Beyond one of the ntinels nobody was in sight; the railroad ran straight away into a forest for a hundred yards, then, curving, was lost to view. Doubtless there was an outpost farther along. The other bank of the stream was open ground--a gentle acclivity topped with a stockade of vertical tree trunks, loopholed for rifles, with a single embrasure through which protruded the muzzle of a brass cannon commanding the bridge. Midway of the slope between the bridge and fort were the spectators--a single company of infantry in line, at "parade rest," the butts of the rifles on the ground, the barrels inclining slightly backward against the right shoulder, the hands crosd upon the stock. A lieu tenant stood at the right of the line, the point of his sword upon the ground, hi
s left hand resting upon his right. Excepting the group of four at the center of the bridge, not a man moved. The company faced the bridge, staring stonily, motionless. The ntinels, facing the banks of the stream, might have been statues to adorn the bridge. The captain stood with folded arms, silent, obrving the work of his subordinates, but making no sign. Death is a dignitary who when he comes announced is to be received with formal manifestations of respect, even by tho most familiar with him. In the code of military etiquette silence and fixity are forms of deference.
The man who was engaged in being hanged was apparently about thirty-five years of age. He was a civilian, if one might judge from his habit, which was that of a planter. His features were good--a straight no, firm mouth, broad forehead, from which his long, dark hair was combed straight back, falling behind his ears to the collar of his well-fitting frock coat. He wore a mustache and pointed beard, but no whiskers; his eyes were large and dark gray, and had a kindly expression which one would hardly have expected in one who neck was in the hemp. Evidently this was no vulgar assassin. The liberal military code makes provision for hanging many kinds of persons, and gentlemen are not excluded.
The preparations being complete, the two private soldiers stepped aside and each drew away the plank upon which he had been standing. The rgeant turned to the captain, saluted and placed himlf immediately behind that officer, who in turn moved apart one pace. The movements left the condemned man and the rgeant standing on the two ends of the same plank, which spanned three of the cross-ties of the bridge. The end upon which the civilian stood almost, but not quite, reached a fourth. This plank had been held in place by the weight of the captain; it was now held by that of the rgeant. At a signal from the former the latter would step aside, the plank would tilt and the condemned
man go down between two ties. The arrangement commended itlf to his judgment as simple and effective. His face had not been covered nor his eyes bandaged. He looked a moment at his "unsteadfast footing," then let his gaze wander to the swirling water of the stream racing madly beneath his feet. A piece of dancing driftwood caught his attention and his eyes followed it down the current.米勒鲁豫有约 How slowly it appeared to move, What a sluggish stream!
He clod his eyes in order to fix his last thoughts upon his wife and children. The water, touched to gold by the early sun, the brooding mists under the banks at some distance down the stream, the fort, the soldiers, the piece of drift--all had distracted him. And now he became conscious of a new disturbance. Striking through the thought of his dear ones was a sound which he could neither ignore nor understand, a sharp, distinct, metallic percussion like the stroke of a blacksmith's hammer upon the anvil; it had the same ringing quality. He wondered what it was, and whether immeasurably distant or near by--it emed both. Its recurrence was regular, but as slow as the tolling of a death knell. 他焦躁不安地等待每一声敲打,同时不明白为什么还带有一丝恐惧的心理。沉寂的间歇越
拉越长,停顿的时间长得令人发疯。随着一声声敲打越来越漫,声音却越来越响,越来越尖。它们象刀子那样刺痛他的耳朵。他担心自己会尖叫出 他听到的是他的手表的滴嗒声。
佩顿·法夸示是一个富裕的种植主,出身于 亚拉巴马州的一个名门贵族。他是一价奴隶主,并且象其他奴隶主那样,也是一个政客,因此他自然是一个天生的脱离主义者.,满腔热忱地献身于南方的事业。他为某种身不由己的情况所逼(在此不必细加叙述),没有能够加入英勇的军队参加战斗》这支军队一直在吃败仗,直到科林思失守才彻底结束.他因受到这种丢脸的牵累而忿懑恼怒,渴望英雄有用武之地,渴望领略一下粗犷豪放的戎马生涯,渴望有机会一举成名。他认为这种机会是会来的,因为在战争期间,人人都会碰上
He awaited each stroke with impatience and--he knew not why--apprehension. The intervals of silence grew progressively longer, the delays became maddening. With their greater infrequency the sounds incread in strength and sharpness. They hurt his ear like the thrust of a knife; he feared he would shriek. What he heard was the ticking of his watch.