of lf-defence6.1.7the slippery slope of lf-defence5115115245285326.2towards a unga definition of armed attack ?6.2.1resuming an