English learning is characterized by gradual and continuous progress。It requires a long-term n of knowledge and skills。The "nal English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory n" and the "nal English Curriculum Standards for r High School" t nine levels of objectiv
es for English cours in basic n。aiming to reflect the progressive development of students' language abilities and ensure the overall。continuous and gradual nature of English cours。English cours should be organized and evaluated according to students' language proficiency and corresponding level requirements.
Modern foreign language n emphasizes the process of language learning。practicality and applicability。It advocates that students should be expod to and experience real language in context。and learn and u language bad on this n。English cours promote language teaching approaches and methods that emphasize both the process of language learning and the improvement of students' learning efficiency。and create as many opportunities as possible for students to u language in real contexts。Teachers are encouraged to guide students to discover language rules。gradually master language knowledge and skills。adjust their nal attitudes。develop effective learning strategies。and cultivate their autonomous learning abilities through experience。practice。n。n and n.
The n system of English cours should be conducive to promoting the development of students' comprehensive language n abilities。especially to stimulate their interest in learning。promote their autonomous learning abilities and the development of healthy personalities。The n system should include formative and summative ns。During the teaching process。formative n should be emphasized。focusing on evaluating students' performance and progress in learning。and playing a positive role in cultivating students' confidence and protecting their lf-esteem。Summative n should focus on testing students' comprehensive language n abilities.
Language learning requires a large amount of input。Diver and abundant cour resources are particularly important for English learning。English cours should provide English learning resources that are clo to students' lives。clo to reality。and clo to the times according to teaching and learning needs。Teachers should adapt to local ns and creatively u and develop vivid English learning resources in real life。and actively u -visual materials。n。newspapers and magazines。and ork n to expand students' channels for learning and using English。At the same time。teachers should actively enc
ourage and support students to participate in the u and development of cour resources.