乙炔 acetylene
电流安培 ampere
角焊 angle welding
电弧 arc
氩弧焊接 argon arc welding
光熔接条 bare electrode
对接焊接 butt welding
电弧弯曲 camber
阶叠熔接法 cascade
被覆熔接 clad weld
焊疤 crator
多余金属 excess metal
焊条 filler rod
填角焊接 fillet weld
气体遮蔽 gas shield
起槽熔接 groove welding
hand face shield 手握面罩
硬表面堆焊 hard facing
工模焊接 jig welding
雷射光焊接 lar beam welding
MIG熔接 metal electrode inrt gas welding 点焊熔核 nugget
堆焊 overlaying
珠击熔接法 peening of welding
塞孔熔接 plug welding
正向熔接 positioned welding
压焊 pressure welding
丙烷气切割 propane gas cutting
纯镍熔接条 pure nickel electrode
加强焊接 reinforcement of weld
抗蚀护膜 resist
背面熔接 root running
焊缝 am
接合 aming
流缝熔接 am welding
串联缝熔接 ries am welding
跳焊法 skip welding process
火花 spark
点焊接 spot welding
针角焊接 stitch welding
电弧焊接 stud arc welding
下部焊层 under laying
焊接空隙 void
焊接流痕 weld flow mark
焊缝凸起 weld flush
焊接纹 weld line
焊接痕 weld mark
熔接透入 weld penetration
焊接区 weld zone
焊接 welding
焊接泡 welding bead
焊接方向 welding direction
焊接变形 welding distortion
焊剂 welding flux
电熔接地 welding ground
焊接周期 welding interval
熔接应变 welding stress
熔接气炬 welding torch
电焊条生产线 welding electrode production line 焊条 welding electrode
焊接夹具 welding fixture
电焊机 welding generator
焊工护目镜 welding goggles
焊枪 welding gun
电焊帽 welding helmet
焊接检验尺 welding inspection ruler
焊接机 welding machine
焊管机 welding mill
(焊接网 )
电动焊接发电机 welding motor generator
焊嘴 welding nozzle
焊接药膏 welding paste
焊接管 welding pipe
焊粉 welding powder
焊接整流器 welding rectifier
焊接机器人 welding robot
焊条挤压机 welding rod extrusion press
酸性焊条 welding rod with acidic coating
碱性焊条 welding rod with alkaline coating
焊条 welding rod
焊接模拟器 welding simulator
不锈电焊条 welding stainless electrode
焊接钢管 welding steel tube
焊锡棒料 welding tin billet
焊接夹钳 welding tongs
焊炬 welding torch
电焊变压器 welding transformer
焊机 welding unit
焊线机 welding wire machine
焊丝 welding wire
熔焊及切割胶管 welding-cutting ho
焊割具 welding-cutting tool
焊条芯 welding-rod core
焊缝清理机 welding-am cleaner
无缝管 weldless pipe
无缝钢管 weldless steel tube
凿井机 well borer
井式计数器 well counter
井形甲板船 well deck vesl
钻井机 well drill
钻井平台 well platform
钻井机 well rig
试井车 well testing truck
井温计 well thermometer
井管滤管 well tube filter
井式回火电炉 well type tempering electric furnace 矿井绞车 well winch
测井探头 well-logging probe
井型计数器 well-type counter
质量合格证书 certification of fitness
原材料 rawmaterial
底板 bottom plate
垫层 cushion
侧壁 sidewall
中心线 center line
条形基础 strip footing
附件 accessories
型钢 profile steel
钢板 steel plate
熔渣 slag
飞溅 welding spatter
定位焊 tacking
引弧 generating of arc
熄弧 quenching of arc
焊道 welding bead
坡口 beveled edges
外观检查 visual inspection
重皮 doubleskin
水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction
成型 molding
直线度 straightness accuracy
焊缝角变形 welding line angular distortion
水平度 levelness
铅垂度 verticality
翘曲变形 buckling deformation
角尺 angle square
对接焊缝 butt weld
母材 parent metal
法兰密封面 flange aling surface
夹层 interlayer
表面锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration
挠曲变 bending deformation
超声波探伤 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器 pressure vesl
预制下料 prefabrication baiting
排版直径 t-type diameter
焊缝 welding line
中心板 center plate
测量方法 measuring method
基准点 datum mark
跳焊 skip welding
允许偏差 allowable variation
补强板 stiffening plate
开孔 tapping
对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing
角钢 angle iron
安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle
吊装立柱 hoisting upright column
焊接钢管 welded steel pipe
向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope
带板 band plate
槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring
环口 collar extension
(焊接网 )
局部变形 local distortion
环缝 circumferential weld
顶板 top plate
拱顶 vault
顶板加强肋 stiffening rib
对接 butt joint
胎具 clamping fixture
卷板机 plate bending rolls
中心支架 center bearing bracket
椭圆度 ovality
等分线 bictrix
搭接宽度 lap width
点焊 spot welding
搭接焊 overlap welding
对称 symmetrically
螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs
放料阀 baiting valve
液位计 content gauge
充水试验 filling water test
错边量 unfitness of butt joint
底圈 foundation ring
真空度检漏 vacuum degree leak test
丁字焊缝 tee welding
渗透探伤 oil whiting test
充水试验 filling water test
内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line joint 基础沉降 foundation ttlement
基准点 datum mark
稳定性试验 stability test
排气阀 outlet valve
角钢 angle steel
构件 component part
机械损伤 mechanical damage
缩孔 shrinkage cavity
折迭 enfoldment
碳钢管 carbon steel tube
公称直径 nominal diameter
预埋件 embedded part
轴测图 axonometric drawing
布置图 arrangement diagram
氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting
低合金钢管 low alloy steel
热影响区 heat affected area
修磨 polish
砂轮片 grinding wheel
等离子 plasma panel
重皮 coldlap
凹凸 unevenness
缩口 necking down
端面 head face
倾斜偏差 dip deviation
外径 external diameter
砂轮 grinding wheel
管件 pipe casting
单线图 single line drawing
平齐 parallel and level
两端 two terminals
满扣 buckle
螺栓紧固 bolton
周边 periphery
附加应力 additional stress
同轴度 axiality
平行度 parallelism
随机 stochastic
允许偏差 allowable variation
重直度 verticality
水平度 levelness
隔离盲板 blind plate
氩弧焊 argon arc welding