
更新时间:2023-05-10 13:26:42 阅读: 评论:0

Unit 1
1. 蹲了10年监狱之后,他很难再适应自由的生活了。
After ten years in prison, he couldn’t adapt himlf to being free again.
2. 人们常说“你只有一次机会给别人留下第一印象”。因此会见潜在客户时,你不能穿那些可能给人留下不良印象的衣服。
It is often said that “you only get one chance to make a first impression.” Therefore when meeting a prospect, you can’t afford to wear clothes that may leave a bad impression.
3. 见到她在聚会上打扮得很漂亮,而且还做了头发,我感到很宽慰。
I feel relieved to e at the party that she was all dresd up and had her hair done.
4. 令人惊讶的是,大部分员工并不赞同他回到工作岗位上。
It is surprising that most employees do not approve of his return to office.
5. 正如大家所期望的,新政府将致力于全面削减20%的开支。
Just as expected, the new government will aim for a 20% cost reduction across the board.
6. 很多销售人员充分利用人们根据相貌作出判断这一事实,通过穿着打扮,使自己看上去既值得信赖,又精通业务。
Many salespeople make the best of the fact that people judge by appearance, and dress in such a way that makes them look reliable and professional.
7. 作为求职者,过于随性的穿着会严重影响你被录用的几率。
As a job eker, dressing too casually can be detrimental to your odds of being hired.
8. 我们没有时间闲聊,所以请不要拐弯抹角,有话就直说吧。
We don’t have time for chitchat, so plea stop beating around the bush and get to the point.
9. 最近的天气如此变幻莫测,时而下雨,时而放晴。
The weather has been so unpredictable lately that it alternates between rain and sunshine.
10. 半个世纪以来西方的侵入破坏了这个地区传统文化的平衡。
A half-century of Western intrusion has riously unbalanced the traditional culture in this area.
Unit 2
1. 半年后,乔布斯便从里德学院辍学,因为他发现读大学没有什么价值,而且也承担不起昂贵的学费。
After six months, Jobs dropped out of Reed College becau he couldn’t e any value in going to c ollege and couldn’t afford the expensive tuition.
2. 昨天我偶遇一位久未谋面的朋友,他告诉了我在非洲旅行时的冒险经历。
I ran into a long-lost friend yesterday, and he told me his adventures when traveling in Africa.
3. 要不是乔布斯在大学旁听了书法课,今天的计算机或许就不会有那么布局匀称的字体了。
If Jobs hadn’t attended the calligraphy class at college, the computers today wouldn’t have such proportionally spaced fonts.
4. 有一件事很清楚:如果合伙人彼此反目,每一个人都会在收益上遭受损失。One thing is clear: if the partners fall out with each other, everybody stands to lo in the earnings.
5. 心理学家在调查中发现,父母吵架的时候,女儿们通常站在母亲的一边。Psychologists have found in their studies that when parents are having an argument, the daughters usually side with their mothers.
6. 我们指望你在选举中支持我们——别让我们失望!
We are counting on you to support us in the election —don’t let us down!
7. 当他无意中看到那封信时,终于明白了事情可怕的真相。
The awful truth dawned on him when he ran across the letter.
8. 当你连续很多天所做的事对你都不是真正重要的,那你就应该改变一下了。When you are not doing the things that truly matter to you for many days in a row, it is time to make some changes.
9. 尽管他已经用了最大的嗓门,他的话还是被众人大声的欢呼所淹没。Although he spoke at the top of his voice, his words were drowned by loud cheers from the crowd.
10. 令他们感到非常欣慰的是,那场病终于自然而然地结束了,而她也恢复了健康。
Much to their relief, the dia ran its cour and she finally recovered.
Unit 3
1. 在荷兰,可以给精神上遭受痛苦的人提供安乐死。一个典型例子就是4个月前因为失去儿子而精神失常的那名妇女。
Euthanasia is provided in the Netherlands for people suffering mental anguish. A typical example is a woman distraught over the loss of her twenty year old son four months earlier.
