一学术思潮本栏目责任编辑:王力1Introduction Learning vocabulary is the core task in SLA and the four lan⁃guage skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing are all asso⁃ciated with the propitious command of vocabulary and also the pro⁃ficiency level of vocabulary determines the practical ability of the four language skills in L2learning.As the basic unit in learning a language,no matter how proficient a learner is in grammar or pho⁃nology,any meaningful communication shall not happen without vo⁃cabulary.Many students at the college level still lack the basic vo⁃cabulary load needed in fundamental proficiency level.The reasons assumed for this are students ’lack of motivation and practical training and teachers ’ineffective vocabulary teaching method and unrelated exercis.Although this is not fully evidenced,to some extent it reflects an unsuccessful teaching way of acquiring vocabu⁃lary.Hence,how to improve students ’vocabulary gain is one of the key points in L2teaching.This rearch reports an experimental study of students ’vocabulary gaining in practical task-bad vo⁃cabulary learning.2Rearch Hypothesis
Two new hypothes were propod in this study before the teaching experiment begins.1)In this study,both incidental and intentional vocabulary learning in task 2and 3share the same involvement load of need,arch and evaluation,it is reasonably hypothesized that the effect of incidental vocabulary learning is the same as intentional vocabu⁃lary learning.2)According to involvement load hypothesis (ILH),it is possi⁃bly hypothesized that tasks with higher involvement load index(task 2and task 3)would lead to higher retention of words than that of lower involvement load index (task 1).3Methodology
Initially,altogether there were 160sophomore students from different majors took part in this experiment.They all aged from 19-21.Prior instruction was given to the participants and personal willingness was a priority in the implementation of task.3.2Rearch instruments
3.2.11000frequency words test A vocabulary test replicated from Nation (1993)was ud to evaluate participants ’proficiency level in the 1000frequency words range.The test standard is 100scores.36students were above 81points,44students were 71-80points,39students were 61-70points and 41students were lower than 60points.3.2.2Vocabulary test bad on Nation (1983)This
study focud on the learning and testing of verb.A verb test before and after the task is designed bad on Nation (1983).On the average,100verbs that are chon from the task material were strictly abided by the 2000words level of Nation (2005).The 100verbs were put in a multiple choice test with each verb contain⁃ing four English words as choices.This test will be ud in the pre-task test and post-task test.The main purpo of using this test is to evaluate the effects of task type on vocabulary gain from 1000word level to 2000word level and students ’retention ability of the target verbs after the tasks.3.3Material All the material ud in this study was authentic English work reports.The reason to choo the material is that task-bad lan⁃guage teaching is conducted in this study and the success in tasks is evaluated and associated with real-life language u.The chon materials are strictly within the 2000-word level defined by Nation (2005).3.4Tasks 收稿日期:2017-01-15修回日期:2017-01-25
Autonomous and Incidental Learning
of Vocabulary Through Task-bad Language Teaching QIN Cheng-hai
(School of Foreign Languages,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China)
Abstract:This study mainly discusd the effects of three tasks of translating authentic business report on L2vocabulary learning.160students were chon from different majors by a pre-task proficiency test.The findings revealed that task 3was the optimum task in vo⁃cabulary gain and direct vocabulary learning had a more facilitated power than incidental vocabulary learning in this translation task for the learners with the lowest level of vocabulary.This study also suggested that the caution of need and evaluation needed to be adjusted and paid for the learners with the lowest vocabulary level.Key words:Vocabulary learning;involvement load hypothesis,task-bad language teaching 中图分类号:H319文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5039(2017)06-0221-02