1LG0 Low-voltage Motors
Answers for industry.
产品样本 D81.5 • 01.2010
1LG0 低压交流异步电动机
目录 Table of Contents
Overview ........................................................................... 3电机标准
Motor standards ................................................................ 5机械特性
Mechanical design .............................................................. 6电气特性
Electrical design ................................................................. 10变频应用
Converter fed application ................................................... 11订货号 MLFB confi guration ............................................................ 12选件
Options ............................................................................ 13选型技术数据表
Technical data tables .......................................................... 14外形尺寸
Dimension drawings ......................................................... 20技术支持资料
Technical supporting documentation ................................. 36 证书 Certifi cates
总体介绍 Overview
Features of Siemens 1LG0 ries
Frame and terminal box material: Grey cast iron Standard colour: Stone Grey RAL 7030
Available in 2,4,6 pole variants with effi ciency class 3 according to GB18613, and effi ciency class IE1 according to IEC60034-30
Specifi c wound stators supporting multiple 3PH mains supply voltages at 50Hz or 60Hz Frame sizes: 80mm ~ 355mm
Rated power range: 0.55kW ~ 315kW at 50Hz Standard mounting types and variations (IEC 60034-7) TEFC with IP55 degree of protection (IEC 60034-5)
Overload capacity of 1.5 times rated current for 2 minutes (IEC 60034-1)
V-ring as standard on DE rotor shaft for motor with FS 80~FS 132, and oil al as option; Oil al as standard for motor with FS160 and above. Anti-condensation heater (space heater) as option Winding protection with PTC and PT100 as option
Insulation class: F, ud according to temperature ri B
1LG0 系列电动机是全封闭自扇冷却式三相异步电动机,其防护等级为 IP55。1LG0 系列电机设计生产符合 ISO 、IEC 、GB 等相关标准的要求。
■ 机壳与接线盒材料:灰铸铁■ 标准颜色:石头灰 RAL7030
2、4、6 极电机达到 GB 18613.2006 标准能效等级 3 级以及IEC 60034-30 标准的 IE1 效率等级要求
■ 特定绕组设计可支持多种输入电压(50Hz 或 60Hz )■ 机座号:80mm ~ 355mm
■ 额定功率:0.55kW ~ 315kW (50Hz )■ 标准安装结构型式(IEC60034-7)■ 防护等级:IP55(IEC 60034-5)
■ 可承受 1.5 倍额定电流达 2 分钟(IEC 60034-1)
对于 FS 1) 80 ~ 132电机,驱动端标配采用 V 形环进行密封,并可以选择采用油封进行密封;对于 FS 160 以上电机,驱动端采用油封进行密封作为标配■ 可选防潮加热带(空间加热器)
电机可选 PTC 或 PT100 热敏电阻进行绕组保护
The 1LG0 ries of 3 pha asynchronous motors are Totally Enclod Fan Cooled (TEFC) with IP55 environmental protection. The motors are designed and manufactured in accordance with ISO, IEC standards, GB standards.
FS ,机座号“Frame size ”的英文缩写。
FS - Frame size.
1. Torque almost constant; power proportional to speed.
2. Torque increas proportionally with the speed; power proportional to the square of the speed.
3. Torque increas proportionally with the square of the speed; power proportional to the cube of th
e speed.
4. Torque decreas in inver proportion to the speed; power constant.
负载特性曲线 Load torque characteristics
转矩 / 转速特性曲线 Torque / speed characteristic
功率 / 转速特性曲线 Power / speed characteristic
1LG0 系列为铸铁机壳通用型电动机,适用于连续工作制(S1),恒转速,或一定速度范围内的变频调速应用。
■ F 级绝缘系统,并按 B 级温升考核■ 灵活的引出线方向
■ 电机轴驱动端带闭合键槽(A 型键),可选双轴伸■ 电机采用半键平衡
■ FS 160 ~ 355 电机标配排水孔
■ 端盖带环型散热筋,增加散热面积,延长轴承使用寿命■
• FS 80 ~ 160 电机采用预润滑轴承
• FS 180 ~ 280 电机可选配轴承再润滑装置(选件号:K40)• FS 315 ~ 355 电机标配再润滑装置
Flexible cable entry (Rotatable terminal box)
Rotor shaft with clod keyway (A type key) and NDE shaft extension
Dynamically balanced rotor with a half key Drain plug on FS 160 ~ 355 motor as standard
Ribbed end shields for better bearing heat dissipation and prolonged bearing life
Lubrication of bearing
• FS 80 ~ 160 motor - gread for life
• FS 180 ~ 280 motor - regreasable when ordered with K40 option • FS 315 ~ 355 motor - with regreasing nipple as standard
1. 恒转矩负载;功率与转速成正比,转矩不变
2. 转矩随转速成比例增加;功率与转速的平方成正比
3. 转矩随着转速的平方成比例地增加;功率与转速的立方成正比
4. 恒功率负载;转矩与转速成反比,功率不变
The 1LG0 is a General Purpo Motor with cast iron frame designed for constant or adjustable speed with continuous duty operation (S1) torque over a speed range.
电机标准 Motor standards
The 1LG0 complies with the following electrical and mechanical standards:
■ 额定电压 Rated voltage ■ 额定频率 Rated frequency ■ 额定功率 Rated output ■ 额定转速 Rated speed ■ 效率 Effi ciency ■ 功率因数 Power factor ■ 接线方式 Connection type ■ 防护等级 Protection degree ■ 产品序列号 Series number ■ 电机选型 Motor type ■ 平衡方式 Balance
■ 绝缘等级 Insulation class ■
重量 Weight