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在用手势表示数字时,中国伸出食指表示“1”,欧美人则伸出大拇指表示“1”;中国人伸出食指和中指表示“2”,欧美人伸出大拇指和食指表示“2”,并依次伸出中指、无名指和小拇指表示“3”、“4”、“5”。在中国伸出食指指节前屈表示“9”,日本人却用这个手势表示“偷窃”。中国人表示“10”的手势是将右手握成拳头,在英美等国则表示“祝好运”。 天使用英语怎么说
手势“OK”在印度,表示“正确”;在泰国,表示“没问题”;在日本、缅甸、韩国,表示“金钱”;在法国,表示“微不足道”或“一钱不值”;在巴西、希腊和意大利的撒丁岛,表示这是一种令人厌恶的污秽手势;在马耳他,则是一句无声而恶毒的骂人语。 OK手势。拇指、食指相接成环形,其余三指伸直,掌心向外。OK手势源于美国,在美国表示“同意”、“顺利”、“很好”的意思;而法国表示“零”或“毫无价值”;在泰国它表示“没问题”,在巴西是表示粗俗下流。
中国人表示赞赏之意,常常翘直大拇指,其余四指蜷曲;跷起小拇指则表示蔑视。日本人则用大拇指表示“老爷子”,用小拇指表示“情人”。在英国,翘起大拇指是拦路要求搭车的意思。在英美等国,以“V”字形手势表示“胜利”、“成功”;在亚非国家,“V”字形手势一般表示两件事或两个东西。 V形手势。这种手势是二战时的英国首相丘吉尔首先使用的,现在已传遍世界,是表示“胜利”。如果掌心向内,就变成骂人的手势了。
Pat on the Head
quartz是什么意思In America, you may pat a younger person on the head or ruffle their hair to indicate encouragement or affection. However, in cultures where Buddhism and Hinduism are predominant, the gesture may be offensive. In Buddhist and Hindu faiths, the head is typically viewed as the spirit's place of residence.
8262Pat on the Back
You may be accustomed to patting your teammates on the back after successfully compl
eting a task. Other times, you may simply u the gesture to indicate neighborly affection. Other cultures may take this action as intrusive or aggressive.
While smiling is a universally acknowledged gesture, a smile may convey different meanings. For example, in addition to openness, a smile can convey embarrassment or confusion. In some cultures, it is normal to rerve a smile for friends or family, rather than passing strangers.
A thumbs-up gesture may nd a positive message in America, but this is not the ca worldwide. For example, in some Middle Eastern cultures, the gesture has the same implications as raising your middle finger in America. Similarly, the "ok" gesture, formed by bringing the tip of your index finger to the top of your thumb, can be interpreted as obscene in Brazil and Germany.
Fingers in a "V"
In America, holding your index and middle fingers out in the shape of a "V" is a sign of peace meant to imply friendliness; it could also be interpreted as a sign of victory. However, if you're overas, be sure to prent this sign with your palm facing outward. If your palm is inward, the gesture can rve as an insult in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.
Finger Beckoning
Beckoning a person by curling your index finger is generally acceptable in America, although, depending on the context, it may be a rude form of summons. In some areas, such as the Philippines, you should only u this gesture when beckoning a dog.
Although we may not realize it when we talk with others we make ourlves understood not only by words. We nd messages to the people around us also by expressions and body movements.we call it "body language ",which is a kind of communication,noverbal c
ommunication.A smile and handshake show welcome ,Waving one's hand is to say"goodbye", nodding the head means agreement,while shaking it means disgreement .Putting up a hand means"May I ask a question?". Kissing means"love". Waving one's arms show happiness.The gestures are accepted both by Chine and Americans as having the same meanings.
Becau culture influences communication.Different country has different culture.So the way people in different countries communicate is different too.FOR EXAMPLE, Arab man often greet by kissing on both cheeks.In Japan men greet by bowing .In the Unite States, people shake hands to show"their greeting". And the gesture of putting a hand on a person' neck is different for Chine and Americans. For Chine,it is to say"someone will be killed". For Americans, it shows"I'm full” .And in Thailand, If you want to signal a person to come near, you should move the fingers back and forth with palm down.But in the United States, you ask someone to come by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards our body. And crossing one's legs in the United States is a sign of being relaxed. But in Korea , it's not allowed. In Chine,people hand everything with both hand
s to show their respect,but for Muslims,they think the left hand is unclean and do not eat or pass something with it.