In Compassion and Self Hate'I wrote about how competition is a form of lf-hate and how our culture has come to believe that competition brings out the best in people.I still believe that it brings out the worst.It is intimately linked to envy,jealousy,and paranoia,and blocks evolvement and development of lf.It ultimately has a depleting and deadening effect on lf as its unrelenting demands are met and lf-realizing needs are ignored.
In competition,the focus of one's life is esntially outside one's lf.The u of our time and energy is determined by our competitors rather than by our own lves and our own real needs.This weakens our own n of identity,and to compensate for this ever-increasing feeling of emptiness and vulnerability we compete still more,completing a lf-
depleting cycle. When enough depletion takes place to preclude further"successful"competition,we feel hopeless and futile and our lives em purpoless.
Despite talking about good sportsmanship,competition is totally incompatible with the kind of easy aliveness that is the aim of this book.It flourishes in an atmosphere of high stimulation and vindictive triumph.Its rewards and goals are immediate and short-lived,and lf-glorification guarantees virtual exclusion of lf-realization.It destroys our inner n of autonomy and stability and is also destructive to outside relationships and to real communication. Competitive friction is inimical to kindness,and without kindness a
lf-enriching philosophy is impossible.Despite protestations and reassurances about"friendly competition",antagonists are not friendly.The"feeling good"that competitors say comes from competition is bad on someone el's feeling bad.And this"feeling good"doesn't last becau it is bad upon putting the next fellow down rather than on a sustained strengthening of yourlf---through lf-realization.So competition becomes addictive.
Competition is a residual of a primitive past,and it is not a genetic residual.It is pasd on
to us through training in our society from generation to generation.This training starts early and can usually be en very early sibling rivalry.I do not believe that rivalry among children of the same family is instinctual.I believe that it is engendered by parents who themlves were victims of victims':they may convey the competitive motif blatantly or so subtly that it is not readily perceived.They themlves are caught in the same trap-they spend enormous time and energy getting ahead of the Jones.
Small wonder so many children are pressured into Little League or equivalent competitive structures-all with rationalization that this will promote their lf-development,well-being,and health.Actually the activities and organizations nearly always rve as vicari
ous vehicles designed to satisfy parental craving for competitive success. People brought up in this way feel lost if they are suddenly thrust into a situation of low competitive tension.They exist to compete and they've lost their raison d'etre',so they invent hierarchies and games to provide the simulation they need to"keep the motor running”,even if the inventions are ultimately destructive to inner peace and personal health.
I am reminded of my own medical school experience in Lausanne,Switzerland.I was part of a group of about eighty Americans studying at the medical faculty of the university at th
at time.The system was noncompetitive.People who were qualified were accepted into the school.The consisted of people who received passing grades in the required premedical or foundation cours.Two ries of examinations-one in the basic sciences one and one half years after admission,and the other after studies were completed-determined qualification for graduation.Students were allowed to postpone the examinations as long as they felt was necessary.To pass,students were required to demonstrate adequate knowledge of the material. The atmosphere was totally benevolent and without the prence of any coercion or intimidation whatsoever.There was no"curve”and students were not graded relative to each other.