A A/A | Amber Air-to-air | 琥珀色 空对空 | |
AAA | (Or AAB,AAC…etc, in quence) | (或 AAB, AAC……等,按顺序) | |
Amended meteorological message (Message | type | 修订气象电报(电报种类代号) | |
designator) | |||
AAD | Assigned altitude deviation | 指定高度偏差 | |
AAIM | Aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring | 航空器自主完好性监控 | |
AAL | Above aerodrome level | 高出机场场面 | |
ABI | Advance boundary information | 前方边界信息 | |
ABM | Abeam | 正切 | |
ABN | Aerodrome beacon | 机场灯标 | |
ABT | About | 大约、关于 | |
ABV | Above | 在上、以上 | |
AC | Altocumulus | 高积云 | |
A/C* | Aircraft | 航空器 | |
ACARS | (to be pronounced ‘AY-CARS’) Aircraft | 航空器寻址通信和报告系统(发音为 | |
communication addressing and reporting system | “AY-CARS”) | ||
ACAS | Airborne collision avoidance system | 机载防撞系统 | |
ACC | Area control center or area control | 区域管制中心或区域管制 | |
ACCID | Notification of an aircraft accident | 航空器失事通知 | |
ACFT | Aircraft | 航空器 | |
ACK | Acknowledge | 承认、证实 | |
ACL | Altimeter check location | 高度表校准位置 | |
ACN | Aircraft Classification Number | 航空器等级序号 | |
ACP | Acceptance (message type designator) | 接受电报(电报种类代号) | |
ACPT | Accept or accepted | 接受或已接受 | |
ACT | Active or activated or activity | 活动 | |
AD | Aerodrome | 机场 | |
ADA | Advisory area | 咨询区 | |
ADC | Aerodrome chart | 机场图 | |
ADDN | Addition or additional | 增加、附加 | |
ADF | Automatic direction-finding equipment | 自动定向仪 | |
ADIZ | (to be pronounced ‘AY-DIZ’) Air defence | 防空识别区(发音为“AY-DIZ”) | |
identification zone | |||
ADJ | Adjacent | 邻近 | |
ADO | Aerodrome office (specify rvice) | 机场部门(注明服务) | |
ADR | Advisory route | 咨询航线 | |
ADS | Automatic dependent surveillance | 自动相关监视 | |
ADS | The address | 地址 | |
ADSU | Automatic dependent surveillance unit | 自动相关监视单元 | |
ADVS | Advisory rvice | 咨询服务 | |
ADZ | Advi | 通知 | |
AES | Aircraft earth station | 航空器地球站 | |
AFIL | Flight plan filed in the air | 空中申报飞行计划 | |
AFIS | Aerodrome flight information rvice | 机场飞行情报服务 | |
AFM | Yes or affirm or affirmative or that is correct | 是、肯定、正确 | |
AFS | Aeronautical fixed rvice | 航空固定服务 | |
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