翻译论坛 您好,您是不是弄错了考试日期? 2021年10月11日大作文题:Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 2021年11月8日大作文题:We have three important parts of education reading,writting and Math. some people think every child will benefit from a fouth skill added to the list: computer skills: do you agree or disagree. 2021年11月17日大作文题:In the past, buildings often reflected the culture of a society but today all modern buildings look alike and cities throughout the world are becoming increasingly similar. What do you think is the reason for this? And is it a good thing or a bad thing?。
(源自洛阳大华雅思题库)Some people believe that many people who work for creative arts such as painting, theatre and music should be supported financially by government. Ot
hers think that artists in creative arts should be supported by other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.IntroductionVisual and auditory arts play a key role in education and entertainment, making the fields integral aspects of our society among all ages. Nevertheless, there is a controversial division about whether the areas ought to receive, or if they are even derving of, any public funds.BodyThe arts form an intrinsic part of a country and have an ability to maintain traditional culture, as long as it is prevented from being absorbed by modern or foreign influences. As a result, government should invest funds into the historical types of art in order to educate its citizens and prerve their existence. There are ancient paintings, theatrical arts and musical instruments that ought to be houd and conrved in muums. The destruction of the precious pieces of art could signify a considerable loss of culture, whereby future generations will miss out on them.Artists and their outputs ought to adhere to the economic principles of supply and demand, whereby the necessity for their work is dictated by the need from society. Nevertheless, there are artists, dramatists and musicians who are relatively wealthy and do not require subsides from government to sur
vive. As society evolves, perhaps certain genres of art are not needed anymore and it would be economically unfeasible to keep them afloat using taxpayer dollars. Instead, programs that have immediate impacts on the lives of citizens must be focud on, including education, healthcare and social rvices.ConclusionFrom my perspective, only art forms that are deemed nationally significant ought to receive government funding. In this way, it would be fair for a host of other industries who cannot easily obtain financial assistance.。
Task 1 2021-01-11:The flow chart below shows the recycling procedure of glass bottles. Summari the information by lecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant 写作分析:本文源自“雅思救星”。
英文翻译中文在线翻译 流程图的分段较为敏捷。单张图的状况下,可以依据各步骤分成两到三段。
两张图或以上的状况下,则每图一段。第三,挨次词,文章中要用清楚的挨次词将每个步骤清楚的表示出来,如at the beginning of the process, then, next等等。
computergraphics 第四,被动语态。流程图为体现客观性,避开人称的消失,基本上采纳被动语态句式。
蒙昧 第五,烤鸭们在平常的练习中,需要积累一些特定的表动作的词语,如grind, transfer, roast, rotate, melt等等。 本周的流程图实际早在09年就已经考过类似题目,之后又消失过几次,可谓是出场率很高的经典题目。
斯托奇 这次的题目稍有改动,但基本思路全都,我们可以依据地点的不同用三个主体段来描写。详细内容如下: 写作思路: Body 1: 瓶子按三种颜色分类进行收集(parately collected according to colors of bottles),之后利用卡车将收集到的瓶子运输至processing plant去。
Body 2: 在处理工厂中,瓶子首先依据其瓶盖将其分为两类(metal tops and plastic to
ps),之后将两类瓶子分别粉碎(glass bottles are broken into pieces)。然后, 玻璃碎片被送至glass factory。
Body 3: 在玻璃工厂中,玻璃碎片(broken pieces of glass)和其他原材料(raw materials)一起放进熔炉里熔化成液体玻璃(melted into liquid)。最终(entering the final stage of this process),溶化的混合物被制造成了新的玻璃瓶。
Task 2 20210111:Nowadays many young people choo to change their jobs frequently, eg. after a few years. What are the caus of the situation? Do the advantage outweigh the disadvantage? 题目翻译:如今,很多年轻人选择频繁地更换本人的工作。这一现象的缘由是什么?其优点能否超过缺点? 考题分析: 大作文考试是混合型文体,由reason + argument组成。
平常的谈论部分通常消失的问法是is it a positive trend或是do you think it is true等,这次则提问了正反双边。 文章结构很简洁,除去开头结尾,文章注释可分为三段。
内容参考: Body1: 年轻人频繁跳槽的缘由可能是简单而多方面的(complex and manifold)。最为常见的一个缘由是年轻人盼望寻求更好的进展(better career development)。
原先的公司可能并不认可年轻人的工作(value the work of young people),或是进展遭到了限制。另一个可能的缘由(potential cau)是本身无法很好的融入原公司的工作环境,不能胜任本人的共工作。
Body 2: 频繁更换工作(frequent job-hopping)很可能会让年轻人在将来难以找到心仪的公司。如今,大多数公司倾向于雇佣忠实度较高的员工(high loyalty),由于人才流失会使得公司损失大笔的培育成本。
Body 3: 然而,从年轻人的角度来讲,更换工作可以不断挑战本人(challenge themlves),挖掘本身的潜能(tap the potential)。另一方面,跳槽也有利于找到年轻人最适合的工作。
手写体英文 Nowadays,English has become a universal language over the world.However,as the saying goes :Everything has two sides.Now, I want to express my views about it. On the one hand,getting knowledge of English is truly uesful in study,trade,traveling etc.Here,I list some examples.To begin with,learning English well is a vital standard in some foreign countries if you want to study there,What's more,trading business is tied with the important language.Moreover,when you go traveling especially visit English-speaking country ,English is the key to asking the way.All in all,English is significant in a way , On the other hand ,unfortunately,some Chine who is abroad since born may rely so much on the English that they probably can't speak basic Chine. The following is my opinion.I wish we could make better u of English! \(^o^)/~。
金敏瑞 剑桥雅思全真试题4 第一篇小作文范文
The table gives a breakdown of the different types of family who were living in poverty in Australia in 1999.
On average, 11% of all houholds, comprising almost two million people, were in this p
osition. However, tho consisting of only one parent or a single adult had almost double this proportion of poor people, with 21% and 19% respectively.
Couples generally tended to be better off, with lower poverty levels for couples without children (7%) than tho with children (12%). It is noticeable that for both types of houhold with children, a higher than average proportion were living in poverty at this time.
hern older people were generally less likely to be poor, though once again the trend favoured elderly couples (only 4%) rather than single elderly people (6%).
Overall the table suggests that houholds of single asults and tho with children were more likely to be living in poverty than tho consisting of couples.