2012-06-05 21:45:19| 分类: 电气|字号 订阅
Safety ELV (SELV) circuit
electrical circuit with the following characteristics:
? the voltage does not exceed ELV;
? protective paration from circuits other than SELV or PELV;
? no provisions for earthing of the SELV circuit, or its accessible conductive parts;
? basic insulation of the SELV circuit from earth and from PELV circuits
安全特低电压 SELV(Safety Extra Low Voltage, 缩写 SELV) 。只作为不接地系统的安全特低电压。
protective ELV (PELV) circuit
electrical circuit with the following characteristics:
the voltage does not continuously exceed ELV under single fault as well as normal
? protective paration from circuits other than PELV or SELV;
? provisions for earthing of the PELV circuit, or its accessible conductive parts, or both
保护特低电压PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage, 缩 写 PELV) 。只作为保护接地系统的安全特低电压用防护。
功能特低电压 FELV (Functional Extra Low Voltage, 缩写 FELV) 。由于功能上的原因(非电击防护目的),采用于特低电压,但不能满足或没有必要满足SELV和PELV的所有条件。FELV防护是在这种前提下,补充规定了某些直接接触电击和间接接触电击防护措施的一种防护。