社长权哲峰总编鲁⼦问编审 Nancy E. Riley
参考答案1-5 BCACB 6-10 AABCB 11-15 BBBAC 16-20 BCAAA 76-80 BAFCD 短⽂改错
Of all my teachers, Mr Li is the one who impress to me most. He is one of the most popularly teachers in popular
our school. Compared with other teachers, Mr Li pays more attention to his way of teach. He tries various teaching
ways to make his class live and interesting. In his lively
opinion, we should not only know “what”, and also but
understand “why”. So, instead ∧ giving us answers of
immediately, he encourages us to think by ourlves.With his helps, we had learned how to analyze and solve help have problems. He is so a learned person that we both admire such all him very much.
One possible version:
Recently, our school’s English club held a discussion about “reading on paper or online”.
As the data shows, 62.4% of the students like reading online. They think that reading online makes it easier to look for information. They also think that a large amount of money and paper can be saved, which is beneficial to the environment. However, 37.6% of the students prefer reading on paper. They hold the view that it is convenient to read on paper as they can carry a book with them, which can help them develop a habit of reading.
Personally, I think reading itlf is beneficial to us, so just choo any possible way to read.答案解析单项填空
21. C 。此题题⼲中的信息点是at 8:00 or at 8:30,
A 、D 项中的any 不合适,因为any 指三者或三者以上中的任何⼀个;问句是征求对⽅意见,⽽
B 项的意思为“慢慢来”,不符合语境。
22. A 。第⼀空表⽰泛指,故⽤a ;根据we are short of money now 可知,买⼀台新电脑是不可能的,out of the question 意为“不可能的”,符合语境。
23. D 。根据“这个电影很受年轻⼈的欢迎”可知,
所有的座位都坐满了。occupy 意为“占有”,符合语境。
24. A 。根据后⾯I didn’t force her to, to tell the truth 的提⽰可知,她是⾃愿作出承诺的,故A 项符合
voluntarily 意为“⾃愿地”。25. B 。在“be +形容词+to do”结构中,不定式的主动形式表达被动意义。
26. C 。句意:在北京逗留期间,
Stephen Harper 将与中国领导⼈会晤,并参观长城。
meet with 此处意思为“会晤”。
27. B 。根据语境可知,⽤户可以⽅便快捷地获
取所需信息。access 意为“(使⽤的)机会”,符合语境。
28. C 。分析句⼦结构可知,the boy 与pau 之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故⽤pau 的现在分词形式在句中作伴随状语。
29. A 。talent 意为“天赋”,表⽰在某⽅⾯有天赋
时后⾯⽤介词for ;
be suitable for…“适合……”。 30. B 。分析句⼦结构可知,这是⼀个⾮限制性定语从句,先⾏词为an old couple ,表⽰“两者都不”,⽤ neither 。
31. B 。句意:这个新⼯作对我来说有点困难,很长⼀段时间后我才适应。
adapt to 适应;refer to 提到;
contribute to 有助于;stick to 坚持。32. C 。otherwi 后引出⼀个与过去事实相反的虚拟语⽓,故“接受建议”应该是⼀个过去事实,所以答案为C 。
33. A 。在限制性定语从句中,当先⾏词被the very ,the only 等修饰时,关系代词要⽤that 。
34. C 。avoid 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,fine 与the young man 之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以需要⽤being fined 。
35. A 。由but I can’t remember where 可知事情发
the other day 表⽰“⼏天前”。some day 表⽰“将来某⼀天”。
36. B 。be worth 后常接⾦钱⽅⾯的名词或v.-ing ;worthy 常⽤的搭配有:be worthy of sth ;be worthy of being done ;be worthy to be done 。
37. C 。第⼀空⽤equal 作主补;第⼆空⽤equally 作⽅式状语。
38. B 。be similar to …“与……相似”。
39. D 。根据答语中的It was his fault 可知,答案为No way“没门⼉”。