2. 他想成为一名演员,但屈服于父母的压力,不得不进大学学法律。
He wanted to be an actor but succumbed to parental pressure and went to law school.
3. 尽管管理不善是主要因素,但是该公司的问题也有部分原因在于市场需求量的缩减
Although bad management was the major factor, the firm’s problems were due in part to a fall-off in demand.
4. 当面临逆境时,所有的嫉妒、失望和怀疑都暂时被忘却了。
All the jealousies and disappointments and doubts were forgotten for the time being in the face of adversity.
5. 这位金融家将给这座城镇捐赠一所新医院以纪念他的母亲。
The financier is going to prent the town with a new hospital in memory of his mother.
6. 年轻经理们的经验会增多起来,并能及时承担起他们的责任。
Younger managers will grow in experience and be able to take on their responsibilities in time.
7. 摆脱了一直压在身上的内疚感,安杰利娜(Angelina) 感到十分高兴。Angelina had cheered up considerably, having rid herlf of the burden of guilt she was carrying.
8. 然而对政府来说,也确实有理由为自立和就业方面的教育培训进行投资。However, there are also positive grounds for governments to invest in education and training for independence and employment.
9. 这本小册子告诉人们在家里或外出旅游时如何防备各种危险。
The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home or on one’s travels.
10. 人的生命的明显贬值给残疾人带来恐惧,他们害怕在违背他们意愿的情况下被结束生命。
The apparent devaluation of human life brings fear to disabled persons that they will be killed against their will.
Unit 4
1. 这位科学家与他谨慎的同事们不一样,有时他会变得非常具有想象力,并喜欢做出大胆论断。
Unlike his meticulous co-workers, this scientist tends to become very imaginative sometimes and has a penchant for bold announcements.
2. 更多美国人过度肥胖这一事实,以一些始料不及的方式给美国国家医疗体系造成了新的压力
The fact that more Americans are obe is putting a new strain on the nation’s health-care system in some unexpected ways.
3. 千万不要低估回到基础的重要性,因为这是解决任何问题的关键。
Never underestimate the importance of getting back to basics becau it’s the key to solving any problems.
4. 有些学生把英语学习放在第一位,这样将来在他们工作中就能充分发挥这一优势。
Some students put English learning before anything el so that in the future they can leverage it to great advantage in their jobs.
5. 我认为学术研究的回报一定会到来,而且这些回报也能充分证明所涉及到的一切开支都是值得的
I think the rewards from academic rearch do arrive, and that they well justify all the expenditure involved.
6. 明天的和平集会前将为1937年在南京大屠杀中惨遭日本侵略军杀害的30多万中国平民和解除武装的士兵默哀。
A moment of silence will precede tomorrow’s peace rally in honor of more than 300,000 Chine civilians and disarmed soldiers killed by invading Japane troops in the Nanjing massacre in 1937.
7. 我不知道是否应当从表面理解他所说的话还是试图去理解他的言外之意。
I don’t know whether to take what he said at face value, or try to make n of the implication.
8. 从更换工作时的工资增长来看,你通常可以期待在现有工资基础上增长10–20。
In terms of a salary increa when changing a job, you can normally expect 10-20 percent increa on your current salary.
9. 我认为提高个人所得税的起征标准是合理的,因为大多数人的收入在增长。
I think it is reasonable to rai the threshold of personal taxable income as most people’s income is also on the ri.
10. 一旦修正了程序错误,公司的信息技术人员就能把注意力转到关于软件应用局限性这样更大的问题上来。
Once that bug was fixed, the company’s IT sta ff could turn its attention to larger issues regarding the limitations of its software application.
Unit 5
1. 休完学术假返回途中的教授们仍在考虑着课程教案,根本没有料到灾难的来临。
Professors returning from sabbatical leaves still mulled over lesson plans and did not expect the coming of the catastrophe at all.
2. 在这次全球环境峰会上,首相和总统的主要演说如果不提环境问题就是不完整的。
In this global environmental summit, major speeches of prime ministers and presidents are incomplete without mention of the environment.
