庄子 Zoranzi
相濡以沫:live abreast 虚以委蛇:pretend politeness and compliance 鹏程万里: have a bright future 御风而行:going with the wind 越俎代庖:put words into somebody's mouth
大相径庭 :at opposite poles 朝三暮四:to chop and change 游刃有余:to handle a butcher's cleaver skillfully
踌躇满志:lf-contented 旁门左道:heresies 盗亦有道:Robbers also have their paths
唇亡齿寒:The lips being lost, the teeth feel cold 善始善终;to start well and end well
冥冥之中:imperceptibly but inexorably 失之交臂 :to fail to meet sb. by a narrow chance
无所不在:omniprent 分庭抗礼: to compete on equal terms
《逍遥游》:Wandering in Absolute Freedom
《齐物论》:On the Uniformity of All Things
《养生主》:Esntials for Keeping a Good Health 《人间世》:Ways of the Human World
《大宗师》:The Most Venerable Teacher
《应帝王》:Competent Emperors and Kings