40. A 。根据句意“⼀些家长担⼼课外活动会占⽤孩⼦们太多的学习时间”可知选take up“占据”。完形填空
41. D 。从上⽂语境可判断,作者与⼉⼦在杂货店已经逛了很久,因此当作者告诉⼉⼦还要买调味品时,⼉⼦已经有些不耐烦了。
42. B 。作者与⼉⼦已经在杂货店⾥呆了很久,但还是忘记了买调味品。
43. D 。当作者和⼉⼦转向放调味品的过道时,他们看到⼀个长得⾼⼤粗壮的男⼈在那⾥盯着那些罐装⾷品。
44. A 。根据下⽂那个男⼈不知道该给邻居家的孩⼦买些什么可知,他看起来⽐较困惑。
45. D 。作者猜想那个男⼈似乎是想威胁那些瓶瓶罐罐们跳到他的篮⼦⾥。这是作者⼀种幽默的表达法,意在说明他们遇到了⼀个外表凶恶让⼈⼼⽣恐惧的⼈。
46. B 。作者的⼉⼦年仅六岁,仍处在学习不要当众⼤声地说出对别⼈的看法的年龄段。
47. C 。但当作者与⼉⼦⾛近那个男⼈时,⼉⼦⼤声地说出了⾃⼰的看法。
48. D 。根据Wow 的提⽰可知,在作者的⼉⼦看来,这个男⼈⼀定是骑摩托车的,很酷。
49. B 。作者对于⼉⼦当⾯说出对这个男⼈的看法的⾏为感到⼗分尴尬。
50. D 。根据下⽂语境可知,这个男⼈遇到了点⼩⿇烦,因此,此时他希望能得到作者的帮助。
51. B 。这位男⼈先是解释了⼀下他想要帮助的对象——他的邻居,⼀位带着两个孩⼦的单⾝母亲。然后继续补充说,他想为这位邻居家买点⾷品。
52. C 。根据下⽂那个男⼈向作者咨询该为那个单⾝母亲的孩⼦买什么可知,他想给这个邻居家买点东西。
53. D 。由于⾃⼰没有孩⼦,所以不知道⼩孩⼦们喜欢什么样的东西。
54. A 。根据上下⽂语境可知,他想帮助这位单⾝母亲的善意举动并不想让对⽅知道,因此他没有问她有关购买孩⼦⽤品的问题。
55. C 。这个男⼈是⼀位内⼼善良,样⼦看起来似乎很凶的⼈。
56. B 。由于这个男⼈不知道该给⼩孩⼦们买点什么,因此作者的⼉⼦此时帮上了忙,告诉他需要买什么。
57. D 。根据上下⽂语境可判断,作者与⼉⼦在杂货店的遭遇的确是⼀次很少有的经历。
58. B 。根据下⽂语境可知,当他们⾛出杂货店到停车场时,最棒的⼀幕发⽣了。
59. A 。作者的⼉⼦此时再⼀次向那个男⼈⼤喊,“你真棒!”。这也是⼀个天真的⼩孩⼦从这件⼩事中对这个看似凶恶的男⼈得出的⾃⼰的看法和结论。
60. D 。故事的末尾点出了本⽂的寓意,也是作者想要表达的⼀个道理:不要仅从⼀个⼈的外表来判断⼀个⼈的好坏。阅读理解
61. A 。从第⼆项活动的票价可知,⽼年⼈、学
62. C 。第三项活动是划船⽐赛,对应其⽹址可知答案。
63. D 。根据对第⼆项活动的介绍可知,这是⼀对夫妇从1962年开始收藏的当代艺术品的展览,并
⾮他们的个⼈创作,因此不选B 、
C 。B
64. A 。根据第⼀段前两句可知,第⼀段说明了家庭旅游照⽚的重要性。
65. B 。根据Instead, take photos of the child lying on the sofa after a long day of sighteing. Get a shot of grandma and child splashing in the water at the beach 可知,作者建议抓拍⽣活中真实的时刻⽐较好。
66. B 。根据Family travel pictures can be unique and fun, especially if you think beyond the same basic shot of people standing in front of an attraction 可知,如果你要超出传统的让⼈站在景点前⾯的照相模式,所照出来的照⽚将会是独特和有趣的,说明拍照需要⼀定的创造性。
67. A 。根据One common mistake is that in order to take a photo of an entire building, people are far too small to be recognizable 可知,⼈们常犯的⼀个错误是为了照上整个建筑物,把⼈照得特别⼩。
⽜粪往往被⽤来当作肥料,但是在Blue Spruce Farm ,它却成为发电的好原料。
68. B 。从⽂章第⼆段可知,在Blue Spruce Farm ,⼤部分⽜粪被⽤来发电,⽽不是当作肥料。
69. B 。从⽂章第三段最后⼀句可知,⽔泥池⼦被称作“消化器”,因为⽜粪在⾥⾯被细菌分解,产⽣了沼⽓,⽤来驱动发电机。
70. C 。从⽂章最后⼀段可知,the Audet family 发的电⾃⼰⽤不了,还卖出去。
71. A 。⽂章介绍⽤⽜粪发电,因此A 项最切合⽂章主题。
72. D 。根据第⼀段英国卫⽣部发布的报告中提到的measures taken to deal with the advertising of rubbish food to children em to be taking effect 可知,此项报告旨在关注⼉童接触垃圾⾷品⼴告。
73. C 。根据第⼀段中英国卫⽣部对a child-themed ad 的解释:a child-themed ad is an ad that has a connection to a children’s TV programme, film, book, computer game or a licend character, a new product or packaging designed to appeal to children 可判断,此类⼴告是⾯向⼉童消费者⽽设计的。
74. C 。根据第⼆段内容可判断,企业与⼉童健康防卫者之间就The advertising of HFSS foods (high
opening in Pasadena continues this tradition, bringing artists and astronomers together to create original pieces of art 可知,在帕萨迪纳市举办的这场艺术展⽤艺术创作来展现天⽂现象,故⽽体现了天⽂学和艺术的完美融合。
74. C 。根据⽂中Stephen Nowlin 的话可知,他认为科学领域的新发现不断改变⼈们对客观现实的认知⽅式,冲击⼈们固有的⽂化观念,⽽这场艺术展正是科学带给艺术家们的创作灵感的结晶。
75. B 。根据最后⼀段的内容可知,这些艺术家的创作主要围绕天⽂科学这⼀题材进⾏创作的。
参考答案1-5 BCABC 6-10 CACAC 11-15 BAACB 16-20 CBACC 76-80 BDAEC 短⽂改错