3. 第一步——就是唤醒大家意识到世界环境问题的方方面面——从某种意义上来说已经进行了二十多年了。
The first step —waking up to the dimensions of the world’s environmental problems — has in a n been under way for more than two decades.
4. 从明年开始,这个沿海省份将要通过公开竞标过程出售无人居住的岛屿,以用于旅游、交通、贸易、仓储和工业发展。
The coastal province will ll off its uninhabited islands for tourism, transportation, trade, warehou and industrial development through a public bidding process starting next year.
5. 自从她在伊拉克战争中失去儿子,布朗太太的神经几乎到了崩溃的边缘。Mrs. Brown has been on the verge of having a nervous breakdown ever since she lost her son in the Iraq War.
6. 当前,中央政府不太可能抑制经济发展,除非过热现象变得非常严重。
At prent, the likelihood is that the central government will not get the brakes on the economy, unless the overheating becomes far greater.
7. 董事会应遵守有关法律、法规、规则及公司章程的条款,并严格履行其公开作出的承诺。
The board of directors shall abide by relevant laws, regulations, rules and the company’s articles of association, and shall strictly fulfill the undertakings they made publicly.
8. 电气公司的高层领导认为,这一战略成功与否关键在于能否获得必要的核心竞争力,尤其是在半导体领域内。
The top management of the electric company reckoned that the success of the strategy would hinge on acquiring the necessary core competitiveness, particularly in miconductors.
9. 银行购买短期有价证券,可以加强资金的流动性,但这样做是以牺牲潜在的更高收益为代价的。
Banks that purcha short-term curities can increa cash liquidity, but this is done at the expen of higher potential returns.
10. 政界和商界领袖们希望弄懂他们作出的关于恐怖主义以及全球变暖的决策将会如何影响今后数十年的世界经济。
Political and business leaders hope to understand how their decisions about terrorism and global warming could affect the world economy in decades to come.
Unit 6
1. 丈夫和妻子必须告诉对方自己是如何感受的;否则的话他们将会把一些角色和行为强加给对方,导致更多的不幸福。
Husband and wife must be able to tell each other how they feel; otherwi they will impo on each other roles and actions that lead to further unhappiness.
2. 许多婚姻的失败都是因为一方不能想象另一方所想要的,或者不能表达自己的需要或感觉。
Many marriages fall apart becau either partner cannot imagine what the other wants or cannot communicate what he or she needs or feels.
3. 别再相信他了。他就是那个自己盖了房子然后把它赌输的人。
Don’t trust him anymore. He’s the man who built this hou and then gamb led it away.
4. 通常来说,即使在学术界,这些标准只是假设而已,几乎从不公布于众。Often, the criteria — even in the academic world — are assumed, and are hardly brought out into the open.
5. 我这么做就是鼓励她充分说出自己与这些讨论相反的意见。
While I did this, I was encouraging her to talk through opinions of her own that ran counter to the discussions.
6. 当我们在农历大年夜回到故乡时,村子里洋溢着春节的欢乐气氛。
When we returned to our hometown on Chine Lunar New Year’s Eve, the village rang with the joy of the Spring Festival.
7. 她一直对我很粗暴,但当她开始侮辱我的母亲时,使我忍无可忍了。She’s always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother.
8. 这位妇女已有几年没有听到丈夫的音信了,但对丈夫会回到她身边始终抱有希望。
The woman has not heard from her husband for years, but she always clings to the hope that her husband will come back to her.
9. 这项裁决本可以为新的起诉打开方便之门,现在却使问题陷入了混乱。Now the ruling, which could open the way for new procutions, has thrown the issue into chaos.
10. 逃犯紧紧盯着四周窗户,仿佛警察正从四面八方向他包围过来。
The escaped criminal stared at the windows, as if the policemen were closing in on him from all sides.
Unit 7
1. 一家制药公司得知了那个孩子患有罕见血液基因缺失疾病,突然想到了一个用他的血液获利的方法。
A pharmaceutical company learned of the young boy with a rare blood deficiency, and hit upon a way to u his blood profitably.

本文发布于:2023-05-10 13:26:42,感谢您对本站的认可!



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