adaptations 翻译
用法: adaptations一词通常用于描述适应环境或变化的能力,同时也可以表示电影、电视、文学等媒体形式的改编。
1. The camels' adaptations to the dert climate allow them to conrve water and survive in extreme heat. (骆驼对沙漠气候的适应性允许它们保存水分并在极端高温下生存。)
2. The penguin's adaptation to its cold environment involves a layer of fat and a layer of feathers that help it stay warm. (企鹅对寒冷环境的适应性涉及到一层脂肪和一层羽毛,帮助其保持温暖。)
3. The human brain's adaptability allows it to learn and adapt to new information and environments. (人类大脑的适应能力使其能够学习并适应新的信息和环境。)
4. The movie adaptation of the book was not faithful to the original story. (这部电影对这本书的改编并不忠于原始故事。)
5. The adaptation of the play to a movie format required significant changes to the storyline and characters. (将这部戏剧改编成电影格式需要对故事情节和角色进行重大改变。)
6. The plant's adaptation to its environment includes the ability to produce thorns to deter herbivores. (植物对其环境的适应包括能够生产刺来阻止草食动物。)
7. The adaptation of the novel for a stage play received critical acclaim for its creativity and faithful portrayal of the characters. (这本小说为舞台剧改编,因其创造性和对角色的忠实描绘而受到了好评。)
8. The bird's adaptation to its coastal environment includes the ability to swim and catch fish. (这种鸟对其沿海环境的适应包括能够游泳和捕鱼。)
9. The adaptation of the comic book into a television ries was a commercial success, w
ith high ratings and strong audience reception. (将这本漫画改编成电视系列广受欢迎,获得了高收视率和强烈的观众反响。)
10. The butterfly's adaptation to its butterfly's adaptation to its environment includes vibrant colors to attract mates and deter predators. (这种蝴蝶对其环境的适应包括鲜艳的颜色来吸引对象和防御掠食者。)