May I have your attention, plea? I have a an announcement to make. The Student Union is going to hold a party in Saturday evening, August 15, to on
welcome its friends from the United States. The party our
will ∧ held in the roof garden of the Main Building. be
It will begin at 7:30 pm. There will be have music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. Plea bring a small gift along for this purpo. Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a little words of few
good wish . Don’t forget: 7:30, Saturday evening, roof wishes
garden, Main Building. Here is sure to be a lot of funs. There fun Everybody are welcome. is
One possible version: Dear Mr. Robert,
I read with great interest from your website that volunteers are needed to rve the communities abroad. I would like to apply for this project.
I am a 17-year-old nior high school student from China, and I have a good knowledge of both spoken and written English. Also, I have a wide range of interests, such as athletics, photography, painting, etc. I enjoy working with different people and I am ready to help others. More importantly, I have worked as a volunteer to rve our local communities.
I would be very thankful if you would give me an early reply.
Yours sincerely, Li Hua 答案解析单项填空
21. B 。根据答语“您能稍后再打过来吗?”可知,对⽅要找的⼈此刻没空,因此He’s not available now 符合语境。
22. D 。take advantage of 意为“利⽤”,为固定搭配;当sleep 表⽰具体概念时,其前⽤不定冠词。
23. D 。根据your telephone has been out of order
get through 意为“打通 (电话)”,符合语境。
24. A 。根据went back to the classroom 可知,他
bear 意为“忍受”,符合语境。25. C 。句意:你的信⽤卡在⼤部分旅游城市都可使⽤。有了它,在这些城市你就能够享受安全购物。
normal 正常的;active 积极的;valid 有效的;exact 确切的。根据句意可知C 项正确。
26. A 。句意:在冬天驾车⾏驶到结冰的路⾯时
caution 意为“⼩⼼、谨慎”,符合句意。strength ⼒量;competence 能⼒;effort 努⼒。
27. C 。根据successfully 及started his own business
ize 意为“抓住”,符合语境。
28. A 。根据who bought it two days ago 可知,Mr Walter 是这所房⼦现在的主⼈,current 意为“⽬前的、
constant 不断的;temporary 短暂的;
permanent 永远的。29. A 。句意:我的⽼板在叫我,我不得不挂断
ring off 挂断电话;ring back 再打电话;ring up 打电话。
30. B 。句意:做完作业后,他开始制作⽐赛⽤
t about 后接doing sth 表⽰“着⼿、开始做某事”,⽽t out 后接to do sth ,表⽰“开始做某
事”,故选B 。
t off 出发,启程;t up 开办,设⽴。31. D 。分析句⼦结构可知,you 与inform 之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处⽤informed 。
32. A 。v-ed 形式的分词(形容词)常常⽤来描述⼈的感受,或者通过描述⼈的某些⾏为特性来说明⼈的感受,题⼲中的excited expression 表⽰“激动的
the meeting 与hold 之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,且有表⽰过去的时间状语yesterday ,故⽤held 作定语修饰the meeting ,相当于定语从句 which was held…。
33. D 。根据you were late 中的时态可知“想按时来这⼉”应该是were late 之前的事,所以⽤过去完成
traffic 为不可数名词,所以⽤was 。34. C 。frightening 意思为“令⼈害怕的”,⽤来说
frightened 意思为“害怕的”,⽤来说明⼈所处的⼼理状态。
35. B 。it is convenient (for sb) to do sth ,表⽰“(某
⼈) ⽅便做某事”,
convenient 作表语,意思为“合适的、⽅便的”。
36. D 。前者在抱怨 “房间的淋浴器有问题”,后者应先致歉。
37. C 。句意为“⼯程师们已经⼯作将近8个⼩时
38. A 。keep up 意为“继续保持”,与 spirit 搭配,
go up“上升”;look up“查询”;hold up“阻挡”。