善意占有posssion in good faith
商标代理trademark agency
商标公告trademark gazette
商标国际注册international registration of trademark 商标评审委员会trade review and appraisal board
商标侵权trademark infringement
商标权trademark right
商标审查trademark examination
商标使用许可协议trademark licensing agreement 商标事务所trademark office
商标注册registered trademark
商品商标commodity trademark
社会本位standard of society
社团法人legal body of mass organization
涉外婚姻marriage with foreign elements
涉外收养adoption with foreign elements
申请在先原则prior application rule
身份权right of status
生命健康权right of life and health
生前民事法律行为civil legal act before death
实际履行原则doctrine of specific performance
实践性民事法律行为practical civil legal act
实体法substantial law
实用新型utility model
使用权right of u;right to u of
使用权right to u;right of u
使用收益分享权right to share usufruct
使用在先priority of u
世袭继承hereditary succession
市民法jus civile
事实婚de facto marriage
收回权right of recall;right of retrieval
收养法adoption law
收养人adoptive parent
收养协议adoption agreement
收益权right to earnings;right to yields
授权规范authorization norm
授权委托书power of attorney
授权行为act of authorization
署名权right of authorship;right of paternity
双方民事法律行为bilateral civil legal act
司法解释judicial interpretation
私法private law
私生活秘密权right of privacy
私营企业private enterpri;proprietorship
死后民事法律行为civil legal act after death
寺院法canon law
送养人person or institution placing out a child for adoption
诉讼离婚divorce by litigation
损害赔偿之债obligation of compensation for injury;obligation of damages 所有权dominium;ownership;title
所有权凭证document of title;title of ownership
信用担保credit guarantee
行为能力capacity for act
形成权right of formation
姓名权right of name
修改权right of modification;right of revision
选择权right of choice
选择之债alternative obligation
外观设计design;industrial design
完全行为能力perfect capacity for act
完整性保持权right to maintain integrity
晚婚late marriage
万民法jus gentium
违法行为illegal act;unlawful act
违法行为unlawful act
违约金liquidated damages
委托代理agency by mandate
委托代理人agent by mandate
慰问金consolation money
无偿民事法律行为civil legal act without consideration;civil legal act without award 无效婚姻void marriage
无效行为ineffective act
无行为能力incapacity for act
无因管理voluntary rvice
无责任行为irresponsible right
无主物bona vacatia;vacant goods;ownerless goods
物的担保curity for thing
物的瑕疵担保warranty against defect of a thing
物权分类classification of right in rem/real right
物上请求权right of claim for real thing
遗产继承人heir to property;inheritor
遗失物lost property
遗书last words
遗言last will and testament
遗赠抚养协议legacy-support ageement
遗赠继承succession by devi
遗嘱继承intestate succession
以合法形式掩盖非法目的legal form concealing illegal intention
义务性规范obligatory norm
意思表示declaration of intention
意思表示一致meeting of minds;connsus
意思能力capacity of will
隐名合伙sleeping partnership;dormant partnership
隐私权right of privacy
英吉利法English law
英美法系system of Anglo-American law
永佃权jus emphyteuticum;right to landed estate granted in perpetuity through a contract 永久性抗辩权permanent counter-argument right
用益物权real right for usufruct
优先权right of priority
优先权日priority date
优先权原则a right of priority doctrine
有偿民事法律行为civil legal act with consideration
有权代理authorized agency
有限合伙limited partnership
预付款advanced payment
原权antecedent right
原则法fundamental law
约定违约金liquidated damages by agreement
企业法人legal body of enterpri
企业集团group of enterpri
亲权parental power;parental right
亲属权right of relative
侵权行为之债tort obligation
情事变更原则doctrine of change of circumstances
请求权right of claim
全权代理general agency
全权代理委托书general power of attorney
权利本位standard of right
权利的保护protection of right
共同共有joint posssion
共同继承joint succession
固有法native law;indigenous law
关联企业affiliate enterpri
广告商标advertiment trademark
国民待遇原则doctrine of national treatment
国有独资企业solely state-owned enterpri
早婚early marriage
债的担保guarantee of obligation
债的履行performance of obligation
债权jus in personam;right to give or procure;claim;creditor’s right
债务的偿还payment of debt
债务的偿清discharge of debt
债务的担保guarantee of debt
债务的给付日期debt maturity
债务的合并consolidation of debt
债务的免除exemption of debt
占有权dominium utile;equitable ownership
贞操权virginity right
正当防卫justifiable right;ligitimate defence
支配权right of dominion
知识产权intellectual property
知识产权国际保护international protection of intellectual property
直系血亲lineal descent
指定代理人designated agent
质权hypotheque;pledge;right of pledge
智力成果intellectual property
中华人民共和国专利局Patent Office of the People’s Republic of China 中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint venture enterpri
中外合作企业Sino-foreign contractual enterpri
终止权right of termination
种类之债indefinite obligation
重播权right of rebroadcasting
重大误解gross misunderstanding
主民事法律行为principal civil legal act
主债prime/principal obligation
注册商标使用许可licensing of registered trademark
注册商标转让assignment of registered trademark
著作财产权property right in work
著作邻接权neighboring right of copyright
著作权人copyright owner
著作人格权right of personality of copyright
专利代理patent agency
专利公告patent gazette
专利权patent right
专利申请patent application
专利事务所patent office
专利许可协议patent licensing agreement
专利续展费renewal fee of patent
专利异议objection to a patent
专利证书certificate of patent
专属权exclusive right
准禁治产人quasi-interdicted person
准民事法律行为quasi-civil legal act
自动保护原则doctrine of automatic protection
自费出版publish a book at the author’s own expen
自然法natural law
自然继承natural succession
自然人natural person
自然血亲natural blood relation
自为行为lf-conducting act
自物权jus in re propria;right of full ownership
自由权right of freedom
自愿原则principle of free will
自治产人minor who is capable of administering his own capacity 自助行为act of lf-help