第四章 语用能力
1. 明确语用能力的内涵
2 掌握语用能力的构成
3. 了解语用能力的理论基础
习者学习语用学知识所需要的社会语言性质的语言输入”(G. Kasper & R. Schmidt 1996:160),因此语用知识是必须要教授的。
Directions: For each problem in this part, you are prented with one situation with four utterances underneath. Read the description of each situation with the utterances and decide which is the most appropriate utterance in that situation. Mark your choice by writing the corresponding letter in the brackets.
1. A: Is there any shopping to do?
B: We’ll be away for most of the weekend. What can we infer from the conversation?( )
A) If they are away for the weekend, then they won’t need food. B) If they are away for the weekend, then they won’t be able to go shopping. C) If they don’t go shopping, then they won’t have any food on their return. D) All possible.
2. A: Do you want some coffee?
B: Coffee would keep me awake.
What does B mean? ( )
A) B does not want to stay awake.
C) B does not want any coffee.
E) B want to stay awake. B wants some coffee and anything that will keep her awake.
G) All possible.
3. Man: If you don’t have an account here, I can’t cash your check. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.
Woman: Well, thanks a lot! You’re a big help. How does the woman feel? ( )
A) The woman is helpful. B) The woman is thankful. C) The woman is offended. D) The woman is sorry.
4. At work, John has just told Bill that they are one man short for the football match on Saturday against a neighbouring office team.
Bill: Why don’t you ask Pete Todd to play? I know he’s not very good but there’s no one el to ask, is there?
John: Well, to be honest, Bill, I’ve already asked him. He just wasn’t interested.
Bill: Oh, that’s a blow! By this he means ( )
A) “That’s a lie.” B) “That’s a shock!” C) “That’s a pity!” D) “That’s a strange.”
5. After talking on the phone with Jack for some time, Hsiao Song says, “I’ve got to go now. Goodbye.” By this we can e ( )
A) he was going to stop talking on the telephone. B) he was going to leave the office. C) he was going to go home. D) it was time to leave the office.
6. A: What do you think of Harry?
B: Nothing wrong with him. By this, B means ( )
A) I don’t think he is very good. B) He didn’t do anything wrong. C) He is right. D) He is a great guy.
7. B is in the way.
A: May I get through here? ( )
B: A) Yes, plea. B) Yes. C) Yes (opening a passageway) D) (Opening a passageway without demur.)
8. If someone gives you directions in English so quickly that you don’t understand, you might respond: ( )
A) “Excu me, I’m still learning the language. Could you repeat that a little more slowly?”
B) “Thank you. I appreciate your help.” C) “Could you repeat that?” D) Try to repeat the directions to the person.
9. Tom is talking to his school-mate, David.
Tom: How did you do in the exam, David?
D: I barely pasd. I made a hopeless mess of it. I don’t know why I did so badly.
Tom: ( ) A) Just try to forget about it. B) It’s not worth worrying about. You’ll do better next time.
10. When you are invited for the first time to the Brown’s hou and offered a cup of coffee, you ( )
A) should ri and receive it. B) should ri and say, “Thank you.” C) should make a slight rising movement. D) can remain ated and receive it with a smile and say, “Thank you”.
Directions: There are 10 questions in this part. Each question has a part italicized. Read each question and decide whether the italicized part is appropriate or inappropriate. If it is appropriate, write an “A”, or, if it is inappropriate, write an “I” in the brackets.
1. When the new term began, a student met his teacher, Miss Smith, on his way to the classroom. Student: You must have a good time during the vacation. You look like you gained a lot of weight. ( )
3. Hsiao Wu gave his paper to Mr Brown, his supervisor, and said to Mr Brown, “Perhaps you could read through this before Friday.” ( )