Collectivism and individualism
Collectivism is emphasizing the interest of group and nation; people have obligated to pay clo attention to family, society etc. And they rely on social relationship. However, individualism is individual-centered that the interest of individual person is more important than collectivist interest. Meanwhile, they often rely on themlves.
A prominent example is the between of Western and China. First, in west, many westerners have not permanent group when they join a party. They talk about with many different people during the party. But in China, Chine organize a party which will visit friends to talk about same topic. In addition, two Chine begin to communication is that how old are you or your clothes is so beautiful, how much money in party. In westerner’s eyes, this prologue is so uncomfortable, becau they usually ud weather to start conversation. Second, as we all know, Chine student stay in same ban and listen teacher to teach us knowledge. Teacher will tell you should subject to the standard answer if we have new thought for the answer. But in west, students are different in every class. They ca
n choo class according to their interest, so westerner students hard to have same classmate each other. What’s more, teachers encourage students to create things. Third, in China culture, parents and schools will decide how do you do it is right. And Chine often listen to others advice when they meet important things. However, westerners do deem that it’s important to be independence of making decisions about important things. Finally, in western culture, the interests of the individuals are important that government should not interfere with their private life. In China is on the contrary.
Now we can learn about the different of individualism and collectivism. China is the typical collectivism, western is individualism.
Individualism and collectivism