1.(一队队暗红色的人在高粱棵子里穿梭拉网,)几十年如一日 over decades that em but a moment in time.
.... for decades on end.
2. 王文义欢欢喜喜地跺着脚,......
Wang Wenyi stomped down joyfully,......
[此处“欢欢喜喜”应该理解为:王文义在听到“向右转”的口令后脚步乱了套,那动作就像人们在高兴时跺脚一样,而不是真的欢喜。似乎可译为 ...stamped his feet as if joyfully 中考冲刺。]
kuangWang Wenyi stomped his feet as if in great joy.
3. 风流悲喜剧 xual comedies
必要重复表达同一个意思;似乎此处“风流”译为“unconventional”更合情理;2、“悲喜剧”用“comedies”显然不全面,应该包括“tragedies and comedies” ]
love affairs
4. 父亲在墨河水里玩过水,他的水性好像是天生的。
Father had gone swimming so often in the Black Water River that he emed born to it.
[此处“sharon”似乎与原文意思不符。“玩过水”不意味着“so often”,而且,既然是天生的水性,也就不需要经过经常的练习。]
Father emed a natural swimmer and he had ever swum in the Black Water River.
5. 秋风起,天气凉,一群群大雁往南飞,一会儿排成个“十”字,一会儿排成个“人”字。(p5)
Autumn winds brought cool air, wild gee flew through the sky heading south, their formation changing from a straight line one minute to a V the next. (a straight line 表示“十
Autumn winds brought cool air, wild gee headed south, queuing as"十" or "人" in the sky.
译文理解为“性解放”,所以译成变形金刚2片尾曲”xual liberation”,误解了原文的意思“个性解放(individual/personality liberation/emancipation)”。
Individual emancipation
7. 平原北边的白马山上,那块白色的马状巨石,在我们村头上看得清清楚楚。(p12)
From our village we had a clear view of White Hor Mountain, an enormous rock formation on the northern edge of the plain.
From the end of our village, we had a clear view of that huge white hor-like rock, on the White Hor Mountain of the northern plain.
8. 抬头见白马,低头见黑土,汗滴禾下土,心中好痛苦。
……that soaked up their sweat and filled their heart with contentment.
Up to e white hor, down to e black earth, with sweat to soak the field, with pain to fill up the heart.
9. 日本人说来就来。
The Japane said they would come, and they were as good as their words.
The Japane did come, all in a sudden.
10. 大爷看到他握藤条的焦黄手指在紧急地扭动。
Uncle Arhat stared at the whip in his twitching yellowed fingers.
[译文改变了原文的句子结构:原文中“看到”的宾语是“手指在扭动”,译文中“stared at”的宾语是“whip”。]
Uncle Arhat saw his yellowed fingers holding the whip twisting uneasily.
11. 稀稀疏疏的农人 An occasional peasant (译文有误,应该不止一人)
A spar group of peasants
12. 一时间鸦雀无声。
Crows and sparrows suddenly silenced.
Silence at the moment.
13. 孙五说:“大哥......大哥......你忍着点吧”
Sun Five spoke to him:“ to bear it a ”
Uncle Arhat spat a gob of bloody phlegm into Sun’s face.
“Start skinning,”耐心英语 shouted the interpreter. “Fuck your ancestors! Skin him, I said!”
SunWu said: "Big bro, big bro, hold on, hold on, plea"
Uncle Arhat spat into Sun's face and said: "Come on, your ancestors' fucker, peel me".
14. 它(花轿)像具棺材,不知装过了多少个必定成为死尸的新娘。
Like a coffin, it had already embraced countless other brides, now long dead.
(“必定成为死尸的”译为“now long dead”欠妥。原文侧重悲叹花轿中的新娘的命运,而译文陈述事实,然而“now long dead”不一定符合事实,也许还有一些曾经坐过这花轿的新娘还活在世上。)
..... all to be bodies.
The sacrifices the strong young men made to carry their cargo into bridal chambers must have embittered them, which was why it emed so natural to torment the brides.
(为别人抬去洞房里的牺牲,译文有误。此“牺牲”指的是“坐在花轿里的新娘”,而不是指“轿夫们抬花轿所作出的牺牲The sacrifices the strong young men made to carry their
cargo into bridal chambers”。同样,后文中“轿里牺牲的哽咽”译为“sacrificial choking sounds”也宜改为“bride’s ...”)
The strong young men must have felt bitter in heart for the sacrifices they carried into the bridal chambers. That's why they tormented the brides.
16. 亲哥哟你死了----可就塌了妹妹的天哟----
Dear elder brother yo----death has claimed you----you have drought down little sister’s sky yo----
(原文“亲哥”应该是指“她丈夫”,“妹妹”指“她本人”,所以不宜译为“elder brother”和“little sister’s”,而直接译为“dear husband”和“my”可能更妥当,不易被误解。)
Dear Bro, your death tore my whole world down!
雅虎中文“Spare me, gentlemen!”
"Lord, I beg your mercy!"
18. 余占鳌的头皮被冲刷得光洁明媚,像奶奶眼中的一颗圆月。
Yu Zhan’ao’s head so clean and shiny it looked to Grandma like a new moon.