My Motto of life——Gains and los大学得与失一篇很好的英语作文.txt7温暖是飘飘洒洒的春雨;温暖是写在脸上的笑影;温暖是义无反顾的响应;温暖是一丝不苟的配合。8尊重是一缕春风,一泓清泉,一颗给人温暖的舒心丸,一剂催人奋进的强心剂My Motto of life——Gains and los
For everybody, life is far from being perfect. There are so many unsatisfactory things in our lives that sometimes we may think life is all about failures and revers. In extreme cas,some people cannot get over their tbacks and choo to end their lives. And others, having lost their enthusiasm for life,just drag along without knowing their goals or what they are heading for. I feel sad for them. What future will the people have? What can they achieve in their lives? What will they obtain by living like this in the world? Of cour, they do not know the answers, becau they have been made dull by their pessimism.
Here, I want to share my motto of life with them:gains and loss go side by side. Succ
ess and failures, happiness and sadness are all the components of life. Owing to them, life becomes colorful, full of surpris and amazements.
I don't realize this right from the beginning and I ud to complain a lot about my life. Take my exam results for example.I am proud to say that I did equally well in every subjects when I was in middle school. It would not be a surpri if I got equally excellent marks for the exams of all subjects, my total mark would rank first. But, curiously, this ideal situation only remained in my imagination. Every time, I would unexceptionally muff one or two subjects, sometimes becau I was not careful,sometimes becau I didn't feel well on the day of exam. I can't understand why. Why would I stumble over the trifle things and make silly mistakes? I felt gloomy and depresd until one day, a boy reminded me "Don't you notice that every time you do extraordinarily well in some subjects?" Do I? Yes! Then, the relationship of gains and loss struck me like a lightening. Yes,they go side by side, like twins. However, due to the pessimistic and critical side of human nature, we too frequently only e the loss. We sigh, we complain. We claim that life is unfair. As a result, life ems mirable and disheartening.
Well, why not look at the brighter side of it? See what you have gained. Be happy with your gains.
While talking about the gains and loss, I can't help thinking of an advertiment I have recently watched:The optimist say:Wow! There is still half bottle of water! While the pessimist sighed:there is only half bottle of water left. Obviously, it is your attitude that really matters. Let's remember, gains and loss go side by side.